This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Monday, October 16, 2006


English Paper 2 - 46.5/70
Chinese Paper 2 - 73/100
Mathematics - 61/100
Science - 50/100
History - 60/100
Home Economics - 74/100
Literature - 52/100

I think that's all...Yup praise God. =)

Ooh and the PSI thingy..I shall show you some photos as evidence to show you how bad it is.

Look at the sky...okay lah actually I took this like long April (x but anyway this shows that Singapore has always been hazy but its more hazy this time. Lol.

Okay enjoy. (:

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I feel like vomitting D:
I tried cooking curry just now but I didn't know that the milk turned bad and it was just so gross I had to throw all of it away. Don't trust expiry dates. The expiry date was 20/10/06 but today's only the 12. -.-
So in the end I cooked a sunny side up. But after eating it I feel more like puking. Okay too much gas inside? X_X Got to go to school tomorrow and today's the 2nd day of the marking days so we didnt have to go to school.
Woke up at 6.10 yesterday because I slept real early - 7plus and I didn't wake up till the next morning :D And I even napped for 4 hours in the afternoon, plus I ate a lot yesterday. (okay, everyday) Call me a pig. Hahaha.
Then today I woke up at 9.43am..slept at 12plus so I think I had 9hours of sleep. Hmmm had a dream last night and it was a good dream. XD Haven't dreamt of anything for so long. Lol I dont dream of anything on schooldays. Too tired to dream. Lol. And I told QH my dream then we called KJ for conference and SH was still yup and KJ was so tired all he could say was "Goodnight" -.-

I'm bored. Byeeee.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Barbers Don't Exist!

I copied this from Gaby's site..hope she doesn't mind. Ahaha. (:

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair cut and his beard trimmed. As the
barber began to work, they began to have a good conversation. They talked about
so many things and various subjects.

When they eventually touched on the
subject of God, the barber said: "I don't believe that God exists."

do you say that?" asked the customer.

"Well, you just have to go out in
the street to realize that God doesn't exist. Tell me, if God exists, would
there be so many sick people? Would there be abandoned children? If God existed,
there would be neither suffering nor pain. I can't imagine a loving a God who
would allow all of these things."

The customer thought for a moment, but
didn't respond because he didn't want to start an argument. The barber finished
his job and the customer left the shop. Just after he left the barbershop, he
saw a man in the street with long, stringy, dirty hair and an untrimmed beard.
He looked dirty and unkempt.

The customer turned back and entered the
barber shop again and he said to the barber: "You know what? Barbers do not

"How can you say that?" asked the surprised barber. "I am here,
and I am a barber. And I just worked on you!"

"No!" the customer
exclaimed. "Barbers don't exist because if they did, there would be no people
with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards, like that man outside."

but barbers DO exist! What happens is, people do not come to me."

"Exactly!"- affirmed the customer. "That's the point! God, too, DOES
exist! What happens, is, people don't go to Him and do not look for Him. That's
why there's so much pain and suffering in the world.

I found this really interesting. Because a lot of people ask the same question as the barber did, but never knew the reason why. But today you know and here is the answer.

Yup and my EOYS ended yesterday. So nice to wake up so early. Lol I slept for 10 and a half hours (what a pig) Lol...okay no one's online to talk to me..Shall wait till 8. =)

Friday, October 06, 2006


I made a rollover menu button. See it here.
:D Please don't steal the codes. Stealing is a crime.

Yup! Finally got the codes right and everything. Thank God!

By the way 10 marks flew away for History exam already and for the I dint do really well for the 5 questions. One question was about the pull factors, and I only wrote two factors. Peace, job and business oppurtunites. Sigh, never mind. Did some science MCQ today. Yup.

Was conferencing with the other 3 usual people and they were so noisy I hanged up, literally. Lol anyway uhh study smart, God bless & take care.

(After exams I'm going to go to a lot of houses. Hohoho. ((((:)

08/10 update: The PSI has gone down to 73 in the North. Hurray & praise God! :DDD Oh yes, added a new games page. Its under the Visitor section so go check it out when you're free. ((:

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Let's count them:

  1. English

  2. Chinese

  3. Literature

  4. Maths 1
Tomorrow: History
Monday: Maths 2 + Science
Tuesday: Art + Home Economics


I did question 1 and 3 for HMT Paper 1, and I wrote the wrong 格式 for 应用文! Bang. I didn't have to write my own address. Lol I think its easier writing an english report. XD

Oh yah, after HMT Paper 2, everyone was like, "bi duan zen me xie?" which translates to, "How is 'bi duan' written?" Then MZ found the the ci yu shou ce that its actually in chapter 25! But we didn't learn that. A bit unfair, but I guess it was to check if we were uhh smart enough or something. And I wrote fu lu's lu wrongly..Apparently, I forgot how to write it -.-

Lol but anyway its over. :D P.S: God, thanks for your strength all this while. Couldn't have done it without You. Love ya! ((:
Okay gonna study all the history powerpoints carefully later on. So take care, God bless, study smart and byeee! ((:

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sandra blogs!

Lalala so whether anyone tags I'll still blog. Lol anyway I've been doing it since don't know when. XP

Having Maths Paper 1 and Literature on Thursday. Nice. Okay so its the EOYS. We got to study like crazy and sleep EARLY. But I have already cultivated the bad habit of sleeping at 12+, the earliest these days being 11+. Uh oh. So my sore throat was really bad this morning. I couldn't even speak. My voice was coarse and irksome. Hahaha. But thank God everything was okay after recess..yea something like that :D

Oh yes had literature test today. It was okay except that for the essay part I wrote like 1 page, leaving lines in between. And I was like glancing around and then I saw people like writing 1 full page, WITHOUT leaving lines. Gosh =O But anyway the question was "Discuss who is the more important one in John's life - Gloria or Violet" I picked Violet. But then again, it could be Gloria and I thought I could write more if I picked Gloria but anyway I sticked to my 1st choice. :)

And...Mrs Chia was saying it didn't matter, as long as you argued your stand well and blah..then she talked about her family..which I could emphatise with, but it must be worse for an adult..but I know..about the bitterness towards the father and being torn at two ends not knowing what to do. I know..okay I shall not think about it..If only she gave me that question to write for the essay. I could give her at least 3 pages without leaving lines. Hahhaha.

Okay this is a crappy post. =X God bless, study smart for the exams and bye! =D

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Cause for joy?

Blogger Beta -

Its cool, though a little like Wordpress in this Beta version. Has got categories, though they don't call it categories. And the archives runs down a little classier. Also you can set permissions as to who you want to read the blog. But I still think setting permissions as to who you want to read CERTAIN POSTS is better. (;

Oh and I like the new MOE arrangement. Its about the EM3 stream being dropped. YAY! Which means I don't have to worry about Jian Wei or Shirleen getting in there. Its a good thing. =D

Oh yes, did I mention that the Marigold milk FINALLY came? Lol and many people did not know why it came. Did you think Marigold had so much time they didn't mind dropping by our school to give us some milk to drink, seeing that we are all "malnourished"? LOL. Okay so obviously you haven't been listening to that day's morning announcement. Hmm but those who read my blog should know why..Yup and there was chocolate milk! :D

OOLALALA. Take care, God bless and bye (:

Friday, September 29, 2006


I hope you can feel my excitement from this post if you're reading this. :DDDD
Gosh you're not gonna believe what I found! I wanted to find an old korean song...the one in MNKSS. And then I found out the title and singer. Ah Reum Da Oon Sa Ram - Seo Yoo Suk. I also found out that its in the "Memories of My Lovely Samsoon OST II"! But no one had it! AHHH Gosh but I can't find it anywhere on the Internet! RAHHH. Then I tried to find the music scores. So that at least someone who knows how to play a piano can play the tune for me. Ahaha then OMGOSH. GUESS WHAT. [Drum roll...]


I don't normally use that many exclaimation marks but when I do, its because I'm really happy! Lol yea 1 exam down already. Yepyep OOLALA! Okay back to the topic, its...! MY GOSH ITS SO CUTE AND LOVELY AND THE IMAGE IS GREAT AND EVERYTHING. The song playing in the background is actually Qing Zhu by Rainie Yang in Korean! Anyway the title in Korean for that song is Love Song by 7 Princesses(A korean girl band if I'm not wrong).

And I didn't know there's a book on my lovely samsoon! Lol the cartoon of the cover page is really cute. :DDDD And then I went to his photo album and started saving pictures almost immediately, especially from the MNKSS cagetory. I didn't know that he could write Chinese! Impressed is the word. Okay the blog is written by a fan of his...

BANG. Anyway I had a lot of fun over at that blog. OOLALA!

A little gift to you guys ((:

Love like you've never been hurt before;

Dance like no one is looking;

Work like you don't need the money;

Sing like no one is listening;

Live like today is the last day.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Long time no update!

Hee sorry for the lack of updates recently...Been busy with school and stuff. Got to stay back almost everyday, really worn out. By the way, Magnolia hasn't delievered the milk to our school yet. Lol. And I executed my coursework (Practical) yesterday already! YAY! So now I have to finish up the paperwork and stuff and I'm done. We also handed in our Chinese Portfolio today.

Oh and going to Esplanade with QH, SH, KJ and Victoria tomorrow to watch the music concert for music homework. Hmmm. The exams are round the corner too! 7 more days and its the English paper. Mrs Lau has been giving us a lot of composition practice recently. Have to think and rush out an essay during class time. Its sick (haha) but its good in a sense that we can push ourselves to the limit and stuff like that.

And also..having ScMa and Chinese tuition tomorrow. Some people say I'm soo busy and even ask me if I'm stressed. Lol but I guess it depends on individuals. For me I just do what I have to do and let God do the rest. (: And He never falied me. So thank You God. (:

Oh yes went for YF yesterday then we started with a game 1st. Concentration then we replaced the actions with the actions for "I've got peace by the river.." and I lost the tempo and then we didn't even get through the 1st person in the game. Lol.

LOOOOL. And I am watching zong yi da ge da now and this funny middle-aged guy sang a song and it went like that...男得不流氓,发育不正常. Lol! How hilarious. Ojay this middle-aged man seems to be really hyper on TV. -.- Mhmm. I'm feeling happy you should too.

SMILE ALWAYS :D God bless and take care!

The photo taken outside "The Durian".. (edited using PS. XD)


Monday, September 11, 2006



Wheewheewhee. I guess all of us didn't regret going to Raffles City afterall. (: After school today (actually not really after school, we had the permission to leave early and so, skipped Chinese lessons and didn't hand in the English essay =x), we went there in Mr Wang's car and all of us had to squeeze inside. Lol.

We were the 1st to reach there. Walked around the exhibtion and saw the artworks of the 6 other schools who had participated too. Then shortly after the primary school students came and they were so small &cute. Lol. And then we got some free cookies and drinks. Hohoho. :D I chose the apple and aloe vera juice. Its the same as the one sold in the school canteen. Didn't have my camera with me at that time so no pictures. But Mr Wang took some photos..maybe I'll edit them later.

Anyway, we got first! YAYAYAY. There's gonna be a one-time supply of Marigold milk for PHS students! Hear this, all of you are going to get to drink some milk! Hahahaaa. Stayed there and some reporters interviewed us. But the straits times one didn't and Mr Wang was like telling her to come and interview us. Lol waited so long but still, never mind. But what's the use of buying the malay paper since I can't understand it. Lol. So anyway, nice exposure lah.

Then we went back from City Hall MRT...And I stopped to take out my wallet at the Control Station like I always do then when I looked up, Carine and the rest were gone! So saddening, got ditched by them. So I was quite lost. Went down the escalator and realised I went to the wrong side. Then I went up again and took the escalator down from the other side. But how would I know its the same. -.-

Then I walked around in the control station for a while and finally managed to find that correct side. -.- Lame stuff, and my shoulders ache. Carried the bag and books and stood throughout the whole journey. Really tiring. I was so beat I plonked right on my bed when I reached back and napped for a long long time. Then I woke up and here I am.

Got to rush out that one-word topic essay. God bless!

Monday, September 04, 2006

September holidays

They are here. I feel stressed by Coursework. Having ScMa Tuition on Wednesday at 1.30PM.

/Edit } 06.09 : Went to Great World City with Mummy at 6.40PM in Uncle Peter's car because Mummy had two free tickets to a movie - Singapore Dreaming (美满人生) sponsored by Shell. (: Left JW at home...Mhmm came out of the house at 6.22 and then took the train to Kranji because Uncle Peter was there to bring us there.

We thought we were going to be late but anyway when we reached there we were quite lost but we still managed to find Golden Village on the 3rd floor. Haha then went to the receptionist area to "mark our attendance" and then ate some stuff there and I drank Iced Tea too! :D Then we took the combo bags. [ Coke and popcorn :D ] Lol and walk inside the Cinema. We thought the movie had already started but it had not -.- So anyway waited until 7.30 for it to begin. Hmm and at first everything was in Hokkien and we thought the whole show was going to be in Hokkien. Lol.

But it wasn't lah. Hmm and yah the show was very Singapore. Aptly named eh? Haha okay and the show ended around 9.20 I think. Yea and I ate one whole packet of popcorn already. Lol Anyway, it was a nice movie =) Hmm then we walked around GWC and I saw a Pet Shop! (PETS Kampong) and ohmygoodness the pets were so adorable! Hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits woah they were really cute! I took some photos of them using my phone ahahaa. Little animals are so lovely :D Lingered there for around 15 minutes or so.. (:

Then we proceeded to Food Junction to get some food. Actually I was the one who was hungry so we walked to a stall named Ah Wat Noodle Shop to buy Mushroom meatball noodle soup for me. And I told mummy how I thought Shell company should be really loaded because they sponsored movie tickets for more than 100 people and booked the entire cinema and receptionist area. Yup and it wasn't the 1st time I went there with free tickets. Nippon sponsored once too. So Yeye gave daddy the 3 tickets to watch Para Para Sakura.

So I've gone to Great World City twice to watch free movies. Hahaha. Okay end of account. God bless, take care and bye~! (: (Got to teach JW Chinese)

By the way, I finished watching MNKSS on Youtube! :D Took a screenshot of the last scene, aww how sweet. (: But President Na didn't allow them to marry each other. How cruel. Baddie. Lol anyway,

Click to enlarge. :)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Sun Plaza

There are swimming pools in Sun Plaza.

Because there are condominiums in Sun Plaza! And its true. I wanted to blog about this since the start of my tuition in Mrs Ang's house but I always forgot. Lol. She lives in Sun Plaza! And you know errr the back of Sun Plaza after Cavana and the escalator, there's an opening and you walk through it and turn to your right and walk straight till you see the "Fire Command Centre" grey sign. Okay its not a fire command centre really. -.- Maybe Sun Plaza did that to trick everyone. Anyway there are keypads there (like outside IT rooms) and after you press a certain unit number (there are 9 floors I think.) press bell and wait for the security guard to come out of his office and open then door for you. Actually he just presses a button in the office and the door opens automatically. So high tech right? Lol.

:D So now you know. Ha ahaaa.

Oh yah I took a quiz too.

The Five Love Languages

My primary love language is probably
Quality Time
with a secondary love language being
Acts of Service.

Complete set of results

Quality Time: 10
Acts of Service: 8
Receiving Gifts: 5
Words of Affirmation: 4
Physical Touch: 3

Wow quality time is a full 10. Hhahaa.


Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.

Take the quiz

By the way, that Mars spectacular thing was not true at all. I didn't even see that planet. -.-

Sunday, August 27, 2006


You Are 90% Psychic

You are so very psychic.
But you already predicted that, didn't you?
You have "the gift" - and you use it daily to connect with others.
You're very tapped into the world around you...
Just make sure to use your powers for good!
Hmm yes I did predict that I am psychic. How weird eh? And I thought it was just telephaty between people and me. Hhaha.

You Are 40% Left Brained, 60% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Your Aura is Blue

Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.

You in Love: Relationships are your top priority, and this includes love. You are most happy when you are serious with someone.

Your Career: You need to help others in your job to feel satistifed. You would be a great nurse, psychologist, or counselor.
I love this! Haha, blue is great for me. ((:

Your EQ is 100

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
Wow. Lol I thought it meant that I had full EQ. Looool. Thank God I'm just averae. (;

Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.
And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!
Lol. Nice.

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

You Are a Auditory Learner

You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well.
You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music.
You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star!

Goodness. Lol.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Did anyone noticed?

That I have a new theme in the sidebar, Rainbow. I havent been hardworking enough to update the preview skins page though. =X The headings don't look too good to me. Anyway I like the picture. ((:

Oh yah. I helped to make a blogskin for Zhi Heng...Yup and he edited it. Its really nice. =D I added a new blogskin in the visitor page too. Its the dog one I had been working on, but seriously I can tell you I don't think its really nice. =X

And I know a lot of pop ups appear in this site. =S I'll try to fix the problem ASAP. By the way, I have Google Toolbar to help me. It helps. Also, there in a in-built Pop up blocker in XP computers so go to Tools -> Pop-up blocker then turn it on. That should work. :))

Having my Chinese Oral the day after tomorrow. [26.08 Edit: I was the last one to take the exam. Lol. For morning group. I stammered a lot in the passage =X because I didn't how how to read a lot of the words. Ms Choi said I did badly for the passage but I was not bad for the conversation. =D Yay I hope my score isn't too bad ((: By the way I lost my tuition file! I can't find it anywhere. =X Its been weeks already. Praying that I'll find it quickly because there is tuition tomorrow. It will be so embarrasing to tell her that I still can't find it..after 3 weeks. Sigh.

Anyway, did practical for Home Economics today! (: We cooked Curry. My partner was Qiu Hui and the curry turned out to be really yummy! :D Actually when I started cooking it really didn't look like curry until Ms Kumari put in that brownish thing...belachan? Something like that. And then all the flavour and aroma came out. Yum yum. Ate it with bread for lunch. The only ingredient I don't like is the green peas which are supposed to make the dish healthier. Lol.

I made a cartoonish happy family image too! DD provided the images, individually and I edited them. Clck to enlarge (:

Okay till here, God bless, take care and goodbye. (:

P.S: New favourite show! :D 我叫金三顺 (My lovely Samsoon). The guy's handsome. Hhahaa. I love the soundtrack too. She Is by Clazziquai. I'm going crazy over the song. Lol. You can see the trailer here...

They are so cute together luh. :D

I think I made the wrong choice. I was mistakened. I didn't know you were...I don't know. Big joke. LALALALA. mr. blahblahblah.
Can't believe my ears. I doubt I heard the wrong thing too. Perhaps I shouldn't be hearing anything in the first place.

Monday, August 21, 2006


[Disclaimer: The joke below is not true. This one is lame. My chinese tuiton teacher told me this. Lol.]

One day, Saddam Hussein went to Lee Kuan Yew to consult him, "Who is your father's son?". Lee Kuan Yew did not know how to answer his question so he went to Tony Tan and Tony Tan's answer was "Its me!" So LKY told Saddam that. So now this Saddam was unsure if it was true so he questioned his friend who just came out of jail and told him a give him a reply in 3 days.

His friend was afraid this was a trick and that Saddam would send him back to jail so he asked who he thought would have the best answer, Bill Clinton. Of course, Clinton was a clever guy and his asnwer was the same as Tony's. And so this friend of Saddam told Saddam after 3 days, "I've thought long and hard. My father's son is Bill Clinton." Well Saddam ought to laugh at this point of time shouldn't he? Yet he pulled a long face and shouted at his friend, "WRONG! Its Tony Tan you dummy!"

LOL! So who was the dumb one? Haha haa. (:

The next joke is in Chinese.

很久很久以前,还没有开始叫爹和娘时,父亲是称为令尊 (可能是因为古代人认为爸爸是敬的人物。),而母亲是称为令堂。

好,那令尊有了一家杂货店。有一天,他要出去,就对他儿子说:“我要出去了,帮我照顾杂货店。” 他儿子就说:“好的。”


过后,父亲回了,问儿子有没有人来,儿子就说:“有。” 便把事情的一五一十告诉了父亲。


我在网上也找到了相似的笑话。 可是我看了看,还是觉得我的版本比较好笑。哈哈哈哈哈。XD 补习老师说的时候,我笑到肚子痛。LOL.

Lilypie Next Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 17, 2006


I've decided that the best thing one could ever be is a Jesus Freak (:

Do you think a lot? I do and thinking is good because you sort things out along the way and I do that when I'm alone in a train. (Goodness this sounds like the start of an essay) Anyway I thought everyone had gotten bored of that collage of Shirleen so here I am updating. Yup so these few days had been nice thank God. We had the CRPP thingy again and I got to do English, well that's something to thank God for because I heard that the maths paper wasn't easy.

Haha okay I got so frantic when people started to walk up to hand in the paper and so I was like rushing myself quickquickquick. Lol. Mrs Lau gave us some worksheets to do. Hmm learnt some new words like encumber (which means to weight down) and extremity (pronouced as eggs-treme-ty) (:

We have science theory homework anyway. And uh apparently we just started on a really gross chapter. Hoping we can get over it really quickly. Singapore Idol is on TV now, oh yah reminds me of Xi Tong because she said she looks like Paul Twohill during maths class. Lol. And something is wrong with my FTP ):

You could not be logged in! Either your user data are erroneous or you have no privileges to access this server!

This can't be! What is wrong? ): I cannot add links. Okay never mind. God bless, take care and smile always. (:

Multiply -
Bebo -
Yahoo! Answers - Sandrainbow
Friendster - solh

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Collage of Shirleen

Some updates:

9th August (National Day)
Went over to my uncle's house to watch the show. We (My family) went at noon. And I remember that I got a terrible stomachache that day. It lasted for one whole hour. Sigh how pathetic. At the end of it all, I was so drained but at least God saved my life. Hhahaa. Okay so yup I managed to catch the show at 6pm just in time. And I saw the fireworks! They were beautiful and I have videos! (Will upload them later) H ahaa I can watch the fireworks from the windows at my uncle's place you see. But I guess that will be the last time I can do that because 2007's NDP will not be at the same place already. ): Probably Padang or somewhere else..

Okay the videos are here! (They are not really that spectacular though, I saw them from afar. XD You can see close-up ones in Youtube! Those are like...woah.)

10th August (Yesterday)
Okay I didn't go to school because I was sick. Well I'm still sick actually, but a lot better (: Okay so I stayed at home all day, watching TV and using the computer. I was sitting on the sofa with my blanket around me practically all day long. Hmm okay and how I wished I had could have gone to school. )): I missed out a lot didn't I. Bang. I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL. H ahaha. Okay.

11th August (Today)
YAY! TODAY is the day that God has made, God has made, God has made~. Hhaaa. Okay. I'm going to to learn more PHP! Yuhoo! :D Then there is tuition later at 11.30am. I better not be late =X Okay so yes I'm currently working on a Dog blogskin. (: And...I'm eating breakfast now. Kaya bread + Milo..And I'll be eating my medicine later. Thank you to all who send their regards hahahaha especially the happy family :D THANK YOU! (: Okay I shall publish this long post.

Smile always, God bless, take care and bye~! (:

P.S: I've taken away the archives because the layout doesn't show when I clicked on them -.- So sorry. Anyway you can scroll down to read the other 6 posts (;

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

National Day Celebration

And so we were dismissed superearly today! :D Reached at 1030. Nice, I ate HAM+EGG+CHEESE toast! Hah ahaa. And I went to the library at 11 after surfing the net for a little bit and checking to see who's online.

Hmm okay I just finished reading a book! Goodness I actually took 1 and a half hours to finish this book of 165 pages. (: Anyway I really like this book. Its about parents well their problems and its also sort of seperation stuffs, if you get what I mean (: The title is abruptly, "Parents Behaving Badly". Lol I don't think the title fits but well never mind :)

Brother's watching sesame street on TV now. Apparently he's also counting how much money he saved for don't-know-how-long already. Ha ahaa. He looks serious. Like hello? YOU ARE WATCHING A CARTOON NOT A DOCUMENTARY and why are you looking so serious? Lol and now he's shouting at uncle. -.- Because he doesn't want to revise anything now.

I don't understand something about my brother. He doesn't like wearing his shirt at home. His reason? The weather is so hot! Lame excuse. I think he got that from my dad. He does that too. But its ridiculous. Weather hot can wear singlet one right? Durndurn. Okay, I'm still in half u. QH is in NCC...And mum went for work already. So yup...Rather bored. But I've got 3 more books to read! H aha I borrowed 4.

Anyway, the celebration today was okay (since we've rehearsed so many times already) I wonder why I giggled so much when we (the MRL) were marching (or rather, strolling) past the people. I must be crazy. SANDRA, WERE YOU CRAZY? Lol. I slept a bit when the prin_ _ _ al was saying a speech or something. I think I was bobbing my head when I slept. Lol. And passed Carine the chinese homework and science when I reached. Yup.

In the morning I woke up at..6.29 I think. Then I called OJW to wake up. But apparently he was still snoozing. -.- Okay then..usual routine - Toilet, change, tie up hair, eat breakfast, wear socks and shoes. Yea then went to the MRT station with OJW and mummy.

Okay, I think I've said everything the happened today though the events are not in order, ha ha. So, God bless, take care and bye! =)

I edited the photo of 2faith XD

Ha haa. =)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

1 more to go!

There's just one more test - Home Economics - on Monday and then its [almost] over! EOY is just 2 more months away. Streaming ahhh. Convenience food is food that has been partially or totally prepared by food manufacturers. Got to read the chapters at at least 3 times so that I won't forget the content. Ha ha okay. Photoshop is open. Shall blog more later in the day! =)

More; I submitted a new blogskin. [Break Free] (: "Cloud says: Look at me! I'm breaking...frreeee! :D" I'm working on a new one.


Aug 06 - I submitted the new one already! :D [So Lovely] Yay. Okay I shall post this now. (:


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Some photos and more..

MY BRAIN! Okay its not.

Shirleen & me (:

Mummy & me. Why is she looking down. Lol.

I finished reading the chinese story, yay! (: Didn't even try looking down once, just wanted to finish it quickly and get done with it. H haa. Despite cai lao shi telling me to have eye contact with the audience I was like just reading off the paper. And I got M & Ms! =D H aha okay..Tomorrow's histoary common test! I hope I'll just do my best, yayay! Jia You Sandra, you can do it ^^

By the way the new layout is up somewhere but I got to edit it...yea so you might not see it so soon.

Its up already! Its title is "Rainbow". Check the other pages to find out how it looks like! :D

Made a multiply website yesterday for fun. H aa. :) Oh & I love 爱情零度C's (Channel 8, 9pm. Last episode on Friday) theme song! =D Finally found the lyrics for it. Maybe going to see if I can download it later. ^^

主唱:芮恩 词:芮恩 曲/编: Ken Lim

温暖的心灵 我相信
选择勇往直前 热量在前锋
冻结的心 渴望自由
每一天挣扎 没人看见
狂风暴雨 冰冷寒风
温暖的心灵 我相信
选择勇往直前 热量在前锋~

Okay God bless and take care. =)

P.S: THIS IS SO..Okay the subdomain is exactly the same as mine and the image wahwahwah. And she's Tamara and I'm Sandra and her birthday is 2 days before me...she's a Christian too! this is...So woah..Lol

Friday, July 28, 2006

God does everything for a purpose ((:

If You Want Me To - Ginny Owens
The pathway is broken
And the signs are unclear
And I don't know the reason why You brought me here
But just because You love me the way that You do
I'm gonna walk through the valley
If You want me to

Thou' I'm not who I was
When I took my first step
And I'm clinging to the promise
You're not through with me yet
so if all of these trials bring me closer to You
Then I will walk through the fire
If You want me to

It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world thats not my home
But You never said it would be easy
You only said I'd never go alone

So when the whole world turns against me
And I'm all by myself
And I can't hear You answer my cries for help
I'll remember the suffering that Your love put You through
And I'll walk through the darkness
If You want me to

Cause when I cross over Jordon
I'm gonna sing, gonna shout
Gonna look into your eyes and say
You never let me down
So take me on the pathway
that leads me home to You
And I will walk through the valley if You want me to

Yes I will walk through the valley if You want me to.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I must.

I got to have it. For God, I must. =)
Watching TV now. (Channel U)
Realised that I have not blogged for some time. H ahaa.
Okay so here comes my SHORT update. (:
P.S: I love Gulim, the font! =D

Was wacky uh crazy today with the happy family. Lol.
We were having a great time singing the birdbird song.
As we birdbird, as we birdbird
As we birdbird all night,
With a heel and a toe
And a half turnabout,
With a heel and a toe
And a new birdbird found!

Ha ha. =D I'm halfway through the new layout for BPC. (:
And I don't want to be MISS LALA already.
Time to be serious. Okay common tests next week.
Got to do my best! Bye and God bless! (:

Friday, July 21, 2006


God is good.
Amen. (:

That's me & my world =D Scott Jackson is a talented designer (:

God mended my bleeding heart and gave me victory. I love you God =D
But I have to be careful or I'll fall . (;
Help me God.

When I was in primary 2 I used my father's computer and I didn't know how the browser and everything worked. And I clicked on the X (Stop) button beside the refresh button. I panicked and told PAPA the computer spoilt. Lol how silly I was. And it made my dad cringe and he started scolding me because he didn't know how to make it work again. LOOL!

And so I suggested restarting the computer but of course, now I know that all you have to do is press the refresh button beside that stop button. HAHAHAHAA. Silly people -- me & dad.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Moving on

Uninstall MSN and CuteFTP
MSN is getting freaky and CuteFTP's trial already expired.
Lessen the disk space on my computer. Ha ha.
Use, MSN Web Messenger or Windows Messenger for MSN or maybe install WLM on this computer! =D Use for FTP stuff. (=

I'm sure those in 2Faith English Class will find this amusing. And there's sarcarsm. (;

And I just read an email. It was so...saddening. The pictures..the boy's hand got minced off and he couldn't cry. He had to beg. His family was too poor. People with weak hearts will cry upon seeing those images. The world is a cruel place. ): The pictures showed the hand being minced off by the mincer with doctors beside the boy, are they heartless? How could they allow this to happen? It was gruesome, blood and all. I shall stop talking about it.

Where'd you go featuring Holly Brook.

God bless. (:

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Chinese test tomorrow, maths test on friday & science test on monday. STUDY!
Things have been going really fast, like a bullet train that doesn't even have the time to "CHOO, CHOO." Stayed back after school today for the Home Economics Project. Half completed. Well Hui Mei brought back the rest of the materials and everything. I ran up and down so many times today I think I might have ran around the whole school one round already. I feel lethargic. I'd like to pause time now to rejuvenate my mind, unwind and reflect. Things happen so fast sometimes people don't even have the time to pause and think about life.

Let me have only 1 purpose for life - To glorify You. (:
In Jesus Name,

Okay take care, smile always, take care & bye. =)

Monday, July 17, 2006

(There's gotta be) More to life

Than chasing just every temporary high...I like the song. Remember when the Youth 4 Christ came? Maybe the person in the song is me. Ha ha.

Its Qiu Hui's birthday today. (: I hope she likes the piggy. Ha ha. I've got Maths Tutition later. Went back with QH and KJ. I kind of left Victoria alone. She wanted to me accompany her till her Tennis starts. But I wanted to go yah.

And we had 听写 today. I didn't buy the book so I had to use foolscap paper. Thank God I wasn't the only one :) I'm going to tell the chinese story soon! Go up there and read the story..A bit scary eh. If everything goes as planned, I'll be telling the story next Tuesday. (:

Science was rather dull today. He kept saying we were stupid. But anyway, I'm using the computer now because I don't know what time tuition ends. I hope I can use the computer after that..I'm bored now. Maybe I should take a bath now. Or do homework. Thank God there isn't a lot of homework. :)

God bless, take care and bye.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

But somehow now I do


Lol Jeanette told me to take part so I did. (:

Life is only a temporary assignment.

Don't give up Sandra!
Its already half completed.

After that, its more than life.

Come obstacles come,
God will bring me through.

I found myself.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

296th post

I'm tired. I'm really tired. I'm tired of everything. I so feel like dying. I want to go away in my sleep. I'm tired of tolerating your nonsense. I tried. I tried so hard. Why must you always push me down when I'm at the top of the mountain. And I don't want to pretend to be happy in front of anyone again. Haven't I been good at acting? I've been smiling and everything and hypering around. But now its time I go. I've already used every single ounce of energy to keep myself happy. I'm sorry I can't be the perfect daughter. Bye bye.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Not on hiatus

Yup I shall blog and not go into hiatus until...sometime later. I'm in my dad's house. Okay I'm going to tell all my readers and I don't mind if you read this because I'm not afraid of letting people know now. My parents divorced. Well yah so you see this is another computer. [小叔叔 gave it to me =D ] I like this computer more than the one at my grandma's. And that is where my mum, siblings and myself stay.

Because this monitor is LCD. And its fast. And I can have it all to myself during the weekends. But I have to rush back to grandma's for tuition tomorrow after lunch. So you see I'm busy and sometimes I wonder how I handled everything. It must be God's strength. =)

I'm downloading Maple here. So I can play during the weekends! QIU HUI DID YOU READ THIS? Ha hahaha. 65% already. =D And I downloaded SmartFTP here too. But SmartFTP could be better - They don't allow me to edit the PHP files like CuteFTP does. )= But that's the only complaint I have. Ha ha. If only they added that feature. I'll love it! Because above all, its free and does not have any limitations! =D

Oh its 69% for Maple now. Yahoo! XD I downloaded WLM too! Windows Live Messenger lah. Lol. And I installed Messenger Plus for WLM too. YAY! ITS GOOD. =D
I've even uninstalled MSN Messenger and Messenger Plus! 3 on this computer. YAY!

OH 70%! YAY Its fast. Thank God. God is so good HALLELUJAH! Brother slept already! YAYAYAY! He was pestering me to let him use the computer just now. And now he slept! HURRAY! At last there's peace. Sister and dad went to Cell Group. Mhmm.

I guess that is all I have to update. I'm hugging my bolster. 80% now! [Excited] Okay, take care, smile always, God bless and bye bye! =D

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm thinking of putting this blog on a hiatus. I feel weird.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


HELLO! I'm so bored/ No IT today - Mr Chin had a meeting. Anyway my skin works in Blogskins now. =D CLICK HERE! And Kathleen is using my skin now! YAYAYAY :D Ha ha ha. Mad me. And I love my family. Both real & reel. :D

WE ARE THE HAPPY FAMILY! During Character first we were crowding around "YE YE", "Daddy (Whom I call DD!)" And "Mommy (I think I'll call her MIE. LOL)". And the four children cum grandchildren! HOHOHO. Sandra Clausss XD Okay I'm crazy. But I think I'm getting over a crush. Lol like it was any big thing.

We had to do Sit-Ups and Standing Broad-jump during PE to train for the test. I think. I did 30 sit ups. :D Thank God. And then my stomach muscles ached but anyway its normal and it went away after 5 minutes or so. =D And the time frame was 60 seconds. Which means I went down for 1 second and up the other! Ha haha.

And for Standing Broadjump I got 151. Uh huh. Xiao Min was the best I think. She reached 220. [Faints] Okay she's a gymnast. But still its so good! Never mind at least I passed & I guess I did my best. =)

So this post is untitled because I can't think of any title. Ha ha. Chapel was good. GOD IS GOOD! And I went back with Nithiiya. I hope I spelt her name correctly. Yea after waiting so long to find someone to go back with me. =) Yah and so I left Victoria's bag in the canteen. SORRY! =X I hope she doesn't bang my head or whatever tomorrow. =S And I left Qiu Hui with Xi Tong. Lol but anyway we're not going the same direction. So I guess its okay. (:

It has been a good day! Praise God so take care, God bless and bye bye :)

Sunday, July 09, 2006


I went to church this morning :D And Speedlight was great :) 333 people turned up for the worship concert on Friday. Actually I don't have much to blog but anyway we (The cell group members) celebrated Angeline's birthday outside the food court. We bought a chocolate cake and she is 24 now! (: And Cell Group is going to be restructured and I have mixed feelings about this too. I wasn't sure of what to tell Angeline when she asked for comments. I guess things will just have to move on. And then now I'm back to grandma's house. No one knows about this really but I really want to go home.

Added a new blogskin to the visitors page. :) Purple Flower. Go see!

[Edit: 10th July]
I submitted a new skin to Blogskins but for some reason they say its invalid ): Anyway you can go here to preview and download the skin. (:

And I'm still waiting for You to bring me up. :)


Friday, July 07, 2006


Entranced by the beauty of nature. (:

What's up:
1. Zone Alarm is currently scanning for spyware and viruses.
2. TV is on. Apparently brother supposed to be watching but now he has gone bonkers and is in the room throwing his toy car around. He came back early because of the EXCEL FEST. We had to stay in school for the Councillors Investiture.
3. Now he's screaming into the phone and I think it is Dad who is on the other line.
4. I'm wearing my school uniform, typing in front of this black box and if you don't know what I mean I am talking about this computer right in front of me.
5. I'm going to Church later and meeting people at the control station. :D
6. I'm also talking to Elune and giving her ideas for the Blogskin she's making. (;
7. She is making a LOVE blogskin. Ha ha.
8. I went to KFC with Victoria just now. Had Banditto Pockett. Notice the double "tt"s. Lol.
9. I wore the size 16 shirt today. Lol. Can last till Secondary 4. Or at least till the end of next year. ^^
10. I think I should buy size 15 though.

I think 10 points are enough. Its not like I get to blog everyday. YAY! I blogged twice in the week. HA HA. GOD BLESS & TAKE CARE. :)

P.S. : CLICK, CLICK. (I want it without the tf at the back) :D

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Hello people. Haven't been blogging for a long long time. Lol Sorryyy. School just started and things are getting really busy nowadays. And I haven't really been online but I do check my emails everyday. Ha ha. =)

Oh yes! I've got an oblong face shape. I think. I don't know. Maybe ovalish. Going to add it in Random Facts. (; Maybe its both of them combined.

Okay I found that URL. Don't bother about the eyes thing, I think my face is oval. Lol for a moment I though it was oblong because I read Urban today and I saw one article about sunglasses. Yea.

By the way gahh I forgot wanted I wanted to say. -.- Never mind. Will talk about it if I remember. =X Anyway, we've got the investiture thingy tomorrow so the secondary twos can't go back early. :( But I guess its for a purpose, as in God's purpose. Lol. I'm going for the Sonic Sanctuary thingy tomorrow. With Yi An. :)) Sheryl is going too! YAY!

And I went for CF today. :D Very fun I tell you. We had this decoding game and Group 3 & 4 were practically made up of all guys. And I was the only girl. Bangbang. Lol but never mind after that a girl joined in but I forgot her name! LOOOL. And I didn't bring Science today but Mr Lim didn't say anything. HA HA. God must be helping me. Yesterday I didn't bring PE for the 2.4km run but Mr Sim didn't scold me! :D THANK GOD. I must not forget the next time. And then I didn't bring my history textbook the last lesson and Ms Loo didn't use it. :D

THANK GOD. :D Now I'm all occupied. Monday's my only free day :D

Tuesday - Library duty (Changed the day because it was clashing with IT)
Wednesday - IT Club (Didn't go yesterday, was really tired. =X)
Thursday - Christian Fellowship (Pastor Wee reinforced the T.H.I.N.K thing again. I wrote it in one of my entries last year. =) See the bolded part? CF.)
Friday - Art Club

They're all CCAs by the way :D And I'm glad I chose Clubs and societies. (;
I can't remember the thing I wanted to say. But never mind I love today. :D
God bless, take care, smile always and bye bye. (Will reply to tags some other day. Thanks for tagging though!)

Monday, July 03, 2006

天.. 使我愛你

[PS: I Luv You]

Watched it last night on CH U. Its so nice okay. But there's nothing about it on Youtube. :(
邱泽 is like. WOAH. XD

Anyway I like the "There's a kid in me" song. From Kids Central. Ha ha. Couldn't find the lyrics anywhere so I guess I will type it out. =)

There's a kid in me,
like the kid in you,
all the fun we had together,
fun that lasts forever...

YAY! Didn't have school today. =D And...I lost something. Something important. And I got to rush everything the science electricity one today, print them out.

God bless! :D

Saturday, July 01, 2006


I had a headache. But now its still a little painful so I'm still having a headache. Maybe I should shower or something. Maybe it will help. Something werid happened too my eyes when I woke up. It became smaller. =O AND. IT LOOKED SO WEIRD! MY double eyelids were...Okay it just looked so weird. I starred at the mirror and concluded that I looked like a fish at that time. Maybe I should live underwater or something. Not a bad idea. Hmm.

Dear God,
I pray that my eyes will be better. Thank you.
In Jesus' name I pray,


YAY! My eyes are a lot better. Thank God. :D Ha aaa. My auntie put the cheese mummy bought in the freezer. -_- And now I can't eat it because its frozen. Brrrrr. She said it was there because she wanted to cook them. -_-"' Has anyone ever heard of cheese being boiled, fried or grilled? -.- Never mind so now I have to wait for it to defroze.

Grandma's watching some tochew opera on TV. And I have to finish up the James and the Giant Peach essay. And the history homework that everyone handed in yesterday. The newspaper article one. Hmm and I'm waiting for QH to send over some information.

Okay I guess that's all. I played a game just now. Its called block down. Ha ha. And combo. Its silly. My mouse can't even move properly. Never mind. Smile always, take care, God bless & Bye! :D HANDPHONE RINGIINNG

Friday, June 30, 2006

Random things I love

1. Pastel Colours

Don't bother about the last box. Lol. I'm lazy to photoshop it. Blah. (:

2. Okonomi Yaki! Its Japanese food in case you don't already know. Sushi's nice but Okonomi's even nicer. =P Mhmmm. Japanese PIZZA. YUMYUM. XD

Its so irritating. Hard to move it around. Hard to click. !!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


A lot of changes took place ever since the last time I blogged [ Which is 6 days by the way =P ]. I said I was in Top 15 the other time. I got it this time too. But a 4.5 from a user took me down. Well never mind. Her skins are way better than mine anyway. And a 0.5 from footfook for {Teddy}. He/she has been giving 0.5 to the top 15 rated skins. Flamer.

So anyway, its back to school. New homeroom system driving some people without lockers crazy. Like me. My bag's so heavy. QH said it is. Mum said it was too. But anyway, the nice Victoria wanted to carry my bag. Lol and so she did. How nice is she? (: Reasons why I don't want to buy a locker:

1) The squarish space's small.
2) Too expensive (For a small locker with (I think) a width of 0.4m? Ridiculous..)
3) The other time I applied and sent in the form, I didn't get any reply. Dumb.

So the homeroom thing is not a very good thing in my opinion because...

1) There are so many books to carry around each day.
2) Its not like there's a cheap locker for every student.
3) Our school clearly isn't built for the homeroom system.
4) Its good for the teachers but definitely not for the students.
5) I prefer the old system.
6) We don't have a classroom of our own now.
7) 40 students walking at one time is a messy thing.
8) Why not have the old system back?
9) 1 teacher walking at different times compared to 40 students walking at one time is a much much better idea.
10) The books are heavy.
11) Makes my shoulders ache.
12) The school doesn't have a life or an escalator okay. Not funny.
13) I'm be too tired when I come back from school to do any homework. Blah.

There are so many things to be done. Gonna finish up the holiday homework first. :) Bye and God bless! =D

Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm a happy girl

HEY everyone. I haven't done any holiday homework. And I think my new hair is okayy. My maid. No. That sounds so urgh. I call her auntie anyway. she said "mam, sayang lah. sandra long hair cut so sayang" lol. (sorry, the caps lock key on this computer doesn't work so i have to correct it when i get back. yah, i'm not using my own computer.)

lol she was talking to my mum. then my mum was like. eh she finally say want to cut already leh. lol. i was laughing inside. ahahaha. and i got in top 15 rated. whooo. i'm happy lah. jeanette told me. whoo i love her la. lol. AS A FRIEND. XD

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Things to do

  1. Get a haircut. Heheeeee.

Edit: I got my long tresses cut! REALLY! WOAH. I'll show you what I cut. Lol. I took pictures of the floor after I got them cut. Ha ha. :D

The hairdresser said that my hair was twice as thick as everyone else. I'm special! :D

  1. Catch the finale of Da Chang Jin.

Edit: Finished watching it. It was a good ending. ZHE SHI JIU REN DE SHI, WEI SHEN ME BU KE YI NE? “这是救人的事,为什么不可以”?Her daughter's really adorable. Just like her. Lol. And she was the 1st person & woman to operate on someone. And she succeeded! Mhm, so courageous. :)

  1. Complete homework.
  2. Get a new phone plan.
  3. Send Samsung HP for repair.
  4. Be a bookworm once again.
  5. Subject Combination form.
  6. Do the skinning thingy properly. [Read Jen's tutorial again] Edit: Sadly, I'm still stuck at this. :(

:D I'm a beesy bee!

Monday, June 19, 2006


Whatever. I can't do anything. Now I can only use the computer from 1 to 2. He discovered that I knew my mum's password already. And now I can only use the computer for 1 hour! JUST ONE HOUR! What can I do? And I'm not the adminstrator.

CRAP. I can't install my printer. What should I do? I need to install my printe to print documents! My electricity Science project! You crap. You shouldn't have reformatted the computer. GAHH!!! SO WHAT. YOU GO BUY MORE RAM LAH. SO CLEVER huh. Say reformat then the computer will become faster.

Yes its faster but now I'm restricted! Fine I know I use the computer too much. Okay. And now I can't even brush my teeth. I turned on the computer at 12.30 and had to wait until 1PM to use my account. YOU ARE SO CRAP LAH! You are as crap as pap. No. Pap isn't as crap as you. You're just my unc. I know I shouldn't be angry.

But I kept it inside and now I'm going to let the whole world know. The door's locked. My toothbrush & toothpaste & cup is inside. TELL ME WHAT TO DO! And now you say you can't find the key. If that's the case, you shouldn't even locked the door right! TV's boring. Everyday you watch TV and do nothing else. CRAP! EVERYTIME ITS SESAME STREET. I'm getting sick of BIG BIRD AND COOKIE MONSTER! Justice League. And I can even say "SUPER ROBOT MONKEY TEAM HYPER FORCE GO!' in a second. All because of your stupid TV.

PAPA, GET ME A LAPTOP! I'm going crazy. No TV no computer. I did my maths assesment! I DID! Now I'm going to look or electricity info. The computer's going to auto-shutdown in 44 minutes. This is super crap. And I won't say 'WHO CAN PRINT 10 PAGES OF SCIENCE FOR ME?' because everytime I post something like that, no one will care. BANG. =(

And MSN's getting boring. No one talks. BANG.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

ECP photos

The sky and the sea,


Jian -

Wei. Smiley face.

The bag.

Smile for the camera! Lol.


The ships and the waves (:

Drawing in the sand...

Looking to see if anybody in black was coming...

Thursday, June 15, 2006


No I'm not going to talk about the show. I'm talking about getting lost. I got lost. In Singapore.
=( It was terrible. Okay.

I was really excited when I woke up. That was 10AM. Then I came online to change the font size of this site because it didn't look very easy on the eye. HAAA. This is font size 9. 10 looks too big. I thought of doing it last night. Haaa. Yea I'm mad. Then...I was like hurrying for nothing. The journey from Sembawang to Tao Payoh was only 20 minutes. -.- So much for rushing and eating only 2 spoons of porridge because Mum said it would take an hour. -.- GAHH.

I knew I had to wear white. But Wang Guan said anything but bring a nametag. I did! I didn't wear white because my white shirt is VERY BIG and I thought, that wouldn't look too good. I'm meeting people I don't know for the first time. So I wore a blue shirt. My brother didn't wear a white shirt too. Yup I brought him along...And. We should have known better. ):

When we reached Toa Payoh bus interchange at 12.15PM (Yea...That was early), I saw a girl. I think she's Angella. She was wearing white. And I was...Oh no. Everybody would be wearing white! And well anyway. Jian Wei & I walked around the whole bus interchange to wait for the rest of the blogskinners. Jian Wei was being naughty. He played on the bars and swinged around like a monkey which escaped from the Zoo. -.- So embarrasing.

Then finally it was 12.45PM. I saw Rachel. But since I didn't wear white, I think she thought I wasn't going to the BBQ. :( So I asked Jian Wei to tell her. I was shy. The worse thing was...he was too! :((( And never mind. Then another girl came. She was wearing white too. With blue jeans. And then 2 other guys came along. And so we stood behind them.

Then the bus came. Rachel walked. The two girls walked. The two guys walked. We walked. Into the bus. But right up till that time, they didn't know we would be going too! :(((( And we sat...The journey was long. Jian Wei was tired. I was too. Finally we got off. They walked really quickly. Maybe they thought we were stalking them. ):

And then we followed them. Right up to the underpass. Then we lost sight of them. How terrible was that. And so we got stuck there. :(((( AND SO, WE WERE LOST! Jian Wei and I walked. We didn't (Karmun, corrected! :D) know where we would be going to. We just walked. And then my handphone said I was at Coasta Sands Resort! And I called Mum.

She said "HUH? Coasta Sands and East Coast park very far apart you know!" How would I know la. :( Then my brother saw Kai Wen. Then I called Si Jie. And she said yah. He's there. Lol. Anyway we continued to walk. We walked to PIT 48. Then we walked back. Then I called Qiu Hui. I told her I was lost. And she said "Oh okay..." Then I thought of something! I told her to go to the Blogkins Outing blog to find Wang Guan's number. And she said don't have! And I said have have! Then she said. Oh yah have.

Okay then I messaged him. Yah and he said they were at PIT 14 near the Bedok Jetty. Now I saw Bedok Jetty on the signboard. I had to walk back. It was WAY OVER PIT 48. So I walked. All the way to the jetty. It was very big. So I messaged him again saying I was already there. Then someone used his phone to call me. Lol. I think she was Rachel. And she said she would come and find us. So we waited. Jian Wei was tired and hungry. Lol. If you walked for 2km you would feel tired too okay.

And we waited. But there was no sign of anyone in black! LEK was wearing black. Rachel was wearing black too. And then I started drawing using a stick in the sand. This is such a sad story. Lol. Uhh. Then we saw many red ants. I've got photos. HAAA. Jian Wei stepped on them. I think he killed more than 10. Lol....Errrr. Then we walked back to the place I saw the signboard.
So tiring. I was looking for a place to eat. All we saw were seafood restaurants. So sad lah.
:((( Then we walked and walked. And then I saw a bus stop. I ran. Jian Wei ran too. Ha ha. And...GUESS WHAT? WE SAW THE UNDERPASS! YYYAYYY!! Thank God :DDDDD So we walked back to the bus stop where we alighted. Woah. It was really God who told me where to walk. Ha ha. Thank you God :D This is true okay! Then I saw bus 76.

WHOOO! I could go back to Yio Chu Kang MRT from there! Haaaaa. Then I could go back home. Haaa.a But my legs were tired from walking for so many hours, aimlessly. :((( Okay so I called PAPA. I told him we were LOST! Haaaa. Then he took urgent leave and quickly came to fetch us. LOL. Then Dad took us to a hawker centre. WHEW I WAS SO HUNGRY! He bought Kway Chap for me and Fried Carrot Cake for Jian Wei. And..yah. Then he sent us home. Hee nes..

Never thought all the above would happen right? Lol. THANK GOD. :)

Monday, June 12, 2006


1. Tutorial. Making an image round-edged in Photoshop.

2. 404 page. If someone goes into a link in my site that doesn't exist, they will see a page like this.

3. Happy cake (Blogskin) is done. Here.

Got to find General Knowledge questions for that I & E thingy now. God bless & Byee!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hilary Duff - Workin' It Out

Some days I start off draggin' my feet
Some days I want to fly
Some days it all makes sense to me
Some days I just don't want to know why

Hey, hey- I'm not giving up, no
Gonna stand up and shout it
Oh oh oh no way im not slackin off or backing out or cracking up with doubt
I'm workin' it out out
I'm workin' it out

Sometimes I'm just surrounded by friends
Sometimes we've never met
Sometimes I pray for something I need
But hey, you never know what you're gonna get


It's hard enough to be what you are
Harder to be what you're not
It's hard to know what you need to get
Harder to know what you've got


Friday, June 09, 2006


Ha ha. So what didn't I blog about? OH ESCAPE THEME PARK! Great. I'm using another computer. My uncle's. And somehow MSN doesn't work here so I have to use E-Messenger. Anyway, good enough for me. =)

Theme park's photos are not with me! I'll upload them here ASAP when I get to them. =D Uh. The skinning thing is still a little problematic, but never mind. XD I think soccer is fun. If you play it on a computer. WHOOO. XD

On the MRT...

I found someone with the same wallet and orange bouncy chain! What a coincindence. Ha ha.

First stop. The flipper. Cheryl + me + Jolene (Sacha's friend) in one spaceship. Sacha + Jian Loong (Her brother) Or whatever you call that. Jian Wei couldn't play because there was a height limit. ):

Next the big wheel. Me & Cheryl in one. Cheryl's 17. This ride was slow. Lol.

Then. bang it started raining. So we went to...

Burger King! Ha ha. To grab a bite.

That's Cheryl. Lol but you can't see her face. We took photos of each other. Ha ha. You can see my face inside her phone though. Lol.

Not looking into the camera...

Yay! Got them. HA HA. Jian Loong & Jian Wei. Cousin and brother. I love them. :D

That's Cheryl! But she doesn't want to show her face ): So my face got captured in her phone's camera. Haa.

Sacha! Drinking her coke. Ahaha.


Her friend, Jolene! Isn't she so fair? Lol. She doesn't like taking photos. Blah. Never mind. :)

After the rain we went to play some more...The Viking and Rainbow & moreeeee. =D

Now I present to you...

The biggest CANDY FLOSS you've ever seen. It costed $3.

Oh yah. CIP LOOOOL. LONG AGO NEWS. I didn't go. But I heard many blah things happened. Some balh blah. XP AND I've got a new shirt. YIPEEE. Aunt bought for me a wallet too. OH YAY. AND THEY ARE BLUEEEEEE/ BLUEBLUEBLUE. LALALA. Should I use the wallet? Its new, but I like my old wallet too.

Anyway, I made an animation! My first try. But it isn't in this computer. Well anyway. I took like half an hour. Had to hide layers and blah. Ha ha. Dumb me. Could have done that in Photoshop but I did all the layers then transferred to ImageReady. Dumb right? Then finish already close ImageReady, open Photoshop. Wasted so much time. -_- Okay if you're a Photoshop user you'll get what I mean. Hee.

Didn't make the animation repeat because I thought it would make some people feel irritated. =)

Okay I'm stopping here. I found a new word for my MSN nickname. Its cute. Its in Korean. Chanced upon it while playing around with Yahoo's BabelFish. Ha ha. び CUTE RIGHT? YES YES! Ha ha. Looks exactly like C: He he. I love it. XD My cousins are here.

Okay. Till here, God bless, smile always, take care and bye! :D

*This is so GRRRifying.
I posted. But there was a server problem with Blogger. And it didn't save my post. Now I got to type it all over again. This is the third time today. GRRR. So no captions. Blah.*

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

All my rubbish

I did something. A lot actually. The skinning thingy works now. except that when you click on the navigations then don't work already. -_- But never mind. Oh yah. I blurred a photo already. That dear girl doesn't like her face...uh. there. Lol. Okay...Got to change that image URL later after uploading the blurred one to Photobucket.

Added a lot of things but didn't write them here. Anyway hardly anyone goes to the downloads section. Pathetic. Ha aha...Made new brush set. Christian one. =) Added a few emoticons too. In the brush set. Made a few more icons too. And added blogskins. I don't make complicated ones thank you.

Thinking of adding a new skin. Purple one. (; Should I take away the tagboard? I don't have the mood to reply to tags. And I miss out some tags when I do. Never mind. I'll leave it there. For people to flood and tell me things. I do enjoy looking at the tagboard once in a while. Ehe he. =D

Can I get another host? I'll keep both sites active I hope. Because I found a new PHP script but I don't want to make things complicated and trash it in this subdomain. So I want to try it on that site. I don't know what that site will be for. Anyone wants to host me? =S I want to try Wordpress on that site too. Partly because you can configure it to show emoticons. Yea. A host...pretty please?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Under Renovation

I don't feel like blogging. Under renovation because I actually skinned my site. But it doesn't work! :( But anyway, I did something. Erm. Installed CuteFTP again. My uncle reformatted the computer. I did backup my files. Then I installed MSN Messenger and CuteFTP and now the computer is slowing down. There's only 128MB of RAM okay?

BANG. And if my uncle scolds me, what am I to do? =((((((( I wasn't supposed to make myself the adminstrator and hack into my mum's account! But but. How would I know my random typing was the password? I got in. And blah. Super blang.

I GOT TO GET MORE RAM! MORE RAM MORE RAM! SOMEONE GIMME MORE RAMMMMMMMMM! Before I installed these two stuffies, Photoshop was like. FAST. Faster then before. BUUTTTT. Now the computer is lagging :((((((((((( Switching between this window and that Photoshop one makes my computer lag!

Never mind. :) Went out yesterday. Here are some photos we took. =D

And some random ones xD

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sandra!

  1. Sandra was invented in China in the eleventh century, but was only used for fireworks, never for weapons.
  2. The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr Sandra Head.
  3. All shrimp are born as Sandra, but gradually mature into females!
  4. Banging your head against Sandra uses 150 calories an hour!
  5. You should always store Sandra in an airtight container in the fridge.
  6. Sandra is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.
  7. Sandra has four noses.
  8. If the annual Australian Sandra crop was laid end to end, it would stretch around the world seven times.
  9. Europe is the only continent that lacks Sandra.
  10. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Sandra.
I am interested in - do tell me about

From Grace.

Sorry! Totally forgot about this until I went to your blog just now. =X

1. how many crushes have you had?

2. I will recommend this song called...

3. Mommy.. when i grow up i wna be a...
Teacher. :)

4. Describe yourself and ur features with at least 5 points...
Girl. Child of God. Erm. I have many many different personalities. (; Features? Uhh. Oval face & long hair? LOL.

5. ok now. the most intimate thing u done with the opp. sex is...
Nothing. -.-

6`your next dream birthday present will be...
Laptop. Nah. Revival! :D

7.what do you wna tell your current crush/ex/ lover?
No current crush/ex/ lover. :D

8. final question- who are the next few people to do this quiz?
Anyone lah. Lol. Jenna & HuiMei :D SJ,. QH blah blah. LOL.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Replies to tags

Okay! Here we go again.

sacha: hello! hi ! I m here agn ! What r u doin? will u come 2 xiao shu shu hse? I really wan to play with u! can u come 2 xiao shu shu hse 2moro(2nd june) at nite ? plz..plz...plz...
Yup I'm coming :D

sacha: who is eugene?
My cousin. Lol. My mum's side.

Thank you I love you! It rhymes! XD

eugene: wahahahaha.. here to tag!
Thank you thank you =D

Sacha: BB n may god bless u always
God bless you too :)

Sacha: BB
Goodbyee. Thanks for the flood! :D

Sacha: so... wish me good luck 4 my prelims n PSLE ! Tok 2 u nxt time! (it might be quite long again!)
Lol. Never mind. All the best for your exams. =)

Sacha: luckily i just left 4 months to work hard 4 the big exam n i can relax after that
Yea! Better spend your time wisely :)

Sacha: Oh the sch hoildays r here... this year i will be having a different june holidays , i will have supplementary classes cos of my PSLE in October. I think i m goin to be very tired soon...
Lol. Its okay luh. Xian ku hou tian mah. XD

Sacha: hello! wow! It is really a long time since the last time i tagged u! i think it was because I was too busy with my exams that I forgotten. i even forgot ur blog website address! hehe..sorry!
Haha. Yuppos. Never mind. Never mind. =)



jen: hahahaha

jen: yes i am mad

jen: perhaps thats cause i am madd

jen: ahahha.. :D

jen: yes i am oh dear





31/05/06 02:45 PM
jen: ahahah. (:
31/05/06 02:45 PM
jen: AHHHH
31/05/06 02:45 PM
jen: in case i rreally rot and die at home.. gaga
31/05/06 02:45 PM
jen: ehehe.. perhaps one of this days we shld meet right girl? :D

jen: :D:D

jen: ehehe.. ((:

jen: ah ha..i am reading ya posts girll.. ((: dont worry kkays? (: lets tag each others blog :D
Thanks dear.

jen: hey deariee((:

: XD
Crazy girl. Lol.

: lolz

: i so nice lorz...u tell me flood u...when i dun even noe wad 2 flood bout i still flood lorz...c i so gd hahaz...

: lyk my flood??? hahahahahaz...
Yes. Lol.

sally: hihi. here to tag.. :) long time since i tagged you eh.
Haha, yah. I tagged! =D

HuiMei: u muz haf love 2 faith... =D
Yup I'm coming :D

HuiMei: flor porridge? hmm... sounds new to me... ur aunt is a creative cook! =D
Flour. Hee. My maid's cooking.

Lol. You forgot the 'A' in my name. LOLOLOL. Sure! I'll get working. [Finds image]

rena_R.: aww,sandra lovely.HI THERE (:

`nehh: Hi! Do you know how to design blogskins?

christopher: coming along to tag. the taman camp was fun and not fun. =/
Ahahah. I think you told me why already.

june: hi! i'm no-way-out from blogskins. ^^ Nice site! Very sweet. ^^
Thanks June! :D

I'm booked. Lol.
Tomorrow - Delphine.
Saturday - Cousins day! :D
Sunday - Church.
Monday - QH & SJ.

Tuesday - Stay home. Study!
Wednesday - Ice skating!
Thursday - Escape theme park! [Screams]
Friday - 11am - Delphine. 2pm - Yan Rong & Sally } History project.
As for that I&E thing I don't know. Went to MLG but no chinese thingy. And there's the sec 3 combi thingy today at 7pm. BLAH! Andddddd...that science INDIVIDUAL project. On electricity. Yea. BLAH BLAH. :)