This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Sunday, April 27, 2008

560. normal (good)

Helloooo. Okay this has been a really odd week. Next week will be better! :D Oh yea the upper part of my right arm aches like crazy when I stretch my hand..and I didnt do anything to it lor! Lol. Weird crap.

Hmm there is gonna be a SS test next week..most probably on Wed..jiayou! :) I'm going to stop here..Hahha short post! Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

I dont want you to scrutinise every bit of it, I dont mind you not doing that..seriously. Leave, please?

Oh how many times have I broken Your heart
But still You forgive, if only I ask
And how many times have You heard me pray
Draw near to me

Everything I need is You
My beginning, my forever
Everything I need is You

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

559. slightly jumpy and glad

Yup that sums up how I'm feeling at this moment..intended to include "painful eyes" at the back but figured it would look odd with the other two emotions..hhah. I'm supposed to do my chinese homework right now but I'm listening to "I Can Give You Gastby" and being in a relaxed if I have all the time in the

Okay! I'll go after I finish this post..oh yea I wanted to blog about this humurous comment I came across.."DPM Wong: "... he had closed the urinal cubicle door completely and turned on the water tap." why was mas selamat allowed to waste water???" HAHAHA!

Oh yay there are no more tests for the rest of this week :D:D Chinese prelim 1's next week! Mesh I never thought I'd say that..makes me feel Hmm I guess I'll add in that "blogworthy" line that kept repeating itself in my mind earlier on..People said weird things and behaved weirdly today! Everyone will be normal tomorrow again :D

Alright I really, really need to get going God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

558. normal (good)

Helloooooo. So its Thursday today..why does time pass so quickly this year huh? Hahah thats kind of rhetorical..hmmm okay so whats been going on?

  • This sounds absurd but somehow I didnt know about the history test at Maybe she announced it when I was absent..okay never mind..its over (=D) and I think I won't pass it =x Need to find some way to get whatever she said into my head!! Its like everything she says just flies past to pass like that?? Lol.
  • Took (approx) 2-hour naps these few days.
  • It was announced this morning that our Dining Etiquette's next month!! =O That was really unexpected cause everyone thought it would be held in the later half of the year..hmm I hope everything won't be too rushed. :D
  • Having chem test next Tues (Sacha's birthday), bio test next Weds.
  • Speaking about birthdays..Papa's 45th one is on next Monday..haha!
  • JW planted some seeds and he's so anxious about them he carries the container everywhere at home..LOL.
  • Many hilarious stuff were being said during CF today..made Q and I laugh like mad, lol.

Okie I think that's all. I want to go out with the girls..soon. =D God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Just realised I didn't do the probability test on Heymath which was supposed to be done last week..opps! Hahaha.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

557. terrific

Yay! Hahaha..okay I just remembered that I wanted to list all the eyecandies I spotted recently on my blog so here goes.. :)

1. Bosco Wong (He's got..charm. Hahaha. Noticed him in the 7pm CH8 show - AhWang!! :D)
2. Lu Yi (Looks like Mark Zee! Spotted from "男才女貌" which airs at 2pm every Saturday on CH U..Ruby Lin's inside too! :))
3. Icaru, Yuan Shuai (From YouAreTheOne..Mummy and I think he looks like Thomas Ong! :D)

Okay I forgot the rest already..hahaha. Hmm church was awesome today..thank God :D What else..having an Amaths test next Tuesday..yup jiayou! :) And the only MYE we're having is..Chinese! How amazing, lol.

And MrsSC didnt say anything about those who didnt attend the Eng sup class on Thursday! :D Shhhh. Hhaahha. Hmm my stomach muscles still hurt from doing too many alright I think I'll go off now..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

I love You :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

556. strangeeeey

Helloooo. (JY SEEEEEE I'M BLOGGING! Hahaha) I feel like I'm on an emotional roller an even more wild one, you know? More wild cause I thought the one I experienced last year was the ultimate one already. To roller coaster: Drop me off, I want to land on the solid ground..thanks :)

Hmm and now I'm in the okay mood. Bahhh I dont like it..My mum said I think too much..maybe thats why I weirdly felt like I identified with most of the symptoms of ahem depression the other day..but dont worry cause the book also mentioned that its normal to experience some of them and considering that I was feeling really quite down on that day..having more than "some" should be considered normal too..right right? Don't scare me..hahahah.

And I havent mentioned this before but my com's having a weird crap problem - it shuts down automatically..meaning I didnt do anything to it but it just decided to act on its Irritating leh! Lol esp when it shuts down at the most inappropriate timing. Note to self: Ask 399 to check this com the next time he comes over.

Oh and my stomach muscles hurt..did two components of NAPFA yesterday..go away pain! :D Okay got to go so God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

555. all smiles


I got a random urge to have heart-to-heart talks with some people. The growing distance I feel can really bug me sometimes. Lol. It can be like you talk a lot to someone but everything you talked about is really just on the surface..and so you dont exactly feel any connection. Or the other, and more common, example is simply that you've not been communicating much with that person. Hmm.

And sorry if I've been all weird lately and snapping at you/ just not talking to you at all. Not talking = most probably too tired. I'm okay now..I hope those terrible, horrible mood swings never come back. Yay! Hahaha.

I think the funniest thing that happened today was..the song that Saman made up unpremeditatedly..the song in which the last word of every line ends with the "ay" sound..E.g.: On the highway, before going to L.A., to cook a stingray..LOL its just so silly and senseless, making it totally HILARIOUS!

Okie got to go, God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Sidenote: I only missed library duty 5 times this year so far! Hahaaa I want to know the total number of days I'm supposed to do duty..yup.

P.S.: Learnt that light reduces the amount of secretion of that sleep-inducing hormone (melatonin) at night. So now you know why you dont feel as sleepy when you use the computer :D

Sunday, April 06, 2008

554. cheery

Hello! :D:D Church was absolutely fabulous today..God is as real as..the growing plants you see on the ground. Hahah. Used that simile because growing plants are well, active and so is yup :)

So lets see. Thursday was stay-at-home day because I really had to rest and stop neglecting the deteriorating health. So well it was great getting lots of rest and just enjoying the slow pace of life, even if its just for a day..hahahha. Hmm then on Friday I finally got the opaque stockings I always wanted =D And yesterday, I went all uncharacteristic and bought more stuff that costed my mummy $60.60. Lol but never mind I'm probably not buying anything till the end of O's already. Yesterday was just an exception. XD

And I realised really, only God can make me feel complete and normal. Lol I wish this incredible feeling; this sense of assurance stays forever.

Okay I think that's God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

I couldn't walk away if I tried
'Cause Your love is better than life

Photos I've wanted to share for a long time:

Took this in CWP, on the day we went out for Seoul Garden. We were on the 2nd floor and I used the not-so-good zoom function so the quality is rather terrible..hahaha. Its Michelle Chong and Dasmond Koh by the way. :)

Okay the following were taken on the day I had to wake up at..7am -.- Lol. All captured at the magical time of 7.56AM. (Before and after that time, the shadow just wasnt the same..hahha) I wish I had my digicam with me instead of my phone so that the pretty little intricate water dropets can be seen more clearly.

I was quite surprised when I sleepily turned around and saw this. I actually thought I was seeing double! Yes, the shadow was THAT clear. You'd almost think someone did a really quick (and good) sketch of the bottle on the wall itself. Enjoy! :)

At the end of last month, I took photos of the insects I saw at home..nono not of ants, of course. Lol. Isnt that weird? Like all of a sudden there are more bugs cohabiting with you and all. But up till now, I havent seen any this month so yea..strange right? They all vanished mysteriously. Hahaha. Oh and sadly I didnt manage to take a photo of that extremely annoying cockroach in the bathroom which got me awfully freaked out..partly because it was 3AM and I was halfasleep. Lol. But I wont put the photos of the bugs here may seem digusting to some so yup. Hahaha.

In place of that will be adorable pictures of Shirleen which will also mark the end of this entry, happy viewing! :D

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

553. yayheehoo

Sorry for the completely retarded title. XD Okay I'm having: a runny nose AND a cough. Why is it that I fall ill so easily this year? :( Is it due to the inconsistent weather? Lol never mind at least now (which means not sure about later..hahah) I feel not too if physical conditions have totally no effect on anything else, hahaha.

Going to do the english homework laterrrr..and there's an English test tomorrow, summary included. I LOVE "Life Made Simple" THE 7PM SHOW =D Watching it makes me feel all glad..heho!

Okay I'm going to sit on the couch to enjoy the show now..hahah okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D:D

Note to self: Remember not to return the ezlink card to the student after loaning is done. Lol the incident of "Aren't you supposed to keep it?" has happened twice and one of time was with a sec1 pupil, crazily embarrassing..hahaha!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

552. happy April Fool's day! :D

I'm currently at home blogging away instead of being in the library cause duty ends at 5.30PM and I know I'll be like dead tired after that so that means I wont have the least bit of energy to study for the test tomorrow so hahah yea. I think I'll do the make-up-session tomorrow. :D (Remind me not to go home straight after sup class!)

OHHHH and right I got to return the pen to that guy on Sunday..SUNDAY, not Saturday!! LOL thank God cause I had to miss tuition on Saturday (BioSPA) and the only time I could make up for that was on Sunday..and assuming he only goes for tuition on Saturdays, the pen would still be in my pencilcase and I'd continue feeling guilty.

So March has come and gone. AHHHHH. It was (I cant believe i'm using "was" O.O) a month of lethargy and some rediscovery. Actually I'm still feeling tired now. I think I need Lipton again, hahaha. Ohoh and yesterday was JW's birthday..keep forgetting to mention that in my blog, lol. He's finally 10! :)

April Fool's has been a exceedingly normal day so far, no pranks on anyone except for the really mini one JingYi played on Bea, lol.

Okay need to go study now, grandmummy's nagginggggg. Then after that maybe go climb to the summit of a mountain to breathe in all the fresh air I'll ever need for the rest of this entire year in case I ever feel out of breath cause of too much stress. Hahaha. Recently I just feel like laying down on a meadow, watch flowers sway with the wind, listen to the birds chirp and the river run and nothing else. Sigh thats kind of bad right? Especially when I'm supposed to be revising for tomorrow's test. Alibaba..anyone feeling the same way?

Alright I really have to leave so God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

551. great, awesome, fantastic

This must be one of the best moments of this week for me :) Firstly, I came to the end of that thick series the way, its the Christy Miller Collection Volume 1. :)

Secondly, I dont feel sick anymore..what a miracle! Thank God can. I thought I was going to lose my voice this morning but then I think God made sure I didnt so that I can proceed with the oral examination (that sounds so formal! Lol.) tomorrow..hhaaha coolio.

And thirdly and lastly, I found another lovely quote which came straight from the mouth of..our beloved Dr. Seuss! :D

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.

-Dr. Seuss

I have no idea how much/what it means to you..but it sure holds something for me. Speaking about Dr Seuss, I remember Rie told me once that Horton was a movie based on one of his books! Hahaha that's nice..I wonder when I'll be able to catch it or something..hahah. Peculiar treasures and "I'm such a child!" Hahaha. <3. Ohoh! And the girls might go baking at Rie's house after the Bio exciting! =D

Okay God bless, take care and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):):)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

550. normal (good)

Hellooo :)

- Edited the previous post :)
- 6 more days to OJW's birthday..whoo!
- History test tomorrow.
- English Oral on Thursday
- Chinese test on Friday.
- BIO SPA II on Saturday.
- Havent finished reading my 3-in-1 book.
- Feeling feverish now..probably cause of the sore throat. Hurts a lot when I swallow saliva. But thank God He sustained me..hahah.
- Encountered 2 cockroaches at 3am last night. Nerve-wrecking experience. I wonder where they disappear to when dawn breaks. Hmm.
- I love watching AhWang in the 7pm show..he's really endearing :):)
- I WENT FOR LIB DUTY TODAY!! =D I didnt forget! :D 3/ Lol and all the while I kept thinking that today was the 4/9 time! Hhaha silly me.
- "Yay"s! :D

I think that's all..hahah. Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Monday, March 24, 2008

549. good game

I didnt bring my Chem TB back..and my chap12 notes are placed somewhere in between the pages..and the thing is..the Chem test's TOMORROW, FIRST TWO PERIODS. Good game, Sandra. Lol. Thank God Saman offered to study it together online. I hope it'll be okay! :)

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

It was okay.

Lol, thank Godddddd. For Rie who scanned those notes..haha. And it was only today (25.03.08) that I realised or rather, re-discovered the TYS. LOL..there are notes inside! And the content is really similiar..baahh. Lol never mind its over anyway :) Byeeeeeeee!

Indebted to Him. :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

548. 1/4 zoned out. Lol.

Helloooooo. So at tuition today I didnt get to return the pen to that stranger who kindly lent it to me the other week. Bang..I resolve to sit to the seat beside him the next time instead of my usual seat just so I can get one thing off my mind, hahaha.

Oh and he sits at the same place all the time too. And he always goes off before I do so alamak by the time I finish he'd be gone and tada pen still not given back to him. Lol..

Okay so anyway yup headed over to CWP to meet the girls (and the guy, lol.) afterwards for Seoul Garden (for a formal celebration for HM and Clara's birthdays :D)! Woohoo. Lol anywayyyy thank God I wasn't the latest..=D And I still cant believe JY slept at 5AM O.O

Love the food! So we were there for around 2 hours? Ate till we all felt bloated then AJW had a tummyache and so we decided to leave together..went around the mall for a while and stopped at the arcade for quite some time..JY, HM, Q and I didnt get to see V and AJW play cause we went out (we were bored to death waiting for their turns, haha) but they finished before we came back..which wasnt too late! Aww..

Hmm then some of us had to go home and so off we went! But before that we saw a bit of the stage show (Michelle Chong and Dasmond Koh) and went into shoe shops..and then at the MRT we started exaggerating about the things that could happen if I had my birthday spent at the huge grass patch overlooking the

Okie and I ended up leaving 2 hours later than I intended to..hahaha. Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Friday, March 21, 2008

547. yay im not ill

Haha thank God. I honestly felt like I was on the verge of dropping down to under the weather. Pun intended. XD Hahahah.

By the way, today feels like an extra Sunday that popped out from feels pleasant. That word keeps making me think of Okay so anyway..that makes me feel unprepared for tomorrow - a Saturday cause usually after Sundays you always get Mondays. Mhmm yea.

Oh and I'm in the middle (literally and figuratively) of reading the other book I borrowed the other day. I like it! :)

Okay off to do the math qn Saman God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Thursday, March 20, 2008

546. hoping im not going to get sick

Just because I didnt take the nap today it doesnt mean I'm going to become ill right..and yup I didnt nap today.. :D Yay for the improvement. Hahah :)

And happy birthday HM dearie :):) Anyway, yesterday I went to the library with Japh and borrowed 2 books and Japh borrowed..3 books I think. 2 using my card, hahah. And I finished one of the books already! Title's Dream Factory. It gets really exciting when they finally came together. Okay lets just say every moment they shared was magical..awwww.

Oh and female lead is a character actor at Disney - she plays Cinderella and Cinderella is one of the 7 princesses so even in reel life, people just called her Princess instead of her real name, isn't that cool? Hhah..

By the way, get well soon Q! :) Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

545. normal (good)

Hello! I went for library duty today, yayayay. Lol apparently in the records, today was the 2nd out of the 7 times I was supposed to report for duty. Somehow after those sup classes, I forget about it altogether and so..yea..hahha.

Okay so I got to keep reminding myself..not to go home straight after math sup class in the future! :) Ohhh and the weather has been perfectly sunny so far this week..which means the predictions of the weather forecasters are

Random. Imeem changed the look of its playlists..what else..I feel bored now..I fell asleep while watching TV earlier and slept for almost 2 hours I think =X I hope I'll be able to sleep without tossing and turning later..hahah.

Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Monday, March 17, 2008

544. a bit perplexed?

Helloooo so the 2nd term of school has started! Okay so why the perplexed feeling..I honestly don't know why I have having dreams a lot more frequently than usual nowadays..perhaps in the past it used to be like 1 in 2 months or something? Now its like everytime I sleep there's 9/10 probability that I would dream.

And its not just any other dream. They are dreams repeated from my past dreams..those I dreamt of maybe a thousand years ago..awfully annoying nsfngrtngprmgpt. I remember feeling crazily insecure (which was mostly what I felt throughout the dream) for maybe an hour even after I woke up..eeeeeee I dont like all.

Hmm I feel a lot better now, esp after laughing at the really funny crap lines in that mass convo..laughter is the best medicine, whooo! :D

Okay got to go, God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D <3

Saturday, March 15, 2008

543. delightfully fine

Helloooo I just came back from MS - Manila Revival 08..was kind of an eyeopener cause cases of myopia actually got healed (!!) Hahah okay means I don't have to go under the knife to even out the cornea (?). Yay! :D

Churchie tomorrow again, woohoo..And then school's gonna English homework is hahaha half done..and today some sunshine finally peeked into Singapore's ground..yayy but the weather forecasters said it will continue to rain some more next week, oh well.

Okay so what have I been doing huh..been on Facebook hahaha..mostly to make up for the time lost when I didn't care about my ali mama regularly LOLOL never mind if you dont get what I mean. XD

My uncle bought some Coke Zero back home, it tastes the same to me but he said it feels more bitter than the original to him..I think there might be something wrong with my sense of taste..My siblings thought that the twisted-tree-trunk-lookalike biscuit was yummy but I thought otherwise. Loool.

Okay this post is long God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

542. still quite dreamy

That's the aftermath of watching The Leap Years. Hahah..Ananda is extremely good-looking..he's got those naturally soulful eyes ahhhhhhh. YAY I WATCHED THE LEAP YEARS WOOHOOOOO.

And Pastor Rony's daughter is in it! Lol and Windows Cafe..LOOOL quirky name. Hmm this is a really brief to go eat dinner yay.

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

P.S.: (12.03.08) Everytime I see the word "eyeball" now I think of that gross image (deeply?) imprinted in my mind of that really repulsive eyeball Saman brought to school this morning and something just turns upside-down inside me. Maybe its the throat muscles convulsing? In any case, I'm disgusted by eyeballs but then again I think I'd muster up all my courage and do the experiment cause its a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Hahahah. God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeee! =)

Saturday, March 08, 2008

541. the most common primary-school-compos-ending phrase: tired but happy. :)

Hi people. Dont bother about the previous post. I'm feeling a whole mile better. :) Umm hum hum I took photos during the carnival :D Shall post them here tomorrow, yay!

P.S.: I found something really cool..a guy changed the lyrics of Rihanna's umbrella..I'm not really a fan of her or that particular song but this is worth checking out :D

Here they are! :)
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Our stall's very own pretty paper "curtains" first I thought they were the dangling plastic hangers from minitoons or something..hahah cool right :D

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Take one!

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And take two! :D

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AJW. Hhaha amazing body language.

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Bugs bunny and his usual adorable toothy grin plus the joyful children =D

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The direct opposite view from my stall :)

SHACKSSSS I just realised I lost one of my handphone keychains..I think its somewhere around the house..oh and I lost my black hairclip school so say byebye. Got to hunt for a new one..sooooon. XD Thank God its the school holidays the next week hahaha.

AND CAN YOU BELIEVE TOMORROW IS A SUNDAYYYY?? AND THAT NEXT MONDAY IS A HOLIDAY?? Wow I'm so amazed. Hahahaha and and and its feels quite strange when you learn/ become aware and are certain that people whom you thought didnt know you actually do know you. You get it? Okay I'm still sleepy now I MUST GO TO SLEEP. :)

Goodnight people, God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3