This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Monday, January 28, 2008

525. normal (good)

I really have no affintiy with contacts. They repel from my eyes. When they are only like 1MM away from my eyeball, my eyes blink and and the impact is so huge is lands on the mirror or the table. Rahhhhh. I think I already wasted the 17bucks - for 1 pair of contacts and 1 small bottle of solution. -.- Contact lenses are driving me crazy! I spent like half an hour trying desprately to get them into my eyes BUT bisshhhhh the abovementioned happened. ALIIIIIBAAAAAAA!!

Hellooooooo :)) I realised I probably felt very weird around the end of last year because I forgot to upload some really overdue photos..yes I'm like that. Lol.

Kay shall start from the birthday presents from friends XD:
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I like this! :D Thanks again Q! :)

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Am not using this now..

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Its got a few other designs but Q chose this one..most probably because its blue. Lol I bought the brown one for her birthday..adorable, isnt it? :D Whereas my bankbear looks..weird. Hahahah oh well. She's not a very detailed person la so never mind :D

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Very cute keychain + torchlight..but it spoilt on the 26th. It dropped on the floor..I found the batteries but the cover for the batts was nowhere to be found. Lol.

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Some more proof that she's not a very detailed person..LOL it reads "Congratulations on your new baby" -.- lol.

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This not using it now..until I find some purpose for it I guess. Lol.

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From JY. I ate it while reopening the presents at night :D (By the way, thanks JY! Oreos = yummio :D)

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Bea's present!! :D Pretty wrapping paper yay =D

Okay the following were taken 1 week before Christmas Eve..guess the place XD.
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I'm sorry the angle is not very convenient for your eyes..Lol anyway this person is really, really patient..he/she stood right at that very same spot for hours!

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I forgot when I took this..but I'm very sure it was before Christmas =D:
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I'm a C..what are you? :)

Next batch (Taken by Mummy, I wasn't present):
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(If you were thinking, no these two images are not the same. On the contrary they are actually very different..never mind if you cant see it..the quality isnt very good. Lol.)

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This photo has an artistic feel to it..I like :D

At JW's studentcare-organised event:
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After church service on Christmas Day :D

Taken in UncleT's car :) We were the 1st guests of the day hahahha!! Actually I had absolutely no idea what to do there..but well found some stuff to do in the put up the decorations, the blessed draw numbers, the cutting of paper to be pasted on the presents which was to go under the Christmas tree :)

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At work..

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The fruit of our labour :D The balloons took up a lot of our time cause they were stubborn and refused to stick to the wall. Lol.

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UncleT as Santa!! LOOOOL.

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Hahaha this is AuntyA, UncleT's wife. :)

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UncleT is comical crap. LOL.

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JW was supposed to be Superman..hahahah.

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Okay after that we left around 9 cause I had to rush home to pack for camp which was going to start very early the next morning..hmm.

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It really is a gift for Christmas..just look at the colours! LOL.

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All the presents we received =D

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Hahahh Mummy's facial expression!! :D

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Weehoo :)

OKAY YAY!! FINALLY DONEEEEEEEE. There are 2 tests tomorrow..jiayou! By the way there's a working laptop in my house..been some time already. Hahaha. :D Alright that's all soo God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

524. normal (good)

Hellooooooo :) TGIF!! And thank God for every single blessing He gave..He's incredibly awesome. :D Soooo the 4th week of school has come to an end! Having 3 tests next week..tuition tomorrow.

SS essay
English WB
English cyberstuff
Heymath (cyberstuff)

I collected the school calendar and my IC earlier this week! Woohooo XD Havent got everything for time to shop..=( I think I need to get new highlighter(s) and coloured far the carnival tickets sales have been alright. Think I shall stop at this amount.. :D

Sigh my whole body is aching from PE -.- If we're going to do that every week..then I need to exercise more? Or maybe it would be better next week cause I already did the same thing this that sounds confusing.

And ahhhhhh I can't sign in to MLG oh nooooo. Okay have to go eat now..shall settle that problem later..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeee! :)

YAYYYY!! I can access to MLG now..turns out they changed my user ID and didnt tell me -.- This is called..self-troubleshooting. XD Okay and MrC is really humurous:
LOLOL!! I find it funny seems like a proper command BUT just imagine someone really doing that - moving the mouse frantically all the time LOLOL. Okay never mind if you dont get it..hahahah going off now (again), God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

Saturday, January 19, 2008

523. joyful

:D:D I FOUND MY SCHOOL TIEEEEEE WOOHOOOOOO! PRAISE GOD! He's really awesome. I didnt exactly worry too much about it..perhaps cause I know in the end its going to be God is going to let me find it how He did with my other belongings in the past..or maybe hmm I took that for granted? Sorry if I did, God..and thank You so muchhh!

Did you know the new school tie's material is thick as anything..and its really uncomfortable..I'm so grateful I got my own tie back. Hahahaha I'm in a good mood! :D:D

Things I have to do:
Study for Physics test
Chinese book activties (yay I borrowed the books today :D)
Chinese WB and WS
SS paragraphs
Amath HW

Not so important things:
Get my already-paid-for calendar from GO.
Red/white cloth wedges.
Tell dad about the braces thing.
Cut hair and buy new rubber band for school use.
Eat a cow. Just joking. HAHAHA!!
Sell carnival tickets.
Buy single-line book for Q.

Hmm that's all I can think of at the moment..oh and I just finished reading a book..a book I wanted to read since..not a very long time but I'm glad I finished it within such a short period of time. Somehow, I felt the ending wasnt as wholesome as it should. But maybe its already whole in itself. Hmmm.

Okay I'm done..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D <3

Thursday, January 17, 2008

522. normal (good)

Heho, long time no see :) So things on my mind now..JY havent uploaded the photos..

Hmm and school has been tiring. Just imagine remedials like everyday. And you feel so lethargic all you really want to do is lie on your bed and be in sleep mode forever. Hahaha. Okay well but thank God He is still very faithful, as always :D Thank Him for sustaining me.. :) And time doesnt just fly, it zooms past you. We're already into what..? The 3rd week of school! Lol..packed-as-sardine-cans trains..sometimes feeling a bit cranky from information overload..ah sec 4.

And being amazingly high each day..O.O Thank God. I think I need it. Lol. Tuition after school tomorrow, again on Saturday..going to do library duty twice next week..Having a Physics test on Monday and before you know it, PAH CNY IS HERE WOOHOO LETS CELEBRATE BY STUDYING FOR CT. LOOOOOOOOOOOL.

Okay sec4 madness. Oh and Shoot3 ended today..I like that show! I think it was well done..and that KaiJie in HJL is too smart for his own good. And I wonder what LinFei will do about..what she knows now. In the end he's going to get his retribution cause shows always end up like that, hahaha!

Lol so YAY I UPADTED =D God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D

P.S.: We are supposed to tuck in our shirts during PE. Note to self: Buy bigger shirt, English textbook and single line book. Have been visiting the bookshop a lot more this year..compared to last year..hmm. Oh and the blue PE shorts strike back, weehoo. Lol.

P.P.S.: I'm going to cut my hair. Soon. And get a new rubber band. So that Q and V will stop telling me I look old. Hahahaha.

ALAMAK! I forgot I wanted to post some of the photos I took last they are :)

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Heho!! My cousin - Marcus Ong. You do feel like pinching his cheeks right? XD

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They are not the only ones who did this. Ahahah the thing they're running after is the moving logo spotlight in every Ikea. Cool right :)

Tea Series: (I wish I had a better camera with me..Lol)
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Taken in the carpark near churchie..That's Shirleen carrying her oversized Sparklight bag and..running. HAHAHA!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

521. ahem its coming.

I guess I forgot I get mood swings during this period of time. Hahaha. Okay so I need to go find Mr Tan to teach amath trigo..and I wanted to today butttttt no partner. Bea was nowhere to be found. Then I thought of Rie. But then she had dance..I think. And then and then I felt lost..which is..really quite weird.

Like so alibaba. And it seemed like everyone disappeared all of a sudden..I think they went home. Sigh oddy oddy odd. Have bio homework (2) and amath holiday assignments to complete. Lol yea havent finish..I think I'll feel better after finishing them.

I havent posted entries like this in a long time already right..that kind of rubbish mood. Lol which only One other comprehends. This is 2008. This is 2008. Sunflower seeds are deliciously yummy and there's nothing wrong with exclaiming it over and over again.

And my uniform was really strange today cause it kept coming out. And thats a huge rarity. Very alibaba. I'm still feeling quite crappy. Lol it seems like ages since I last felt like that. Okay all these will be over..soon! :D

Alright God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Monday, January 07, 2008

520. normal (good)

Hi peopleeeee. I need an outlet to get some stuff out of my heart. Here goes. :)

I'm sorry if I'm avoiding you cause..I dont want to think about things I have absolutely no intention of thinking about and yesterday was quite torturous. I shouldnt have said anything at all. Wrong person, wrong time..? I just need some time to get over it..yea.

And please, for goodness sake, if I tell you I dont want to let you on about something, dont probe further. Thanks. And I am fine la. After what you said yesterday my head went into a series of "Am I really okay?" And the thoughts just kept spinning around. It was really annoying. I'm going to forget about it. Yay :D

YAY! Oh and woohoo real-life (not on TV) eyecandy. Lololol. Earcandy. Hahahah Q if youre reading this dont LOL. Your mum would scream at you. Hahahahah. Okay and lastly, thank God for Himself, for just being there, always. And being never-changing. Sense of familiarityyyyyyy. :):)

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Saturday, January 05, 2008

519. normal (good!)


I'm going to finish up the amath holiday assignments later..and return those library books..they are due today! Lol and the highlight of this post..I bought something really ideal (ITS WHITE!! WOOHOOOOO) at only 10bucks. 10BUCKSSSS!! =D=D=D It starts with a d. Go figure, hahaha. The cheapest one I ever got was only 5BUCKS WHEEHOOOO. I love inexpensive (but of good quality, of course) stuff! :D:D Oh I think this one looks better than that one bought at 5bucks. Not saying the 5bucks thingo wasnt nice..but..hahaha!! YAY I AM SO DELIGHTED HEHO.

Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Yay I bought another one. A 5bucks one. HAHAHA. Mummy says it looks cute..LOL but I think the white one's nicer :D Okieeeeeee love :)

Friday, January 04, 2008

518. bloated, tired and a lil uncertain

For the record, I'm blogging in such a state. What state? Find clues from today's title. Today's NOI..did you know that the hottest place on Earth is the air around a lightning strike, which can reach as much as 54,000 degrees F, easily five times hotter than the surface of the sun?

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Thanks Japh :) I like the white against red artistic contrast :)

Currently..I feel bloated cause I..ate 2 bowls for dinner..and my mum just bought KFC and I'm eating the Fish Ole..and the mash potato turned cold already but still, yes I'm eating it as well..not to forget the Zinger chicken, which is so spicy I can feel the sting lingering in my mouth 5 minutes after. Wowow eat eat eat. Lol.

And I bought the school organiser, yay! In my opinion it looks cool..and the contents are really neat..I like! Plus there's a revamp of design, making it look refreshing and well, nice! Hahahaa.

I'm having tuition tomorrow. Thursday's one was to make up for the week I didnt go cause of church camp. Yup. And recently..ohmygosh God I really need You. I'm uncertain because I dont know whether someone is..angry with me or not. Cause ahem is not saying anything about it. And I hinted response. What should I dooooo. I'd appreciate a reply, even if its negative..just let me know what you think/feel about it..cause I'd feel really guilty if you dont. And the thing is I like things to be clear..but now its..the scenery is obscure!

And ahem is still treating me..well like a friend. And I just dont know what to say. It just makes me feel..guiltier. And its like what? A riddle? Alamak..okay forget about it. I'll just ask ahem straight in the face. -.-

Sigh so ya la. This thing has been bothering me quite a bit plus the HJL episode today..super alibaba. Everyone is like going mad in that show..which makes me, as the viewer, feel kind of like that too..ah lol.

Hmm and I wonder..oh chicken. SANDRAAAA WONDER WHAT WONDER. LOL. Oh and I tell you yesterday hahaha I hahaha something hahaha happened. Shhhhh. And today I saw another hahaha. If I am going to see a hahaha everyday I think you can just bring me the hospital. Else you'll find me fainting outside everyday because of hahaha. LOL. Okay thinking of hahaha lifted my spirits..LOL!

Okay okay too much info, TMI. Hahaha God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

517. normal (good)

Okay just a note to let everyone know I wont be blogging as often. Which means I'll still blog, yay! :) Alright I still have unfinished homework..hahah!! Never mind. Actual lessons start on Friday, having tuition after school tomorrow, quite a number of changes in school, was glad to see familiar faces..hahaha so summarized right? XD

Okay la God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3

P.S.: Being a Sec4 takes some getting used to. A bit attached to 2007 la. Lol. Hello 2008! :)

P.P.S: JY, HERE'S WISHING YOU A QUICKIE COMPLETE RECOVERY!! Loads of misses and love, take care and see you soon! :):)

P.P.P.S: Sorry! Forgot to add this in..thank you V for your new year present..for thinking of us when you were in M'sia..hahah..I havent used it but I guess I will, soon. :D Thanks again! :)

Monday, December 31, 2007

516. normal (good)


WOWWWW. 2007 IS ENDING IN LESS THAN 2 HOURS. Hahahah. Okay..I have so much to say. You know..I've ever thought of what I'm going to write on the last day of the year a couple of times..but now I dont really remember every single detail I want to jot down but its okay..yea. :D

And you know? The little things really do matter. Like how my sister's friend calls at 9PM on the dot every weekday to remind her that the 9PM started like LOOOL but yes I LOVE THE SENSE OF FAMILIARITY. In a nutshell, I NEED IT. Hahaha so things that I find annoying or..weird..if I hear/see them when I'm feeling out of sorts..THE FEELING IS OOLALA WONDERFUL. Okay never mind if you dont get it. :)

So yea wow. The feeling is overwhelming. Anywayyyyyy I just wanna say 2007 has been a great, a wonderful, a fantastic, a very real and a year which I'll always remember. :) I'll remember the things people said to me this year..Like YC telling me to 节哀顺便 when I wasnt feeling even sad. LOL yea that was one of things I wanted to say in the "other things I remember" section. Oh lol. Yes the NOI yea? Sorry ah no NOI last post..THIS TIME'S ONE ISSSSSS The only word in the English language with five vowels in a row is "queuing," unless you spell meow "m-i-a-o-u" (some dictionaries do), in which case "miaouing" also has five.

Interesting right? :) Hahaha oh I remember what I want to write already..okay soooo here goes :)

The guys I went gaga over this year (as in celebrities..yea you get the idea..hahah):
WU ZUN. Hahaha this one. Cause I watched the um OH I REMEMBER HUA YANG SHAO NIAN SHAO NV. YEAAAAA. LOL.
JAMES FRANCO. (After Spiderman 3..his smile..woooooow. XD Anndddd he's the only un-Asian here..did you realise? AND I REALISED I LIKE ASIANS MORE SO YAY LOL)
LEE DONG JIAN. (LOVERS OF PARIS :D oh by the way I didnt finish watching it. Hahhaha.)
RAYMOND LAM. (The last breakthrough)
JOHNSON. (A but only actually, from Just Love)
JAE HEE. (THE LATEST ONE - I dont think I like him already HAHAHAH. Okay I still do. A bit la :D)

Somehow I feel theres more? Lol. Well what can I say. This year has been awesome. Next year is going to be better :) I love faces of genuine joy. I love it when people laugh from their hearts. I love it when I feel normal. I love it when God comforts me and tells me everything's gonna be okay. I love my friends for being there for me, always. You guys are always just a phone call away. I REALLY LOVE YOU PEOPLE!! :)

And ALL PRAISE TO GOD, for always being in control and everything else! For letting me know and assuring me of so many things. :)

2007 has been sooooooo ahhh i love it all in all, including the downs which made me discover more about myself..I learnt more about myself this year, learnt more about my friends, made new friends, managed to keep the old :D, grew deeper with God, saw how He worked in my life..and AliBaba came Hahha. OH HE THANKS ALL OF YOU OUT THERE WHO HAVE BEEN SO SUPPORTIVE OF HIM AND HIS SONGS AND HIS CLAP. HAHAHHA!! ARSENAL CHELSEA HONEY!! Yes esp to you Q and to all those who know what it means.. :) I'm satisfied with how this year went..yay! :D

Anddddd of course, with a new year impending, a new year resolution is only reasonable to make :) MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION IS TOOOOO glorify God and give my best in whatever I do..WOOHOOO!! :D

Okayyyy I can never stop telling you people out there how much I love you - I JUST REALLY DO!! LOL okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D:D:D:D:D

Saturday, December 29, 2007

515. not so normal but good!

Hahahah the title anyway yes I'm back from camp! :D Can you believe it? Camp is overrrr. And I'm having church tomorrow..and in this camp I learnt and experienced a whole bunch of things, some first-times even. Hahaha.

I have so much to write about lol oh ya first things first..I still havent adapted back to home life (lol) so I do feel a bit for example I was surprised at the amount of time I took just for showering..not seeing/bathing in my bathtub for 4 days sure had an impact on me. Hahaha! Okay sorry for digressing XD so because of that, forgive me if I write..weird stuff. LOL. This post is going to help me solve stuff along the way too, I think. Its going to be long so..dont say I didnt warn you..ahhaha. (Its going to be in bullet make things easier for..everybody. XD)

1st day
  • Woke up feeling really cold so wanted to wear my track pants to! And then Sher told me its for sleeping so..oh well hahaha. (Oh but I saw her wearing it during service the other day leh..hahaha!)
  • Wore FBTs in the end.
  • Met up with Yi An @ Macs (Church wasn't open yet) early in the morning but well it was..refreshing..haha! Felt excited cause its my FIRST TIME AT A CHURCH CAMP! :)
  • Charissa came after that. Chatted for a while before proceeding to churchie :D
  • Met Valery along the way :)
  • So 4 of us went in, sat on the ground (the reporting venue) and talked and I got the "feel-good" feeling! :D
  • Skip the boring parts..hahah and so the bus actually came late if I didnt remember wrongly..
  • Yea kay nothing much happened on the bus. With the feel-good feeling inside of me, I slept soundly and happily. XD Oh yea I sat with Yi An.
  • OKAY! So we reached NUS PGP, woohoo! The view at main really..beautiful! :)
  • Stood around to talk with the 3 girls (again) while waiting for instructions.
  • Was to proceed to audi so off we went..sat at the last row at first (convenient ma..haha) but they told us to move up and then we were seperated cause we had to sit in our groups but that was okay with me..cause Valery was in the same group as me! Weehoo, thank God. He knows I'd faint if I had to communicate with complete strangers during the 4 days..hahah. So yea I like having someone I know in the same group la :D
  • OKAY! So uh got to know everyone's names..and thank God within 5 minutes I remembered all..which was 11 people at that time. Heho! :)
  • Had to say something interesting about ourselves and I had wanted to say I like smelling books but then I didnt cause I didnt want to come across as a weirdo like at the first impression hahhaha! Though it was interesting but oh well lol. By the way I said I like the idea from a girl (Amanda) who said she likes singing. Lol Amandas like singing! Or at least those I know..not counting that blogshop owner..hahah.
  • And another girl (Vivvenne) was surprised to know my name and later I found out why..she has a good friend in church who had the same name
  • WeeSian looks like XiaNing.
  • Valery reminded me of Carine.
  • Amanda reminded me of Josephine. Clicked the best with her hahahah.
  • Vanessa wasnt there at that time; she came in the evening cause of..I'm not sure..but well she reminded me of someone but I'm unsure exactly
  • The other people in my group: Salome (group leader & she told me I look very familiar O.O it only occured to me the next day that she might have shared her Bible with me in Woodlands a long time ago. Dont ask me how I remembered. Weird but I think thats why la lol.), YiXiu (cool girl! And she really doesnt like heat. Lol, discovered that today.), Gerald (big guy O.O and he's quite entertaining though..annoying. LOL.), Matthew (Guy of few words..and he's smart one lor lol. Oh and I thought he was 14 but thats impossible la the camp is for people aged!), Clement (from Woodlands too..haha..well he's rather..funny lol), Kingston (our group's elder. He was pretty scary la cause when we gathered on the final night for group time..he spouted nonsense AND he was sitting BESIDE ME OMGOSH lol all because he slept for only 1 and a half hour..seriously terrifying to me..hahha) and lastly Shaun (big guy too..hmm he's a responsible person la..helped us to carry our survival kit all around).
  • After the necessary briefings we got to know our block numbers and receive our ohsohightech transporders which is so irritating and troublesome. Whatever la lol was told to get changed into disposble clothes! :D Haha yea checked in the room after a bit of trouble with the block door..oh and LiJia, the block IC, said I looked familiar too..she even asked me if my sister is an actress! O.O LOL..anyway just put down my bag, took out the clothes and got changed and headed down to the basketball court (bcourt) :)
  • Played bonding games! YAY! Hahah, had to paint our fingernails without using our hands with the nail polish in our vital surivial kit (like some ba bao got dirty and everything in the 2nd game. Had coffee powder thrown on me LOL and of course, ever harmless water which I dont mind and white as snow flour..hahha fun! Oh and I dont know the winner of the game but never mind the fun element was more important :D
  • Okay then we had lunchie, followed by a bath then it was time for P&W (:D) serrrrrmon by Pastor Sam, dinner, workshop, P&W again, free time (according to the timetable..cant quite remember, lol), then supper cum group time and finally bedtime (all past 12.30 one lol)
  • Call mummy before sleeping and yes of course, QT. :) Then off to dreamland..okay I didnt dream of anything la LOL.

Photo of the day XD:

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I look a bit weird leh. Lol probably too tired. I was in my room. :)

2nd day
Its actually 10.39PM now..although I slept for at least 6 hours just now I still feel tired..anyway I'm going to simplify this and summarise as much as possible..was like half awake during group devotion. Lol didnt eat much for breakfast, habit la. Hahah yes I know we were fasting for lunch, hey God will take care of my stomach! So had no worries :D..then P&W which was, as always, awesome.. :) Then sermon by Pastor Lian (Pastor Pacer's ex teacher) Its on this day that one of the unpleasant things happened.

Sheesh oh well I shouldnt say its my point what LOL anyway what happened was when Pastor Lian told us to come up for altar call..and everywhere was so packed..I moved to a small empty spot, behind someone who was shaking violently. I should have known better. The thought that he might fall on me did come across me but aiyo I didnt think about it after that..and I was closing my eyes..and all of a sudden BANG something like a forceful basketball banged my face rahhhhh out of all places. The guy in front of me fell..was really..angry..sigh what to do..I can say there wasn't any other spot I could have went to..but there was..its only that I have to walk a distance sigh and the part between my nose and my mouth hurt a LOT. Th pain was intensifying la chicken. I couldnt move my lips in without feeling any pain..I thought the whole part would go red la. So chicken but oh well I felt God that whole body shooked up and down..well if that unpleasant incident didnt happen everything would have felt a notch better.

Oh well hahaha then I found that the place where my specs touched my face is bruised and scratched and there is a red dot between my nose and mouth..alamak. Anyway we had camp activities after that..I forgot what and then the same thing..went for the Hunger for souls workshop :) Not bad! :) And we watched part one of Left Behind on this day too..its about the rapture..yup :):) Kay then the usuals, supper and bedtime.

BUTTTTT my bedtime = less than two hours. Seriously pathetic. The reason why I couldnt get to sleep is because I felt so uneasy inside..Called mummy and it helped a bit..managed to get that scarce sleep finally @ 2.43AM I think..I was looking at my handphone so yea can remember the time..BUT I woke up at 4plus afterwards..felt so tired and wanted so much to get to sleep but I felt so uncomfortable..maybe the pain on my face? Called mummy again to..pass time..told her to keep talking so I wont feel so..weird. I was actually kind of afraid that if I got back to sleep I'd shake or something..there was just this scary feeling eww! Whetever anyway after that mummy really had to get back to sleep so I called Q THANK GOD SHE WAS AWAKE. =D=D LOVE YOU! Thanks for keeping me accompany :):) So we talked till 5plus..

I layed a while on my bed but I didnt fall asleep..then I decided to go out..had wanted to do that before..and ask my block mates if I could bunk in with them but sigh Amanda wasn't in (knocked her door many various intervals..I WAS DESPERATE FOR A BUNKING PARTNER LAAAA.. =( ) Then I was afraid to disturb Salome cause I told her I'll wake her up after 7..yea sighhhhhh. And I felt better when I was outside and since because of that dumb fear I didnt get back to sleep I paced along my corridor..

What I did: Look out at the sky..dark and well..mysterious..saw a bug and played with I didnt touch it. I must have some kind of affinty with bugs..thank God for it. It kept me accompany. It followed me everywhere I went it could sense me..LOL! Saw the changes in the colour of the sky and YAY thank God for the pretty sky after an finally :) Okay blahblah 7 oclock finally came. 7oclock. Woke Salome up..hahah if she knew all that I did. :) So eventful right. Lol.

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The sky I saw in the evening.. :)

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View of the ground floor from my level (6) :)

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The corridor..and the block door in the distance..irritating block door!! Lol.

3rd day
The red dot grew bigger..into a rough unsightly bump. Oh sigh. Anyway changed into sermon clothes..Thank God the sky made my day..didnt feel like a zombie..really! :D And the usual stuff happened lor. And I got sick. Had a sore throat. Hurt a lot when I swallowed saliva. Had to have a constant supply of water..but sigh I didnt. So it got worse..kept praying and thank God He sustained dinner time I was so tired and sick. And thanks ah to Gerald for asking. Dinner was yummy. I ate the most during dinner hahha. Oh yea and I think Gerald ate the leftover of my charsiew rice (lunch)..cause I had no appetite so I didnt eat a lot. Hello what do you expect from a patient. Lol. And on that day got to know (and confirm) that Gerald and Vivviene are veryvery close friends. So close they bicker like a husband and wife would. Hhaha! I thought she ahemlikedahem him. If I'm not wrong it must be it la.XD

Oh before that we had Amazing (G)Race..a game which God, once again, showed how mighty He is :):) He healed me of my gastric/stomachache!! :D:D So I could ran and..catch up with the group. Yeaa! :) Went for will of God workshop in the evening..I liked it! The facilitator drew diagrams and everything to help us understand, I LIKE! :D

At night had group time..was already very exhausted but thank God He sustained me :) Had to share my feelings about the camp..It was very brief and I didnt say what I wanted to say cause I was that tired. What I said was only 1/3 of what I wanted to express. Oh never mind and Salome said something very intriguing about me. I so want to ask her why she thinks so.

Oh and Vivienne asked me if I was okay when I was laughing..which of course, I am. And I felt really funny cause nobody ever asked something like that in that tone when I'm having a good time laughing. Seriously, lol she just doesnt know me..right? :D

Anyway God's strength is the power la. 3AM and I was still awake..finale night ma..all the groups stayed up a lot later..finally I couldnt take in. I think I was going to get a fever so I went back..BUT I COULDNT OPEN THE BLOCK DOOR so I went back to get Salome..and I had to walk a distance okay..good exercise -.- Blahblah went back, did QT and plomp, sleep.

Woke up at 5.44AM for no rhyme nor I have so much to write about..Alamak I think I'll just continue another day. :)

4th day
This didnt happen on the 4th day but well it was in the camp that I first filled up my water bottle with tap water IN THE TOILET. Like normally okay you can say the water from the water cooler is also tap water but this is diff! This is like going to the toilet, turning on the tap, putting your bottle IN THE SINK and letting the tap water flow into the opening of your water bottle. ALL THESE IN THE TOILET. Its very different one okay! Hahha :D

The first time I talked to so many people like I've known them for a long time. The first time I let go of myself..the first time I saw people who didnt know how to play Concentration although they know its a game and they saw others played it before and I had to teach them. Lol. The first time I taught a group of people a cheer. LOL! Okay yea so many other first-times. Exciting eh? :)

Okay so the 4th day was photo taking dayyyyyyyy. Oh and I think I'm the only one who wore track pants on this day! Hahhaha XD. Autograph session. Departure dayyyyyyyy. Joyful dayyyyyyy. :) Finally got the chance to talk to Saman and yea we concluded something, that no one can come back from church camps unchanged :D Even if you may not realise it, something in you changed. YUPPO! =D

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The camp shirt :) I got darker! Lol.

(More next time =))

By the way, two more days till 2008. Wow. I am so tired. And I have to tie up the loose ends of my SS notes..finish amath homework okay JIAYOU! Love love love. Praise God for all He has done..I know He changed something in me..and He's going to use me. Thank You God..for assuring me time and time again..though I dont know what Your plans are..just let Your will be done :) God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007




God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Christmas trees, santa claus and jingle bells..they are all incidental things..

Friday, December 21, 2007

513. fancy some more kudos cards? XD

Annyeonghaseyo everybody! If you remember..we wrote kudos cards on fine day in school to our friends and wasn't it such fun? :D Hhaha yup but there were limited cards! So what do we do? We continue them in our blog! Hahahh. Okay okay kudos cards, thankgiving cards, notes -- whichever way you see it, let's begin the surprise!! YAYYYYYY. Hahahah. Its going to be a real surprise cause I'm going to write to people I'm not very close to as well. Hahaha! XD

YAYYYY..woohoo exciting leh. Lol. (and by the way this is not considered a proper post so no NOI..sorry!)


First and foremost my #1 dearieeee! Q!!

She's the one I can hold any conversation with starting without hellos cause she never minds (:D), she's probably the only one in school who've seen all my personalities, I'm certain she'll be the one (or one of those?) who will be standing by no matter what..she's my best friend!! YAYYYYY. Hahah oh yea girl, its okay if youre not going. Not your fault right its your mum so year then!! :D:D Thanks for being such a dear to go all out (hahaha) to organise my birthday dont like organising stuff! LOL SO THANKS A LOT (and for everything!) And thank God we know each other so well we even know when one of us is pmsing (and its really rather accurate, lol) so we dont blame each other when we quarrel..Hahaha. And yea and you know, feeling emo doesnt mean you have to listen to emo songs.. :D I LOVE YOU!! =)

Okie next up. V!

She likes Bodyglove..hmm watches a lot of movies (hahah) Hey girl. The dearies never change soooo you're still one of them! No doubt :D Am really glad we (sort of) cleared things up..and you're a loyal one too! :) Thanks for everything too :):) Love you! :D

Wheeeee guess who's next. Cl..Cl..ara!

Hhaha this girl has fair skin! (Got secret?) Lol hmm one of the three from our class to have gone to TW. YAY! :) Oh and Russel and really make her laugh. Non-stop. LOL. Cute! Stay happy girl! Laughter is, afterall, the best medicine :D Love you! :D

Okay next on the list: Sher!

Sheryl sheryl shermama. Hahah thanks ah for acknowledging us. LOL. Okay kidding! Hmm sherrr. Sister in Christ, loves purple and very retro stuff. And now you know you dont look hideous in dresses and youre not fat so stop saying you are. If you dont say it your mindset will change and tada Sher is NOT fat! :D YAY hunger camp together! Hhaha okay God bless and thanks for everything too! Love you! :)


Valerieeeeee. Is tall, open-minded and easy-going. :) Is a dancer! Hahah okay. I'm sure our insanity is infectious. One fine day Rie started laughing a whole lot more!! YAYAY! =D Thanks for being the co-organiser for my birthday :D And thanks for being the peacemaker when either Q or I were pmsing and we start "fighting", LOL! Thanks for everything you! :D Oh and all the best for your prince charming XD


WaiPing doesnt like beehoon, she has small ears..therefore she's in NCC! LOL. Okayyy hmm we love Disney shows! LOL. Especially Barbie. LOOOOL. Okayy thanks for you too! :)


Yay fellow bookworm! Has lots of interesting stories to share..hhah those KFC times. Hmm she's at camp now..must be having fun! Hahah and what happened to your blog? Cant access leh. And um Japhiaaaaaaa is a gymnast! Very flexible okay dont play play. LOL. Okay girl, God bless and love you! :)


CHIAAAAAYIN DEARIE! LOL. Lover of anime, my retard friend and my best laughing partner! Hahahah..and not to forget, the cute obasan! (Its a compliment!!) Heho. I'm glad I met you. Hahaha, gained myself a new goody friendy. Hahaha! Thanks for everything too :):) & love you!! (SWINGS AFTER O'S, YAY! XD)


WOOHOO SHUAIGE. Hahahah loves anime and purple! :) YAY hmm thanks for like being online often if not my will be so boring and dead. Lol. And thanks for being so knowledge of bleach and other animes increased thanks to your info. Hhaha and I dont mind you talking randomly cause it helps la. Better than total silence in eMSaN. Hahah. XIEXIENI! Love you!


Hmm..I'll remember that time during chinese class when I came in with a foul mood and you just lent your listening ear without saying anything.. :) thanks for being there in your quiet way.. :) I do appreciate it..yay! Hahah oh your new hamsters are really adorable :):) Love you!


HELLOOOO I think youre still in M'sia now? Anyway bea is easygoing, tall and feminine. And we have things in common! Hush hush. Hahah. Thanks for those retarded moments..the carplate # shouting..the ali baba clap..and so much more..hahaha love you!! :)

HI GIRL =D Sadist at heart..but slowly changing (I can see! :D) I'll remember the watsons times..ahhaha dove girl. YAY WE'RE GOING TO CAMP TOGETHER. =D Oh and I'll remember that time you stayed with me when I was having a stomachache. Greatly appreciated :):) Love you! =D

Helloooo. I dont know if you'll ever read this but never mind hahaha. I'll remember that time we ran around looking for clinics..hahah it was a fun adventure :D And that talk in TW? I'll remember it too :) QiaoNi..always seen with a bright smile..hahah :) Love you! :)

Hmm..Very smiley girl too. Hahah. That time you touched the bird droppings accidentally because of me..really sorry..and thanks a lot!! :D And..stay happy! :) Love you too! :)

Jojo大姐 I dont think you ever told us to stop calling you that..hahah..he's rich. And generous. LOL. He often says "have faith". Which Sher said and I quote, "Weird but very true" Hahha. AND one of the most memorable things someone said to me this year (so far) came from him. LOL.."Why are so hard on yourself?" I think he forgot already la..anyway its never mind. Anyway I'm trying. Not to be so hard on myself. LOL. Okay so thanks for everything too! :)

Hi girl :) Thanks for coming to the birthday "party". Hahah :) I really hope you did have fun..So sorry if you didnt..anyway I hope you truly enjoyed yourself that day..hahha :)

Hellooo :) Hahah JingYi loves wearing dresses. Oh and she's rich too. Lol. And she loves maths! :) hahha. Stay happy! :)

Lol thanks for coming too. And I hope you enjoyed yourself that day as well! :) Loves dgrayman? Lol okay. And claim's he's "nooberchild" -.- Lol. Lamerrrr. I think..thats all? :)

Hello! Lol the occasional big brother O.O Really occasional. Anyway thanks for caring when I was sick. Lol. And I heard you got a new girlfriend? Lol all the best! XD Oh and God bless too :)

LOL I dont even know if you read my blog. Hhahaha. I'll remember maths class. Fun. Not sure if next year's seating arrangements will be the same but anyway will remember you as seating partner (Q's the other one, hahaha!)! Oh and thanks for helping for the Q birthday thingy. Hahah. :)

Kamsahamida to all the above, yay! :D And thanks to those who have been so forgiving, you know who you are! Thank God my friends are big-hearted people. Lol.

I forgot to add in church friends! Opps. Another time perhaps.. :)

Other things I remember..
(I think I'll edit this part. When I feel like it. Hahaha)

Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

512. fantastic mood

Hhahah. Yayyyyyy I AM IN A GOOD MOOD..CHEEERRRR! XD Kay seriously, although I know there IS a scientific explaination for it blah but I want to describe it as "You know, this is one of those times you feel good without rhyme nor its random!" Okay that sounded pretty nonsensical but never mind. Hhaha.

Anyway, okay I know you want to know. Haha so today's NOI is.. [drumroll]

Did you know that the fifty-two playing cards in a typical deck represent the fifty-two weeks in a year; the four suits, the four seasons? Cool right! So now you know why there are 52 cards and why there are 4 suits. Hahaha. And I didn't say its going to be as funny as the last one..I guess I should add the humurous one I saw the other time..maybe it will come up in the next post! :D

Hmmmmmmm. Okay I've been thinking more often these few days about something's not quite right. Oh hahah never mind. I think I had other stuff to blog about..maybe I'll come back when I remember what they are..hahah okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

LOL I just saw this question in a particular quiz:
You have to turn in a journal for English class. Your journal is
a. written in a cloth-covered blank book.
b. recorded on a cassette or CD.
c. recorded on videotape.

LIKE LOOOOL?? I've never even thought of the 2nd and 3rd options for a journal! LOL. Besides, the teachers (or at least Singaporean teachers) always request for the same old thing - write your journal in your school's exercise book. LOL..Okay maybe when I become a teacher I'll make them write in a blog..or they can send an email to me..attach the video or sound file WITH TRANSCRIPT (In case I cant make out what theyre saying, LOL!) or they can just write it. Hahah yay free style XD Okayyyy hahaha God bless, take care & byeeeeeeee! :)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

511. normal (good)

HELLO! Have I got interesting stuff to share with you! :D

I'll call this section Nuggets of Information. It will be in the top part of my posts from this time onwards until I have no more trivia..haha! And yes, only one in every entry. =D Okay! So today's is did you know..? Big Bird's costume is made of turkey feathers that are dyed yellow! Hahah sorry it isn't yellow. Didn't change it to that colour cause it would be difficult for you to read it off the screen against the white background. Haha as if you didnt know -.- LOL okayyyyy next!

Oh ya I've always wanted to find out my height in feet AND inches. As in not individually..but together. Yea anyway yay I found the website already! :D Click here to see how tall you are! Hhaha so that you won't embarrass yourself when somebody from say America asks you how tall you are and you actually tell him/her your height in cm. LOL. Okay yea so that's the other thing.

Hmm an update about my life. Okay so I actually had a fever the day before but thank God I'm fine now..hmm I fevers really damage/kill brain cells? Oh the answer is yes it can, but it would need a high temperature to kill it, not just a normal fever. With a high fever that can kill brain cells, you would most likely to faint. Whew hahah.

Oh ya no sleep means no new brain cells. And besides the fever I had, and still have a runny nose and sometimes a blocked nose when I just get up. Also I cleared my throat many times before I slept last night. Lol was rather uncomfortable. Hmm and on several occasions when I wanted to; felt the urge to sneeze but didn't sneeze, I'd feel a bit annoyed and would get reminded of what some people call it - the sneeze theives. I really don't like them but I'm glad someone actually likes my sneezes enough to snatch them away. You know, not everyone exactly likes sneezes. Hhahaha!

And as you already know, the weather these few days..weeks? Have been brrrrrrring cold. And you know what? My computer is situated BESIDE the huge windows of my living room and a cold wind just blew which my hair flew in all directions. LOL. So uh apparently now I'm wearing a hairband to stop my hair from..flying. HAHAH.

Oh ya I borrowed 4 books from the library a few days ago..YAY! I have some (not every) intention to go out and breathe in some fresh air. Perhaps with a partner? Staying at home all day long isn't exactly..healthy. Hahah. Okay and I want to finish up my history blog today..jiayou Sandra! :D

I dont know why the food for thought section doesn't appear in the sidebar and yes I replaced it with my Flickr badge. Yup. Oh and my current favourite show is Witch Yoo Hee. Korean drama serial, airs on CH U @ 10PM every weekend. Go catch it! And Yoo Hee is not a real witch la LOL..its just her nickname cause she is so eccentric..hahah! One last thing. What's the difference between grace and mercy? I really want to know. Kay that's all. :)

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Monday, December 17, 2007

510. letting go

Okay shanks I never thought I'd do this. This which is selling stuff on my blog. OMGOSH LOL anyway its not really a big deal la :D Okay so does anyone want skinny jeans, size 27, $20? The brand's Lona Yao and uhh it isn't my size so yea. Oh and it says "Lona Jeans" at the back, no yao. HAHAH. Okay so if you want it..tell me :D

Its the 18th of Dec today by the way. Anyway, some thoughts I want to put down and get over. Hahah how silly it was of me. To think, and expect that from which thats practically rather impossible. Hahaha. Shhhhh. Now go do your homework. LOL.

Okay hi people I know I dont post entries like these in this blog but never mind. I just feel it has to be here. :)

Alright so God, I SURRENDER. You are everywhere, even if I escape, run away or hide from You, You always find me and bring me back. Not saying I ran away from You..its just an example. Yea You know it. Anyway thank You for every single thing. I feel better than before, thank You. I surrender everything that's going to happen into Your hands. Cause I know everything will work out for the good with You. :) I dont know what id going to happen, I don't know what has happened to me, I feel all weird; strange like this isn't me. And I seriously don't like that feeling. But never mind. Cause You're here. You're watching over me. You never change. You are my Heavenly Father. You'll take care of me, You'll take care of everything. And if I have been holding anything back intentionally or subconsiously, please take it from me and..let Your will be done. Thank You Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen. :))

"but you know, im just gonna go into this camp, just trusting God.
cause God's so big, he'll be able to do anything.
and just cares my cares unto Him.
cause He's forever faithful.
and He'll always be there for me.
He's gonna back me up in whatever i do.
and this camp is going to be an awesome camp.
I'm just gonna really receive and be blessed.
and just be in daddy's embrace and love for me.
and camp's going to be a really great time of worship and encountering Jesus.
and a time to make godly friendships and have fun as well :)
Uh huh. Thank God I feel good now :D I love You Daddy!! God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

509. warm and comfy!

Yay ahahh.

While watching Star Awards 2007..

Some actress: ...谢谢大家!
Grandmumehhhhh: 就是嘛!!大家应该说的,也应该说的,就是这一句!!讲这么多干嘛?导播会生气的leh!!
Grandmummehhhh: 你啊,黄定晃动!! (That doesnt make sense in Chinese but say it out and put it in Teochew context and you'll get it :D)

Hahaha once again, presenting to you my humourous grandmummy whom I love so dearly :D:D Okay la I love all of you out there too la, no fighting! Hahahah :D

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

508. normal (good)

YAYAYAYYYYY. Watched the last episode of LPDR already, woohoo!! Wasn't a disappointment unlike most other recent MCD shows..ahaha! The quality is really much better..hahah bring on shows of other countries anytime! LOL. Okay so yup all the 4 couples that were meant to be got together in the end..YAY! 有情人终成眷属,太好了!XD Okay okay better get going now, God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

=D HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Oh um regarding the 7PM show, its really a pity that Yoyo and AK are not together anymore and that Yoyo has changed into such a scheming and evil character..oh well. And as for homework, the one that is bugging me the most now is the history homework. (ITS DUE NEXT WEEK!!) Seriously, I'd like it better if you give me a worksheet with some SBQ questions. Lol so anyway 2nd on my list is my tuition homework, due tomorrow. HAHAHAHA. -.- Lol.

Okay so I'm getting my SS book soon. And going to the library. Soon. :D:D YAYYYYYY. Sigh the history homework. Someone tell me your history blog URL. Lol for reference. Hmm brother's watching Tom & Jerry (AGAIN) on TV. Alamakkkk.

Okay and LPDR's ending today! MUST WATCH! XD Daadeedum. I guess the only biggie about being 15 is that you get to take your IC. Hahaha! Oh and I want to change my IC photo..haah next time ba. I have changed the 1st song on my playlist to save your ears from Gastby..hhaha! Alright that's all. God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeee :):)

Monday, December 10, 2007

507. normal (good)



LOL!! =X Oh ya this photo was taken on his birthday..which is the same as me! Hahah except for different years la, of course. Ahaha. :) (Kay its really funny looking at a guy twisting..hahahahaha XD)

AWWWW MESH. So sweeeeeeeto. 老婆大人 is a great show ohmygosh. The 十三公 was like bluntly romantic..hahaha!! He looks very average but he's quite charming hohooho..see Scroll down. Last guy. Oh mesh the way he walked before proposing to her..HAHAHAHA. XD Like..sashaying? <-- 05.40-06.30!! OMGOSH actually the part when he said he'd rather want her than the child in the clinic was cute as well.. He and his girlfriend is my current favourite couple in that show..YAY. AWW 00:18 His name is Johnson Lee Sze Chit. And uh I don't know how he's like in real life so anyway I like his character in the show! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. XD

YAY HONGKONG DRAMAS =D=D Okay that's all la God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeee :)

Sunday, December 09, 2007

506. strange

I LIKE THIS SONG =D and I wanna stay in this kinda place sometime. Or perhaps a treehouse? :)

Hi, I have many (to me) unfinished stuff to do. Havent finished reading that chinese book I bought in TW. Not surprising cause I knew I wouldn't finish it in one go. Its in traditional chinese which also means you read the book the opposite way (the proper way actually) still not accustomised to it so oh well I'll get used to it :)

(Sidenote: Forgot to bring my pencil box to church today! How could I forget..hmm. Haahh)

And I still STILL havent finish my CW essay..reached the word target already :D BUTTTTT the story is incomplete which means I have to spin some more tales. Havent finish all the book activities..havent find the 5 演讲词 (seriously couldnt find any suitable ones..and I dont think I should use her examples..) Havent complete my chinese essay..Eugene did another one but his theme is totally different from mine..and then havent finish the heymath homework as well..

Plus that history blog isnt all ready yet too. And the SS textbook isn't even what notes. And I can't find the chem homework anywhere on MLG..Bang. Like excuse me if you want us to do your homework please be responsible to upload it and not let your students fret for nothing. Opps I think I sounded a bit harsh there. See I told you I feel odd.

AH CHICKEN. Kay I'm supposed to do homework now, get the history blog over and done with but hello? It requires loads of brain cells to ANALYSE CRITICALLY and to USE MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES to write your answers. Okay the second requirement isn't that bad but..analyse critically? No mood for that now. Sigh. :(

Oh yea I have to edit my previous post cause some more people wished me today. LOL. Um alright if youre reading this pray for my brain cells to work more so that I can analyse CRITICALLY. Hahaha thanks a lot. Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)