Hmm and school has been tiring. Just imagine remedials like everyday. And you feel so lethargic all you really want to do is lie on your bed and be in sleep mode forever. Hahaha. Okay well but thank God He is still very faithful, as always :D Thank Him for sustaining me.. :) And time doesnt just fly, it zooms past you. We're already into what..? The 3rd week of school! Lol..packed-as-sardine-cans trains..sometimes feeling a bit cranky from information overload..ah sec 4.
And being amazingly high each day..O.O Thank God. I think I need it. Lol. Tuition after school tomorrow, again on Saturday..going to do library duty twice next week..Having a Physics test on Monday and before you know it, PAH CNY IS HERE WOOHOO LETS CELEBRATE BY STUDYING FOR CT. LOOOOOOOOOOOL.
Okay sec4 madness. Oh and Shoot3 ended today..I like that show! I think it was well done..and that KaiJie in HJL is too smart for his own good. And I wonder what LinFei will do about..what she knows now. In the end he's going to get his retribution cause shows always end up like that, hahaha!
Lol so YAY I UPADTED =D God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D
P.S.: We are supposed to tuck in our shirts during PE. Note to self: Buy bigger shirt, English textbook and single line book. Have been visiting the bookshop a lot more this year..compared to last year..hmm. Oh and the blue PE shorts strike back, weehoo. Lol.
P.P.S.: I'm going to cut my hair. Soon. And get a new rubber band. So that Q and V will stop telling me I look old. Hahahaha.
ALAMAK! I forgot I wanted to post some of the photos I took last they are :)
Heho!! My cousin - Marcus Ong. You do feel like pinching his cheeks right? XD
They are not the only ones who did this. Ahahah the thing they're running after is the moving logo spotlight in every Ikea. Cool right :)
Tea Series: (I wish I had a better camera with me..Lol)
Taken in the carpark near churchie..That's Shirleen carrying her oversized Sparklight bag and..running. HAHAHA!
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