This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

465. normal (good)


Okay so right the mocca avertisements are still on going. (Yes I know I didnt even mention anything of it/them in any of my previous posts..hahah) But anyway right..The first one wasn't as good compared to the 2 later ones..It was attracting enough though..As in attract attention la. Lol. Kay I think the second one is most, or rather only decent one out of the 3 (if you get what I mean) so I'm putting it here..Hahaha yea the other two will look "out of place" here..

If you didnt catch what she's's the transcript:

"(Adjusts vdeo camera) Hi, I'm a single twenty-four year old looking for a special companion to share my beautiful room with. I cook, I clean and I promise to be home by seven P.M everyday. I miss my special companion because I lost mine last week.
SO please, CALL. If you have a white maltese (she pronouced it like 'mountisse') puppy for sale."

If you want a good this Macho Guy Selling House video.

The transcript:
"HI! Im selling my house.
You like it? Its clean and green with three huge rooms.
The bedroom's over there.
The kitchen's over there.
This is my beautiful bathroom. Check out my matching pipes.
Want to see more? Call this number."

Hahaha and someone said "i thought he said "3 Huge Brooms..." Lol funny crap.

Had 3 tests today instead of 2 cause Mr B(no M)W decided to give the 4 of us who were absent last Wednesday the English summary test today..yea like finally. Lol. I think he gave it to us today cause they were supposed to return the papers today and he had a shocking revelation..which probably went like this: "Oh shacks! I've got 4 who didnt take it!" So yup thank God he remembered. And do you know where we took the test? In front of the staircase! Lol and KJ had the I-so-totally-humiliated,-poor-me face. But apart from all the noise the moving classes made it was okay la. :)

Hmmm..Q came during recess! Hahah I think I was missing her but I didnt even realise it. I was pretty reticent before breaktime..And I couldn't figure out why. Hahaha funny. Have been feeling quite free these days..Cause of the absence of homework =X

Okay the 1-week-examination-period timetable:
This Friday: English
Next week:
Monday - Maths paper 1 & SS
Tuesday - Maths paper 2 & Physics
Wednesday - Chinese
Thursday - Chemistry and Biology
Friday - History

Okay jiayouuuuu :D

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeee! :)

Monday, September 24, 2007

464. normal (good)

HELLOOOO =D Before I go on, I'd like to know who lent me his/her extra school badge..and that pin..I think its Sheryl's. I hope I'll remember to bring it tomorrow..

Okay sooooo now onto the main stars for today..dern dern dern dern..MUMMY AND SHIRLEEN! =D=D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! One's eight times as old as the other HAHAHAHA.

Free Image Hosting at

Kay that's the only photo I have of both of you. As in only the both of you. Hahah.

Hmmm okay birthday wishes:

Free Image Hosting at
TO Mummy..MUMMEHHHHH! XD I wish you eternal youth and beauty, hahaha! All the best in your career..and I know I inherited your genes cause I always pray for you not to be stressed at work, just like how I am, even unknowingly most of the time. And I secretly think that you pray the same thing for me haahaha. They say with age comes wisdom, so may you be wiser :D Love you! P.S: Whether you're 40 or 80, you will still be the most beautiful mum la dont worry :D:D

Free Image Hosting at
(This is my favourite photo of you :D)

TO Shirleen. You little cutie pie. Other names include chilli padi, xiao ke dou all random..Okay so you little thing has lived for 5 years! OH YAY LETS REJOICE. LOL. Hahahah you're a good addition to out already-crazy family. I know you're a genius. You knew how to write your chinese name (王丽慧) by the time you were 4. And I was like really impressed cause you got all the strokes right, yes even for that "hui" :D:D I'm so proud of you! Yay continue to make us must be overjoyed cause all your friends are celebrating your birthday for you today? Hows it like being a little princess for one day in school? Hahahah (and all the days at

Hhaha and JY did the quiz already, thank you! Hahaha by the way I was pretty shocked by her first impression of me..Lol see this. Its like the funniest thing that happened today, LOLOLOL!!
[b]© yiN uC[/b] ` ver3.5! woohoo` ; [c=36][b]thirty7DAYS MORE!*[/b] ت {one can't seemed to have it all } ▼[/c] says:
your face, you see
[b]© yiN uC[/b] ` ver3.5! woohoo` ; [c=36][b]thirty7DAYS MORE!*[/b] ت {one can't seemed to have it all } ▼[/c] says:
shows you're a very quiet person!
[b]© yiN uC[/b] ` ver3.5! woohoo` ; [c=36][b]thirty7DAYS MORE!*[/b] ت {one can't seemed to have it all } ▼[/c] says:
boy am i shocked when i see you going alibaba and laughing like 9/10 of times @ camp
sandrainbow \humans are forgetful creatures, we need reminders says:
sandrainbow \humans are forgetful creatures, we need reminders says:

Hahahah okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeee! :)

P.S: Two tests tomorrow, jiayou! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

464. normal (good)

Why am I online now..causeeeee had stomach ache in the couldnt go to church =( I want to go to cell later! Yupppp so I'll go off after this doing this quiz.

1. Person who tagged you is:

2. Your relationship with him/her is?
Good friends..? Hhaha.

3. Your 5 impressions of him/her?
Hmmm. Humorous..Likes anime..a bit strange at times..looks innocent (please dont kill me)..alamak I don't know already..okay he can be talkative but can be really quiet too. Kay done. Finally..-.-

4. The most memorable thing he/her had done for you?
EH GRAMMATICAL ERROR! LOL shouldn't it be he/she? Ummm what did he do for me..-.- Uhhh kept something a secret. Hhah.

5. The most memorable words he/ she had said to you?
None? =X

6. If he/she becomes your lover, will you?
Will I what? Impossible la. Hahah.

7. If he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be?
Ermmmmm. I don't want someone to come after me with a chopper sooo skip.

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, will you?
Will I what?? Alamakkkk. No la I dont hate so no enemies :)

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be?
Refer to answer above -.-

10.The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is?
Grammatical errorrrrrr. Never mind. Ummmm nothing eh. =X

11. Your overall impression of them are?
Them? Who?

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
Em I don't know? Depends la. But that day shuai ge said my upbeat mood influenced her :D

13. The characters you love of yourself are?
Shouldn't it be character traits? Lol. Hmm..I like it that I love God..Hmm I like it that I'm positive? Lol..

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are?
I don't hateeeee. Kay dislike..I dont like it that I cant stand some people. Cause I'm not supposed to "cant stand" anyone.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
Be Christ-like. :)

16. Pass this quiz to 10 persons(: [does not include ppl who have alr done it]
(Lol I don't even know if they will see this)
1. Valerie
2. Sheryl
3. WaiPing
4. Samantha
5. JY (I don't know if she did it already though..)
6. JingYi
7. Clara
8. Japhia
9. Crystal? Lol
10. Anyone who wants to do this..Ahahah.

17. Who is no.6 having relationship with? [Jing]
Haahha. She has her sister(s) and her parents :))

18. Is no.9 a male or female? [Crystal]

19. If no.7 and no.10 are together, will it be a good thing? [Clara & anybody]
I dont know -.-

20. How about no.8 and no.5? [Japh and JY]
Hahahh they arent lesbians, sheesh.

21. What is no.2 studying about? [Sheryl]
Crap why does this quiz contain so many grammatical errors. She's studying the same subjects as I am except that she takes geog plus econs and I take history.

22. When was the last time you had chatted with no.3? [WP]
Yesterday. On WLM.

23. What kind of music band does no.8 like? [Japhia]
Music band? I dont know..But I know she loves Only Hope by Mandy Moore.

24. Does no.1 has any siblings? [Valerie]
1 brother I think..hahaha

25. Will you woo no.3? [WP]
Am not a lesbian.

26. Is no.4 single? [Samantha]

27. What's the surname of no. 5? [JY]

28. What's the hobby of no.4? [Samantha]
Hahahah..think: "sadist..strangling..blood" O.O

29. Do no.5 and no.9 get along well? [JY and Crystal]
I'm not sure they talk to each other..

30. Where is no.2 studying at? [Sheryl]
Sama saya.

31. Talk something casually about no.1 [Rie]
Loves Pete Wentz.

32. Have you ever try developing feelings for no. 8? [Japh]
Alibaba, I'm not a lesbian laaa.

33. Where does no.9 live at? [Crystal]
Near Q

34. What colour does no.4 like? [Samantha]
Obvious, black. Hahha.

35. Are no.5 and no.1 best friends? [JY & Rie]
No..more like good friends? Lol.

36. Does no.7 like no.2? [Clara & Sheryl]
In the platonic sense I guess yes..Lol

37. How do you get to know no.2?
In YF..then we realised we were from Lighthouse! Lol.

38. Does no.1 have any pets? [Rie]
I dont think you?

39. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? [Clara]
Ewwwww what a sick question. Lol skip.

Kay God bless take care & byeeeeeeee :)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

463. normal (good)

YAY NORMAL GOOD. Never been so happy about that old and boring title. Hahahah.

Oh ya..You've got mail! [click] 4 new assignments in Heymath! Wooooow, Mr T.T finally decided to make use of heymath..and this weekend. Due date: Monday..Will do later if I want to..hahahh.

I didn't eat any medicine today..shall see how it goes..If I feel fine at the end of the day then I'm off medication..bye bye tablets and syrup! :D

Kay this is a really short one..may edit this later..God bless, take care & byeeeee :)

Friday, September 21, 2007


Just now (3.54PM) I typed these:
Alamakkkkkkkkk I don't know which module to choose for the AEP..! Okay its down to 2 choices..either singing or hip hop dancing. Like omgosh..hip hop..hip hop! Mesh I dont know why JY wants it..Argh now I dont want both..I dont want anything..Lol
Okay just took a risk..Lol I just hope it will be okay..anyway a lot of people chose it too..people I never thought would..and they probably wouldnt think I'd settle for that in the end..Lol I finished the survey ASAP..before I start regretting..Yea once in a lifetime thing..No time for regrets!
And so far..this week has been rather..turbulent. Is it just me or are the people around me acting a little unusual?

YAYYAYAYAY SO ITS 8.09PM now and I think I'm back to normal! OH YAY OH YAY OH YAY OH YAY OH YAY THANK GOD THANK GOD THANK GOD! :D:D:D:D I MISSED MYSELF! LOLOL. "The only risk in taking an adventure is not taking it at all" so yup, that hip hop thing right, I'm going to enjoy it, every bit of it :D YAY THATS THE SANDRA I KNOW. LOL kay I sound really hyper. And I took my medicine! I didnt break my tablet into half! AH YAY IM A GOOD GIRL. OH MESH all these caps show that I'm really overjoyed and excited. Still sick but I know God will let me recover fully, Amen! :D

Having Physics and Chem tests on Tuesday, jiayou! :D OMGOSH IM ELATED, OVER THE MOON NOW. Pretty satisfied with QingYouKeYuan's ending :D:D And dearies and friends, love you guys! =D

Okay God bless, take care and byeeeeeeeee! :D:D:D

Thursday, September 20, 2007

461. not really "normal", still sick

Yea so you can say I feel abnormal. As in like 80% normal..but 20% sick? And it means I'm still pretty moody. Sigh. Coughed so much in CF I thought I was going to cough up blood. And thanks to Rie for the water and Q for another packet of tissue. :)

And I realised I've been blogging for 4years plus now..Ahaha..Waiting for grandmummy's porridge..didn't have lunch in school cause I think it was school food that made my sickness worse? I dont know..And after lunch..dern dern dern dern..MEDICINE! I don't like big tablets. Bang.

I'm going to sleep after taking the medicine. Oh and went for the annual dental appointment today..thought the dentist would comment on my baby teeth..But she didnt, yay! Lol.

Thank God Sheryl and WP have been healed..and thank God that He sustained me throughout today..I thought I contracted Dengue..cause this illness have been on for so many days..Oh well maybe..maybe my immune system is not as good as theirs? Hahah..

Okay la I want to recover ASAP so that..I'll stop feeling so moody and not have a blocked nose..And I'll be back to normal..So that I can mug for the EOYs..ya I need healing. Desprately.

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeee.. :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

459. a bit groggy

But mostly better. I will attend school no matter what..So many commitments..Have to fufill them..yea actually going to school made my illness worse =X Never mind gonna depend on my honey+lemon water and God's strength..

Oh and you know the new Singtel advertisement? The "we sell everything! we deliver to anywhere! your address? Sing..a..pore?? But this is MUMBAI, INDIA!! YOU KNOW, INDIA?" LOLOLOL. I find it extremely hilarious.

Still coughing and sniffing..alamak..have to memorise mo that SS test tomorrow..and current affairs quiz..never mind if I choose to hope in God I can't doubt so here goes: IM GONNA BE OKAY :D

And a big thank you to all well wishers :):)

Sooooo God bless, take care and byeeeeeeeeeee. (:

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

458. sick, NOT GOOD AT ALL

People who know me know that I dislike being sick. A lot. Being sick, apart from making me feel seriously uncomfortable, makes me lose my spatial awareness and become moody and ultra-sensitive.

And I'm having an English summary test tomorrow..can I be absent? What about the meeting for the current affairs thing after school..what if I don't have any voice to voice my opinion in that quiz..Not only that..there's the SS test and chinese dictation on Thursday too..On Friday there's something too.

I'm supposed to bring forward some tuition how am I going to do that when I'm sick? AHHHHH.

God, please heal me..I know I ate too much potato chips..But they are just so yummy..okay and addictive. I CANT EAT HALF A CAN OF POTATO CHIPS. =(

Brain: You know youre going to get sick and the exams are around the corner and yet you still took that can of chips and downed half of it..see la..what has happened now? Serve you right..

Sorryyyy. =(

Sheryl asked me to sleep. I think I'm going to wash up before I do that..

Okay God bless..take care & byeeeeeeeeee.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

457. normal (good)

Actually I posted something yesterday. More like typed and saved it as a draft cause I didn't really feel like blogging. So okay I know I dont usually blog about my day in details. But I shall be a little more detailed (XD) now so in case I get umm whats that called..amnesia? I can read my blog and remember that this was how I spend my Saturdays. Well, most of them anyway.

Okay soooo I woke up a few times in the night? Or was it in the morning? But I saw that mummy was still asleep and I didn't want to check the clock on my phone cause this blue light will shine on the screen if I press any key so yea I went back to sleep. I think this happened quite a couple of times. Perhaps I was nervous? Nervous because I didn't want to be late for tuition? Like I have the past few times cause of..accidents. Yup accidents.

Okay at 9AM my alarm rang. It was finally, finally the right time to wake up. Throat was kind of dry so I ambled to the kitchen to make honey water to soothe it. Didnt want to risk losing my voice again. And I know why its like this..I ate Pringles when my throat was already not in a very good state. Ya good game Sandra. Lol..and even as I'm typing this now my throat still feels a little parched.

And so..the usual regime..brush teeth..wash face..and then it was the time to choose my clothes. I have always been reluctant to choose my clothes cause its troublesome..Like you wont want to wear something you just wore last week right..And I'm very picky..On days which I'm can judge from what I'm wearing..hahah..

Okay then I turned on the TV cause there was extra time..I usually leave the house around 1010 yea..And I watched Doreamon! Haha..rather entertaining la. The show producers sure are creative. After that I watched a bit of another show and off I went for tuition. And the sky was pouring! And then I thought it would be better to bring my jacket cause the tuition centre which is air-conditioned will be even colder with such a weather..yea

AND THEN GUESS WHAT I was at the control station already and I realised I didn't bring my water bottle! Mesh..I was having a sore throat and I get dehydrated easily so..alamakkkkkk. Had to depend on my saliva for liquid..sounds gross la but lol what to do..

So when I was nearing the tuition centre I saw this couple in front of me..and they were actually walking to the same tuition centre as I was! And then one of them turned and I recongnised them instantly..Lol the guy is Korean and he's quite good-looking la..Ahaha I call them the Saturday tuition couple.

Hmm and he gave me St Nick's 2002 paper to try during tuition. Saw many familiar faces (The Saturday tuition people) Nope they don't know me..its just fun noticing people XD Okay nothing much happened..he told me to bring forward some lessons in preparation for EOY..yea..

Okay and thennnnnn. I went to northpoint for group study. And Sheryl told me she was still at home!! Lol she said she'd be there at 1130 (how and when she messaged me it was like..12 plus? And she lives far away from Northpoint can. So I was really bored in NP..walked in and out of Macs a few hope for a warm cup of water but all the staff were so busy..I kept walking up and down the aisle of mooncakes..No la I didn't have any intention of buying them..I was that bored.

Decided to go window-shopping alone..found nothing interesting..and Sher said she was reaching..So I went to "book" a place at KFC (a really nice spot :D) Did a bit of what else could I't want to eat alone so waited till Sher came. Was seriously famished. Lolol.

OH NO JY CAME ALREADY..I HAVE TO GO, will continue some other time. Or maybe not..Hahah okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeee :)

P.S: A photo..
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Thursday, September 13, 2007

456. normal (good)

OH NO!! I seriously can't get enough of 爱情剧本..When I'm not listening to it..I look for it again..I think I might listen to it for 24 hours..ON NO. Just ask SH how long I heard a particular song in MRL..Lol..



Isn't that just immensely poignant? Hahaha. Its really meaningful. :)

Okay so anyway just thought of making a list of the movies I've watched so far this year (including those outside of cinemas)

  1. Freedom Writers (3 bucks)
  2. Bruce Almighty
  3. 13 going on 30
  4. Hairspray (forgot how much..)
  5. Ratatouille ($9.50)
  6. Rush hour (1/2?)
  7. A Walk to Remember
  8. Spiderman 3
  9. Mr. Bean's Holiday (forgot how much)

[Edit]22.09.07 - The Lizzie Mcguire Movie! :D[/Edit]

Guess that's so on average I watch 1 movie per month O.O

Okay I have 3 li jie wen das, the english report and amaths homework to do. Due date: tomorrow. Emaths & Amaths (open-book :D) tests tomorrow. Oh ya! We're having some current affairs quiz next Thursday..which means its clashes with the SS test. I hope we'll all cope well. :)

Anddddddd I found part of the song I was looking for on Imeem! :D Its the 1st track on my playlist..the 2nd one's the theme song of BaoBeiFuNvBing :D

Okay thats all..for now..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

455. normal (very good)

HAHAHA the title. Okay I found the 9pm theme song (自己的幸福)on Youtube :D

At first I thought it was Joanne Peh who sang it..turns out that its Di Ya.

Looking for 爱情剧本, the subtheme song of Falling In Love (The 7pm show) by William San..the part of the video's part of the song..please turn up your speaker volume to hear it.. :)

And..礼物 by Di Ya as well..Okay thats all for now. Lol God bless, take care & byeeeeeeee :)

P.S: I think I'm having my english oral tomorrow. All the best, Sandra. I pray I wont hyperventilate, look at Mr White and drop my jaws and not utter any sound. Hello Sandra? Its ORAL. O-R-A-L. You can do it. Just dont talk rubbish. =X

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

454. loved

Yup I feel loved. Lol why? Well..I think spending quality time with anyone makes me feel loved..Hahahah :)

HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY SAMAN(THA)! Thanks a lot for the invitation to your house :))

Okay so it was A Walk to Remember. A Walk of tears, faith, joy, hope and love. It touched me..a lot..when the female lead said "Maybe God has bigger plans than I have for myself" Yup its true, sometimes we say it but just don't get it. Thank You for loving me..for the greater plans..which I know..will be for the greater good. :)

And for me, it will be a movie to remember. :)

Hmmmmm sheryl, upload the photos to your blog ASAP okay! THANK YOU! =)

God bless, take care and byeeeeeee! =D

P.S: QingYouKeYuan is starting!!
P.P.S: Two current eyecandy - Raymond Lam and Shane West XD

Sunday, September 09, 2007

453. a bit excited XD

Soooooo the guy I found goodlooking in The Last Breakthrough..tian ya xia yi, Raymond Lam shares the same birthday as me - 8 December! LOL he's a whole 13 years older than me..hahaha cool right XD

Andand someone died the day I was born on O.O An American magazine editor. Then,
in Austria and Malta, its a Public Holiday on my birthday! LOLOL. Not just school holiday, public holiday! HAHAHA AND GUESS WHAT. Its Mother's Day in Panama on the 8th of December! LOOOOOL.

Oh ya found out that there's a festival of lights in France too..called the Fête des Lumières..its held in Lyon to honor the Virgin Mary. And yup you probably guessed it. Its on my birthday too. different from Deepavali, Singapore's version of Festival of Lights..hahha.

Okayokay got to go, God bless, take care & byeeeee :)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

452. blessed


I love grandmummy! I just told her I haven't eaten anad she cooked a whole wok of noodles for in case I get hungry at night I can have them for supper..Hahah

Yayay so I'm having yummy noodles..and she added my favourite - eggs!

Oh ya ratatouille is funny crap. Cute rat! :D

Tired but..the outing was worth it..hmm and JY, cheer up okay! Just dont wear those shoes if youre gonna be out for a long time the next time :))

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeee (:

Friday, September 07, 2007

451. in dontwanttodohomeworknow mood =x

Thats why I'm here..

And JY..the screenshots you want.. :)

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Free Image Hosting at
This one is candid. Cause JY wanted a candid one. Hahaha.

Oh shucks. I feel like I'm on the verge of insanity O.O What a random feeling. And I thought a lot last night..yea my just-before-bedtime activity is actually thinking. Its involuntary, really! And I'm not watching ANTM or the TyraBanks show ever again. She's so different in both shows! A huge constrast. Think she has a split personality..I agree with Rie now..Hmmm.

And mummy's not online at Skype :( I wonder where she is. OH YA. Had a dream last night. Quite a nice dream actually. “我们帮你报仇!” la that was said out of cheekiness by someone. And mummy and Shirleen were in that dream! The setting was like at the abseiling place at Taman O.O except that instead of only rocks, there was a waterfall..and there was a pool at the bottom..Like umm you know the baby pool..

(Nice photo right. I like the colourful polka dots..and the white background of the float XD)

No there wasn't a dog inside. And the float was yellow. Yea yellow duckie yellow. Yea and people I knew were actually abseiling at a waterfall! Hmmm Q was sitting beside me..and watching. And I was screaming half the time. No I didnt go up. Cause the people would swing..Like a pendulum bob! I was afraid they would drop and hit someone or something..VERY SCARY OKAY! What a dream..

I want macs. But macs is expensive. :( Oh and my phone timing went back to normal miraculously. So no new phone. Hahaha.

Okayokay I have to finish the gonghan and the bao zhang bao dao. So God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

450. normal (good)

Q! GET WELL SOOOOOON. I want your voice back..recover soon, dearie! :))

Ahhh the memories. Found Sharon Au's blog yesterday..Turns out that she's living a really low profile life these days..and found this video today..我看着看着电视。。越来越有意思。。说着我生命故事~ Ahahah okay so I finished my SS notes! YAY OH YAY OH YAY OH YAY =D=D=D=D

Hmmm waiting for people to come online..wanna ask someone about the gong han - yao qing format..the words to um qin ding blah blah..wanna ask about the chem worksheet precipition question too. Something like that..yup..(:

I think I'm watching ANTM later..1030PM. Okay going to switch the channel now. HDB tai tai is not very nice to me =x Umm..On my agenda tomorrow: Tuition homework. JIAYOU SANDRA! And jiayou everybody! :D

God bless, take care & byeeeeee! :)

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

449. normal (good)

Hmmmm. So I went to Sheryl's house with JY to study..Was supposed to meet her at the MRT at 11.30AM..but!! due to unforeseen circumstances I could only rush to meet her at Woodlands at 12.00PM..So..what happened?

My phone clock went..totally bonkers. At 11.15, it showed the time as 9+..soooooo my alarm didn't ring..And guess what time I woke up at..11.15!! Mesh I seriously have to change my phone already. Anyone sponsoring? Looool.


Okayyyyy we did study there. Did half of the SS notes..finishing the rest tomorrow ^^ Thanks to Sheryl for allowing crazy people into your home. HAHA! Had fun..and

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Free Image Hosting at
Took this in the bus. Beautiful sky :D

Webcamming with JY now..again! Ahahah webcams are fun! OH YEA WE'RE VIDEO-CALLING EACH OTHER ACTUALLY! WOOOOHOOOO.

Sheesh I don't know what I'm typing actually. I think I'll have to edit this post tomorrow, got to go God bless, take care & byeeeeeeee! :)

Monday, September 03, 2007

448. melancholic

Feeling thankful Carine for telling me the gonghan format online..THANKS A LOTTTTT DEARIE :D

Not exactly sad..but I'd say I'm on the 4.5 mark on the mood meter..

Hmmm okay I have these homework to complete:

  • Chinese: 1应用文 & 1作文
  • Chem Ionic Equations WS
  • SS Chapter 6 notes
  • Amaths Ex 7.3
  • Biology TYS

I keep getting -4.5units2 for the area of triangle ACD! And the answer is supposed to be 4.5 without the minus..what is wrong? SIGGGGGHHHH.

Going for Amaths tuition in the evening later..Dont think I can watch TV then..Yup..okay going off now..

God bless, take care & byeeeeeee! :)

P.S: Webcams are a whole lot of fun :D
P.P.S: Sorry for not blogging last night as I promised..Nothing much to blog about anyway =x Took a nap for 2 hours and woke up feeling weird. LOL.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

447. normal (good)

HI PEOPLE! Currently in mum's office..finally rectified windows messenger's problem on this YAYYYY! Had fun with the webcam just I'll put the photos here so that I can save them when I'm home later.. :)

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Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at

Mesh mummeh looked down in all the photos..-.-

Kaykay got to go now..will blog later in the day..sooo God bless, take care and byeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

Saturday, September 01, 2007

446. great from the inside out


Phewwwwww. Crying out loud helped a lot. Crying silently only made me feel worse. Thanks for the comfort Daddy :) Thank You for the people around me, for the people whom I know genuinely care.

Thank You for its Sunday today (its past 12 2 minutes..hhaa!) and I get to visit You..thank You for just being there..thank You for every single thing. :))

God bless, goodnight, take care & byeeeeeeee people! =)