This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Saturday, December 08, 2007

505. 8.5 out of 10

Hello people so up till now, this day has been..well, enjoyable :) I'm very grateful to God for my friends..thanks for taking the time and effort to send me a message and to come (all the way) here.. :) I LOVE YOU PEOPLE A LOTTTTT =D

I seriously didn't expect so many people to turn up and I never imagined that there would be guys coming. LIKE OMGOSHHHHHH a whole troop of people came O.O And shouted "Happy birthday" at the corridor. LOL. I genuinely and sincerely appreciate all of that :):) [Tears rolling down cheeks] LOL.

Actually to tell you the truth I was quite disappointed cause the people I thought will wish me like at 12 on the dot didnt. Cause I did for their birthday la. Looool so you can say I expect people to treat me the same way as I do to them? But never mind la they did wish me later in the day :) And thank you mummy and Shirleen for wishing at 12 on the dot, very much appreciated :):) The next one was unexpected! Thank you once again if youre reading this :D Then following her was JY, then KJ, then Saman (thanks for the Bible verses, love them a lot :D), then V :D and after that (arranged according to time), 小叔叔,299, Sacha, Sheryl, Q, Rie, papa, Carine, Nancy (FS), HuiSyen (FS), Ivan, Yi An, OJW, aunty, XueMei, Stella (FS), MC, Eenette and Gladys. The above mentioned names were those who messaged or told me personally :D

Those who didnt tell me but who said it in their actions (or maybe I just didnt hear them): WP!! HM, Josephine, LR, SH, AJW, Joey..forgot who Special mention to Bea (early birthday wish & present :D) and Shermin (early birthday wish) :):)

I uh may sound weird in this post cause I'm still a bit stunned and dazed yea LOL anyway took 60 photos today! WOOHOO =D

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The people eating cake in my house :) We were watching TV, LOOOOL. Don't ask me why the guys didnt want to sit. LOL. JY had like some conflict with HM over food, LOOOOL! Got bored of watching TV so we were pondering over where we should go next and someone (I think it was LR) proposed the beach so yayyyy off we went! :)

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While waiting for the bus to Sembawang beach. You can actually see our reflections if you look close enough. Oh and this isnt the bus we took. This bus (or rather, this bus number) came by twice but our bus still hadnt so yea we waited for the bus for a rather long time.

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And YAY the bus finally came :D With Saman in the bus :) (To attach to contact as well XD)

Proceeded to the playground when we alighted. It was drizzling so I prayed a quick prayer that God will stop the rain and He did!! YAYYY GOD. Yea He always does :) THANK YOU :):):) And so some sat on swings (WEEHOOOO!), some played the slide and some just stood around to talk and HM and Josephine looked after our bags. Thank you girls! :) And thanks for those who pushed me up. Hahahaha you know what I mean :)

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After all the fun at the playground we walked (Q and I ran XD) to the beach beachie beach! :D And Q volunteered to help take photos (yup the following was mostly taken by her) THANKS DEARIEEEEE =D Oh and people were watching us cause once we arrived at the beach we started doing funny poses..hahahah!

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I know we all look unglam here..hahahaha, was trying a jump shot.

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Oh unsuccessful again. LOL.

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Discussing about what pose to do next, hahaha!


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JY suggested backview so tadah! :)

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LOL I look funny here. Mhmmmmm, enjoying the sea breeze :):)

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Impromptu! We had no idea on the subsequent pose so we just did whatever we thought of doing. LOOOOL.

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Uh tututrain! XD

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Decided to try a jumpshot again and YAYYYYY this time it turned out to be a success! :D

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LOL backview again, this time with Q, thanks to JY for taking the photo! :)

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Candid :) Rie looks good in this one! :D

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LOL I know I look unglam in this photo XD It was candiddddd. Many candid shots the ones below..

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Hahah seems like JY likes putting her arms behind her head. :)

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See a "flower"? :D And yayyy footprints :)

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LOL these two went into the waters holding hands like all of a sudden and looked so much like lovers. LOOOOOOOOOOOL.

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Heho =)

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YAY group shot (at least we see everyone's eyes and nose here XD)

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You're supposed to spot footprints here I think..LOL. The footprints are horizontal :D

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I know the heart shape doesnt really look like one cause Rie's taller..Hahaa I should have tip-toed. :)

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Now Saman is nowhere to be seen! LOL.

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Got a stranger to take this one for us, YAY FINALLY A PROPER GROUP SHOT =D

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Spotted a white maltese puppy (hahaha the mocca ad) :) We played the throw-what-you-can-find-on-the-beach-into-the-sea game..YAY THAT WAS FUN =D

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Drawing in the sand :D

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My drawing :D

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Q drawing..the head (and hair) was drawn by Rie. :)

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JY wrote her current favourite quote in the sand :)

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Ooooo shadows :)

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A clearer one :) Decided to leave the beach cause some people had to go home and I was afraid the rest who didnt go to the beach would be bored to death..soooo we took the bus back to the interchange! :)

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Beautifuuuuullll :) Last view before we left the beach.

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See the bird in front of the tree? It looks like its asking "Can I fly up to your branch, Mr. Tree?" Hahaha! :)

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Trees are so different :)

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In the bussie bus. SH and LR sat opp. Q and I :)

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LOL JY and HM were arguing and the rest were spectators XD

When we reached we didn't know where to go cause some wanted to go to Orchard and some didn't and soooo..

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Finally settled on going to Macs. LOL.

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Me. LOL.

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JY WAS REALLYYYYYY LAME. This was supposed to be a shot of Q and I but she zoomed in on my face on purpose -.- LOL.

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Hahahahah Q was saying "我不要拍了!!" LOOOOL.

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SH, LR, HM and Josephine.

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Okay so we chit-chatted for a few hours in Macs, loads of laughter and tearing of the Macs plastic bag..XD HAHAA!! Went to the toilet after that :)

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In the toilet

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Reflection of us (LR, HM, Josephine, Q and I)

Celebration @ home :))
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Hahaha :D Are you hungry?

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Cakeo :)

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"Cutting" the pizza XD

Okay yay all done! :D:D God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :):)

Friday, December 07, 2007

504. 6.5 out of 10

Okay hello has been rather eventful. Made an decision to jog early this morning..didn't eat breakfast cause you can't run after eating and well it felt great at the start, admiring the scenery and everything but BUT my shoelaces kept coming off so I had to tie them right? SOOOO I stopped in my tracks..And like jogged around in small circles a while more so I wouldn't have some kind of heart attack and then I bent down to tie the loose shoelaces.

Well I guess that was still too sudden cause after that I felt totally sick. I felt like barfing, my legs went weak, I felt giddy..something like how I'd feel when I get a tummyache but worse. Yea so thank God mummy was there with me..THANK GOOODDDDDD =D Praise Him. :) Yup so anyway I learnt that I dont like people patting my back when I'm about to barf to aid in the process or whatever, I'd rather you hold my hand to just let me know you're there. Yea so I decided to do the same if I see anyone going to puke in the future. :) Speaking about my back, I dont like people using a slightly bigger force than a touch on my back. Any bigger force..hahah..dont say I didnt tell you :)

Okay la there were other stuff that happened today but never mind :) My feet still feels cold..God, heal me, thank You :) Hmm okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =)

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Little sparrow I saw outside my house. It was chirping really loudly. Lol!

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LOOOOOL look at her sleeping pose.

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Went to the ICA building, my queue number :):)

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

503. normal (good)

Weehoo. Hello people. Something hilarious happened just now and I just have to document it. So here goes.

[On the phone]
Papa: Hello, what have you been doing the whole day?
Sann: Breathing
Papa: Oh okay
Sann: Are you sure you heard me correctly?
Papa: Didnt you say reading?
Sann: No, I said breattttthinnggggg.
Papa: Breathing? Then you were not doing anything!
Sann: Breathing is an activty!
Papa: Okay..
LOL okay anyway the dress outing was interesting yesterday..hmm waiting for the photos from JY! As you'd know if you went to the blogs of the others, we watched Enchanted! Hahaa the princess is pretty and humorous cause everything about her is so..fantasy-like, even the words she say and the things she does..LOLOL. I love Pip! Its that adorable little chipmunk, awwww! Hahaha and hmm actually everybody looked kind of the same wearing dresses..Hahah!

(Okay back to edit this cause the show ended..haha!)
Okay sooo the pretty princess was acted by Amy Adams. I thought she looked prettier than the cartoon version of her.. :D She's 33 this year..haha no wonder..but well she's still youthful :) ANDDDD the handsome lawyer is Patrick Dempsey! He also acted in..[drumroll] FREEDOM WRITERS!! I think he was the the husband! LOL he looked better in this show though. LOL XD If you were wondering why he looked old its because he is 41. But with age comes..ahh maturity. So he's that 成熟稳中 kind of guy and apparently Sher likes this kind of guys? LOOOOOL okay. Oh! He acted in the drama Grey's anatomy as well! Yesyes if you watched it his role was Dr. Derek Shepherd. :)

Hmm nothing much already..hahah okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

502. normal (good)

[Edit] GO AND WATCH. Amazingly talented man who can sing both male and female parts like he was born to do that. Need I say more? Here's the link again in case you forgot XD: WATCH LAAAAA XD

AND AND watch this Female Asian with powerful voice! Plus you can really get the Christmas feel here :D:D The video's unclear but hey you're hearing her not looking at her. :D GO WATCH GO WATCH its acoustic!! :D:D HAHAAH.

Hello people :) You know, the two grass patches in front of the MRT station as in the side opp. SP are really noisome! They have such a foul odour cause of the huge amounts of fertiliser the construction workers were told to put on them. I pity those workers..they have to work in such fetid places..I wonder if they ever feel that its nauseating or maybe they are used to it sad. Mesh the people walking past them have to hold their breath and I was no exception yesterday. Lol and I have to walk past the malodorous fertiliser again today cause I'm going to tuition later. LOOOL.

Omgosh and can you believe this? There is a word such as superadd. Like, superadd? LOL, how queer! Its a verb and it means to add in addition to what has been added. LOOOOOL. Uh so for example, "To add on, ___________. To superadd, it is also ___________." So its there uh supersuperadd? LOL. -.-

And a dealer who deals with fur is called a furrier O.O Another new word: Spartan - adj. Exceptionally brave; rigorously severe. Okayyyy. So I can say someone (anyone) is a spartan army commander! LOOOOL. Oh and another word for pharmacist is apothecary. How interesting :D LOL and there is a word that means "image-breaker"! LOL like you know, in chinese, 破坏形象 but not destroy someone's..more like attacking cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc. Yea.

And and you know what an aviary is right? A place where birds are Jurong Bird Park? And there's a term for the place where BEES are kept! Its called the apiary! Latin, apis = bee. Yup. And vaudevilles are cool! It is stage entertainment featuring a variety of short acts, comedy and song-and-dance..wowowow. I think if lawyers dogmatize, they would most probably be fired. The egg of a louse or any other insect is called a nit O.O And ewww louses, dont even think about them. And if addle = muddle, can I say addle-headed instead? LOL! The synonym of extol is exhalt, cool! :)

Okay moving on, some quizzes results.. :) (Got to add them to the quizzes page ASAP)

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are a fairly energetic person. You know how do pace yourself, and you deal well with stress.

You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.

You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.

You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.

You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.

You are a good communicator. You work hard to get your ideas across effectively.

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are not a very grounded person. You prefer dreams to reality. For you, it's all about possibilities.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is all about change, but in very small steps. The end of the journey looks far, but it's much closer than you realize.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

LOL the 1st quiz said I'm grounded but the 2nd one says I'm not. Lol it depends. I can be both but I think I'm mostly grounded :D

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Swan

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Rabbit

You are passive, sentimental, and emotional.

You sometimes lack self-confidence, but you are creative and rational.

LOL what past life. Nonsense.

You Are a Flowery Egg

Fresh, funky, and well dressed.

Woohoo. XD

What Sandra Ong Li Hong Means

S is for Serious

A is for Artistic

N is for Nice

D is for Distinguished

R is for Radiant

A is for Alert

O is for Organic

N is for Neat

G is for Gentle

L is for Legendary

I is for Inspirational

H is for Heavenly

O is for Odd

N is for Naughty

G is for Gifted


Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

501. it starts with a b and ends with a d / great!

YAYYYYYYY I watched another movie today. Title: The cat in the hat! WOOOHOOOO so magical. A bit like Charlie and the Chocolate factory, lol! The cat's really witty and fun to be with! Omgosh I need to type this here for remembrance: I'm going to read my child(ren) Dr Seuss' books starting from the time they are born/ develop ears. And then I'll read Enid Blyton books when they get a bit older..And and I'll bring them to the library every week. YAY!

Woohoo and Dakota was in today's movie too! Cooooooolibaba. Alright I have tuition at 5pm tomorrow, shanks. Please God, you know..thanks :) Okayyyyyyyyy. And I can't find the last book I finished reading - The book of Jane! Oh mesh..kay shall go search for it again..okay so goodnight people! God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

The word is..bored. I'M REALLY BOREDDDDDDD. Lol okay so I decided to do that long quiz that some people told me to do. I forgot who. I think its Sher and JY? Okay here goes :)

Layer One-On the Outside
Name: Sandra Ong Li Hong.
DOB: 6 days from now. Lol.
Current status: BORED LAAAAAAA. LOL. Oh and um came back from church not long ago. :)
Eye Colour: Dark brown.
Hair Colour: Mostly black. You can find golden ones too..haha!
Righty or Lefty: Righty.

Layer Two-On the Inside
Your Heritage: Hokkien chinese O.O
Your Fear(s): Little support from a great height. Proven at the camps these year. Lol. And I'm afraid of feeling insecure. Yup.
Your Weaknesses: Hmm..I sin. Lol.
Your Perfect Pizza: Anything la lol no special preferences. The more cheese the more desirable! =D My classic favourite is Hawaiian. Hahah.

Layer Three-Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: Seriously, cant really remember. Lol opps.
Your Bedtime: I went to bed around 1am and slept at around 2am I think.
Your Most Missed Memory: Of? Events that had happened up till now? I miss maybe it didnt happen before but I miss everyone, the whole group of people like..OH I REMEMBER. I MISS EVERYONE SITTING AT THAT ROW OF TABLES DURING RECESS AND LAUGHING TOGETHER. That was the best. I hope it was genuine joy from all of them. All of them = Q, V, Rie, Clara, JY, HM, WP, Sher, Bea, Saman and everyone else who were there..Japhia, Carine, Joey, JingYi? Lol I forgot la.

Layer Four-Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Anything. Taste the same to me. Lol.
McDonald's or Burger King: Macs. I think its cheaper right. Lol.
Single or group dates: Anything. Depends on the people la LOL
Adidas or Nike: Anything la I'm not a sports person though I enjoy the feeling of running against the wind without anyone looking at you like youre mad. Maybe if they join in it would be better :))
Tea or Nestea: JY, I like lipton tea too! Hahah. I like Ice Lemon Tea..I dont think I have ever drank nestea O.O
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate! Woohoo. XD
Cappuccino or Coffee: Uhhhh. Seldom drink caffeine. Lol.

Layer Five-Do You...
Smoke: Nope :D
Curse: Nope :D
Have a crush: Nope :D (Hahaha same answers XD)
Think you've been in love: Yea I'm forever in God's love. Hohoho! =D
Go to school: Yup. =)
Want to get married: When I find the right one. Hahaha.
Believe in yourself: Yes =)
Think you're a health freak: No I'm not. I ate instant noodles at 1+am the other night..haha!!

Layer Six-In The Past Month Have You...
Drank alcohol: Uh no? Lol :D
Gone to the mall: Yup.
Eaten sushi: Yes, in TW. Lol.
Dyed your hair: Nope, never will :)

Layer Seven-Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: No thanks :)
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Hmm I dont think so :D

Layer Eight-You're Hoping
To Be Married: Not that despo, LOL!
For a: for a..complete understanding of Amath trigo and for complete healing for everyone sick and uhhh hoping for what else..oh people to come talk to me now. online. Cause I'm so bored. Lol.

Layer Nine-In a Boy
Best Eye+Best Hair Color Combination: Lol if you look decent to me its fine. XD
Short Hair or Long Hair: SHORT. For goodness sake. Hahaha.

Layer Ten-What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Doing this thing? Lol.
1 Hour Ago: Ummm I think I was at home already..using the com? Lol.
4.5 Hour Ago: In church service, singing. Lol.
1 Month Ago: In TW, breathing? LOL.
1 Year Ago: Ho I forgot. LOL. Oh I remember. I was breathing. XD

Finish the Sentences
I love: God, friends, family, reading, takoyaki etc. XD
I feel: alright. I feel peaceful & calm :)
I Hate: I dont hate. I dislike. Hahaha.
I Hide: um. When I dont want people to see me? Lol.
I Miss: Go scroll up. Lol.


List thirteen friends here (random order) :

1. Yi An
2. Mabel
3. Erica
4. Charissa
5. Valery
6. Valerie
7. Q
8. JY
9. Sher
10. Bea
11. Saman
12. HM
13. Josephine

if number four were to give you a present on your birthday,what would you do?
[Charissa] Thank her and accept it :)

If number one did not turn up on one of your outings,what would you do?
[Yi An] Ask her what happened.

if number six were to confess to you LOVE,what would you do?
[Rie] Tell her I love her too. As in friendship love la. Lol.

if number two says she hates you,what would you do?
[Mabel] Lol ask her why.

if number eight gossiped about you,what would you do?
[JY] Uh if she gossiped about me and I didnt know what am I supposed to do. LOL.

if number ten and number three declares war on each other,what would you do?
[Bea, Erica] Lol lets talk about this when they get to know each other.

if one day, thirteen decides to turn homosexual, how would you feel?
[Josephine] Grossed out. But she wont right :D

what if number twelve and number seven stead some day,what would be your first reaction?
[Q, HM] LOL I'd laugh cause that will never happen. They arent lesbians! Lol.

what would happen if number nine goes mad one day?
[Sher] LOOOOOL. Ask her to calm down. Provided I know about it la. I think it happened before. Lol anyway she'll be fine after a while :)

what if one day number five decides to go bungee jumping?
[Valery] Um okay lor. Lol its not like she invited me to go with her.

does number eleven like to burst balloons?
[Saman] I think so. She likes strangling people so maybe she'd like bursting balloons too. LOL!

YAYYYYY DONE! Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee AND YAYYYYY Q AGREED TO GO TO LET ON THE 23RD!! =D=D=D=D

Saturday, December 01, 2007


IM NORMALLL!! FINALLY!! Half of!! YAYYYYYYYYYY. Hoohoo hahaha heeeeee. The beach part at chalet was really enjoyable and cool..yayyyyyy. So well, I watched Uptown Girls just now on CH5. Dakota Fanning! Whoo!

She starred in I am Sam and Charlotte's web as well. Yup, she's that girl! What a precocious little child. She's 13 now. Yup. Oh yay church tomorrow. =D OH AND DAKOTA HAS A REALLY CUTE LITTLE SISTER - ELLE! WHOO! LOL adorable siblings!! :D My gosh both of them are child actresses. Like Mary-Kate & Ashley O.O

Okay okay I will stop going on about them. Their photo. Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

499. normal (good)

New words:
(so you'd know what I'm talking about)

Heho - Like, random. XD I know it sounds like "heha" (cowboy)..yea I guess the "mood" of the words are the same :D

Okoe - Opposite of okie! To express disapproval. E.g: Okoe mozzies!! XD

Shankios. 27 minutes ago which was 12PM, some girl climbed out of bed, seriously she wasn't sleeping on a bed but anyway she was rather afraid cause she had a feeling she might have overslept (really over) thus she proceeded to look at her phone and got like a huge shock cause she did! She really did oversleep! Then she began questioning.

Sigh never mind. Yea that girl. Is. Me. I wont ask what happened to me again. Its becoming such an old question I'd rather not think about it. Anyway its Liu Ran's birthday today, happy birthday! :)

I shouldn't. Keep quiet dont continue your sentence. The thing is you are.

"I miss school."
"Yes you really do."
"I miss the school food."
"I know, cheaper everything. Laksa hokkien mee."
"Shhhhh. Now there's nothing like that at home"
"How sad"
"Okay I shant wallow in to find something to do."
"Like watch televsion..? That's so.."
"Yea I dont think there are any nice shows now, at this like weird timing"
"Not really weird. 3am in the morning is weirder"
"Oh whatever, just go watch your TV"
"You said it."

Guess who's the conversation between. Hahahaha. The things you do when youre bored. Someone just call me or whatever cause I'm bored. If you want to do any productive thing call me as well. Having a partner is good.

Okay ah CALLLLLL. XD God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I shant worry if he (my tuition teacher) uh never mind. Hee byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :):)

Friday, November 30, 2007

498. feeling better

Hi. Good morning people. You have reached the blog of a panda. As of now, Sandra looks more like a panda, feels like a panda and perhaps she's already talking like a panda. The fascinating and wonderful holiday homework had made her go somewhat mad and Ali Baba flew off without warning and she's. naxeibfpe. Oh just realised a typo.

Why are all the important homework available on the net?? RAHSAHKDUIVCRTG. And MLG is still inaccesible. And Sandra snaps at people. She's like constantly PM-singing. :( Chicken pig chicken. Pig chicken pig. I miss school food! Better than porridge with ants. ):

Its Saturday tomorrow and it means I have uhhhhh tuition. Yea. Right. And its also someone's birthday..haha! Rahhh aunty wants to put back the curtains. She could have done that earlier!

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..sigh. What happened to meeeeeeee.

BYE RUBBISH! Feeling better already, a lot better in fact. Though still sleepy. Lol anyway I..I finished my english homework (except for the CW essay) :D:D:D And I love the 7pm show on CH8, 老婆大人. HongKong dramas are just so much better than Singapore's. XD I think yoyo and AK are really cute together..hahahah.

Hmm..Im going to be fine. I'm fine. I'm okay. Someone please reassure me or something. "我们生活在同样的宇宙" -- part of the lyrics from the 5.30PM show ending song. I cant find that song. Oh well. Been on Facebook and Flickr more lately. Hehoho. I'm going to add it into the sidebar or something soon =D

Oh ya!! I wanna thank Bea for her present again cause the other time I opened it I didnt really open all the compartments..yea she's extremely sweet! Thank you, very much!! I really like it. Hahahaha. :):):) That can keep me feeling great the whole day. Loooool.

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeee. And I think I need prayers. Just pray for whatever you can think of. Lol thanks :)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

497. normal (good)

Hehoho. I woke up..not long ago. Same case as yesterday -- waking up in the afternoon. But I think I woke up earlier I wonder why the most mosquitoes are attracted to my right leg. Shanks. Thanks for your like what? close to 30 lovebites (yea CLOSE TO 30!!) but I'd rather you not be attracted to me at all. My leg looks like some..rahhhh forget it.

So anyway, I'm supposed to eat my "breakfast" now. Right. Mhmmm. Yummy. Okay and I ate instant noodles at um 1+am last night and the night before. Uhhhh my "breakfast" just toppled and spilt unto my keyboard so lol okay never mind its over.

UH SHANKS. I'm a very pathetic pool player. Online. I hope I'm not that bad in real life. Lol. Okay actually nothing much today. God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

496. joyful

YAYYYYYY. Atspace had its problem fixed! So that's why you can see last Sunday's post and and and the new blogskin! Hahah. Hmm so these few days have been pretty..well alright. I think what I feel now is..grogginess? Which makes me feel completely weird. Anyway there are like close to 20 mozzie bites on my right leg. OH MESH! (MLG hasn't fixed its problem yet though)

Okay so..hmm and sorry guys if I haven't been myself lately (I still dont feel myself =( ) and said weird things..yea sorry! On Monday, we went to shop for Sher's present..And its her birthday today..happy birthday dearie! :) I guess..youre at the chalet now? Hahha..enjoy this special day! :) And its YuhYan's birthday..happy birthday too! :)

Went for the class chalet yesterday (scroll down to the end of this post for photos!) ..we didnt play ice and water..we didnt go to Wild Wild Wet or ETP..but oh well. Hoping to do so next year..If not everyone goes for the last one next year it would pretty hilarious actually.

Okay so we ate macs and proceeded to Coasta Sands by bus and legs. I guess the most memorable part for me was the walk to the beach..Hahaha the singing, the crazy and very random stuff we did..would be more fun if the whole class joined but all of them only cared Lol so never mind.

BBQ was fun and enjoyable as well..WP suddenly got all high at the thought of her prince in shining armour coming to deliver her LJS. Lolol. The food was very yummy..we had prawns, hot dogs, stingrays, chicken wings, marshmallows..anymore? Lol yea and there was music blasting so people were singing..and dancing? Lol. And Sher became very motherly and started peeling (and feeding) prawns for (and to) those who were there.

Uhh that's about it. Hopefully next year's chalet will be better..(: Like organize activites for uh bonding? Its always the BBQ thats the only highlight O.O Okay I think that's all..I really dont feel like myself pardon me for not going into much detail. But I will, when I feel myself again :)

PHOTOS! (Taken in the last 4 days, arranged by date.)
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Enlarge this one. No idea where they got the extra brick from (and with the exact same Taken while waiting for the train after tuition.

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Oh enlarge this too..something's growing out of the bark, in the middle of the tree! Hahaha! Taken while going to the MRT station after church :)

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Aha! A painter's blunder spotted! XD Taken while going up the escalator to cross the bridge.

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With Q (: Taken on the escalator when we were searching for Macs at! Found KFC instead.

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Reflection! This and the next few photos were taken in the train while going back home :)

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With JY (:

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With Rie (: (Yea she dyed her hair! Lol)

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With JingYi (:

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Another reflection! Notice the direction our legs are in..hahaha! :D

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See the coolio railway tracks XD Taken while going to City Hall.

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Can you identify who's who? XD

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With Sher :) Taken while waiting for bus 89. (Going to chalet)

(Actually I took a video too..but never mind. XD)

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Crystal's glowing splinters? Lol cool! Taken outside our chalet.

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No idea what those um metal gigantic geometrical things in front of the carpark are but they looked pretty cool & interesting so here's a shot :D The photo's not very clear so yea..Taken while waiting for bus 846 (Going back home from chalet)

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Reflections! Taken in the train while going to City Hall.

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Hahah. Taken while waiting for the train at City Hall.

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Taken inside the train after everyone (as in the other 3 of them) alighted.


Okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

495. um surprised. LOL

P.S: IRRITATING ATSPACE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY..Its going to be midnight and my post is still not publishing!!

Kay shall talk about the title later. Or maybe not. Hmm tagged to do a quiz. Short I shall do it :D

1. Do the following WITHOUT complains.
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.

Colour: Blueeeeee. (Like the colour of my tagboard :D) Then white. Followed by all the colours of the rainbow =D
Food: No particular favourite. Maybe I'll name some of the ones I prefer. Grandma's cooking, mum's cooking, popcorn chicken, cheese fries, instant noodles =O, porridge from that stall..hmm lol.
Song: Please refer the playlist on the right of your screen :D
Movie: Loads. Lol I need to refer to my list. Hahaha!

Dated Your Best Friend: Never dated anyone..hahah! XD
Broken The Law: I do jaywalk when the coast is clear. =X
Been Arrested: By a real policeman? No. HAHA!
Skinny-Dipped: No..I think that's..gross. Lol.
Been On TV: Yea. Apparently they shot my face when I went to NDP years back.
Kissed Someone You Don't Know: I don't think I'll ever do that. Unless its an accident. LOLOL.

5 THINGS YOU ARE WEARING: Blue shirt, overalls, hairclip? Haha.
4 THINGS YOU'VE DONE TODAY: Go to church =D, sang, walked and breathe XD
3 THINGS YOU CAN HEAR RIGHT NOW: Grandmummy talking to herself, the CPU's fan, myself typing.
1 THING YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE BORED: Watch television :)

5 people: JY, HM, eugene, yi an, valerie. :D

Okay so the surprised part..aiyo lol I think its an accident..or maybe maybe never mind. Lol. Going out tomorrow! :) Hmm SH's birthday today and he's celebrating it in M' So..actually nothing much la..thank God for..everything :D

Kay shall publish this so that the 5 people can do the quiz. XD So God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeee :)

Friday, November 23, 2007

494. normal (good!)

:D:D:D HELLO PEOPLE. Okay I realised I havent mentioned that my mum gave me her phone cause she got a new one from her company. Its a lot better but never mind I'm not complaining. Complaining = wrinkles! LOL so anyway at least I'm not using the black & white Nokia phone already..yayay. Actually it spoilt..yea can't turn it I used grandmummy's phone and then Mummy got a new phone so I could use her old one and return grandmummy her phone! Lol does that sound confusing?

Lol just know that my phone mummy's previous phone :D Not sure of the model number..but anyway. Hhaha. Thank God thank God thank God thank God for everything. :D:D:D Christmas is coming! And I'm having tuition tomorrow..hmm what else. There are loads of holiday homework. For the full list please refer to the image in one of the previous posts. Lol. Oh ya. Going to Popular to see if the SS textbook is in stock. Cause the other time I went to the school bookshop the aunty said they havent received stock yet. Yup.

I realised, Multiply is better than Flickr :D So I transferred the TW photos to Multiply this afternoon. Tiring but hey its better ma :) Mummy and Shirleen went to CG. My eyes are hurting now so that's a my body's cue to me that I should sleep now..but I dont want leh. Lol. Hmm shall find something to do..kay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :):)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

493. normal (good)

For the TW photos (2nd-7th day), click here. Scroll down for the TaiWan videos, enjoy! :) (Photos taken on the 1st day are in November 9's post)

P.S: The holiday homework we have to do. And MLG STILL doesnt want to load :(:( And I tried using Blogger to upload the image twiceee but there was an error each time. BANG. What happened to my internet..connection.
Free Image Hosting at

Actually I'm still feeling a bit overwhelmed (its not the right word but its close. lol) cause I just finished reading a book. YAYAYAYAYAY. I finished reading the english book I bought in TaiWan..the title's The Book of Jane..sounds um whats that word..starts with c..oh never mind. [edit]I meant cheesy..but thinking about it doesnt quite fit. Maybe cliche then. Lol. [/edit] Hmm so anyway I'm glad I bought can remind me of truths if I go through a rough patch in the future.

So anyway, changed the status from "reading it" to "read it" for the book in facebook..hahaha. Oh and how silly I was to pull out sheets of paper and get the printer all set up just to not realise..kay it was like "Oh dont print your assignments from heymath unlike MLG" So I sort of -.- myself there. Lol kay going to put everything back in place and switch off the printer now so wait ah..

Wait maybe I'll need it anyway just logged in into the history class blog and was welcomed to "a more refreshing looking blog!" as told by "The Facilitator" who is actually MrsEY. Lol. And MLG refuses to let my computer load its page. Its being mischeivous by rebeling with a "The page cannot be displayed" every time I try to load the page. MESH. -.-

I need MLG so that I can see the chem and history holiday homework la..JUST LOADDDD. What's wrong with it. Forget it. I was thinking of what to write on your card yesterday, I sat up and paused halfway. Cause I realised I didnt know what to say to you anymore. Hmm oh well. I'll eventually come up with something. :)

You might have noticed that I sound different today. I always do after reading a book. Somehow the author's writing style gets into me. Sorry. Hahaha. Oh so I might come back blogging in Chinese after I finish reading the Chinese book I bought. LOLOLOL.

Oh ya I wanted to mention that the main character in the book is about twice my age O.O So it was rather different from all those books suitable for teenagers I've been reading before. Alamak I just read something is a very dreadful and worrisome thing for me. MESH MLG doesnt want to load. AHHH GOD PLEASE HELP.

Kay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

492. [sigh]

Just realised there's chem homework too. On MLG. Sorry for the wrong information and I dont see it on MLG. Maybe soon. Yea and interesting things happened in the train I was taking today. It was really dramatic, don't feel like blogging now..



KAY THIS ONE IS THE FUNNIEST, LOLOOL. Presenting to you..the Bogus wedding ceremony!

God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

491. not so normal / better

I'm sorry for the seemingly rubbish post earlier. Anyway I will miss school like defintely and am now thinking its probably a good thing the teachers gave us homework, makes me think of least like there's some part of school during the holidays..I thought of some dumb and crazy thing to do when I go back on Monday..which is to hug one of the school's pillar since I'll only get to see it next year. NEXT YEAR! Maybe when I graduate I'll go hug all the pillars in the

I'M OKAY!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD And a whole bunch of thank yous to Bea and Shermin for the very advanced wishes and I like the present, Bea..thanks..a lot <3 :)) Hmmmmm have been thinking about..stuff recently and I realised they are like..different now..but never mind at least there's awesome God who never changes :D:D:D:D

And I'm not thinking about why you guys changed like maybe subconciously or whatever but never minddddd! Maybe change is good? Hmm uploading the videos now..and I guess I really do believe that actions speack louder than words..if you told me something and your actions are another thing I just wont believe you easily..

YAY THE TESTS ARE OVER. YAY THERES A PILE OF HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENTS: ENGLISH, CHINESE, MATH, AMATH, SS, HISTORY AND PHYSICS. OH YAYYYYYY. Yay that there's no Bio/chem homework..alamak leh why do I feel its hard being myself nowadays..Hmm..

And I think I miss someone. Okay not I think..its a fact. Lol. Alamak la the video is taking a long time to load..kay shall publish this 1st..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
Today was a weird, eccentric, queer and (whatever adjective you can think so related to weirdness) day for me. MESH MESH MESHEJWOJFRJVEV. Kay um the 1st odd event that happened this morning was that I woke up with a stomachache and it caused me not to attend the first half of school..And I slept to make it go away and I keep having this strange feeling which is I can't really describe or explain. And its still with me.

So anyway I slept till 9.30AM..woke up a couple of times in between and watched Noddy with my brother (Prize Giving ceremony at his school so he didnt have to attend school) And for a while I thought..Noddy?? On Kids Central?? Its showing now?? Now thinking back I might have been feeling strange all morning cause it was like deja vu..

Kay and then I went to school and assumed it was recess but BUT when I reached all I saw were sec 4s and I was puzzled and lost..So um for some dumb reason I went to the toilet and into the cubicle which can't be locked to try calm myself down. Little did I know that some sec4 would come knocking at the door and asking if anyone was inside..I uh um was having such mixed emoticons I hesitated before opening the door and the girl and her friends were like embarrassed. (I know, I don't sound myself in this entry, proves that I'm unwell.)

MESH and I went to class expecting everyone to be at the Lab cause MrC told us to bring the biscuit worksheet today..And then Q and Rie shouted my name and alamak I didnt know how to respond cause I was still pretty much _____ (I don't know the suitable word) by what happened earlier. And then Bea told me she prepared my birthday present..thanks a lot, girl :) But at that time all I said was "oh okay" MESH WHAT HAPPENED TO ME.

And HM had to remind me to say thank you when Shermin wished me an extremely early "Happy Birthday"..I actually laughed out of..I dont know..not embarrasment..ALAMAK!! What's wrong with me today..and thats not all..

I ACTUALLY GOT OFF AT KHATIB FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON. SHANKS that was the ultimate la. It was like a signal that confirmed and told me that something's wrong with me today. And the thought I had while walking down the stairs that that the width narrowed. And while halfway down the stairs did I realise that that was Khatib..OMGOSHHHHH and I was so alamak..shanks I feel angry at myself. I walked all the way down and took the escalator up to the platform -.-

Sigh the things feeling ill can do to you. AND AND I FORGOT TO PUT THE YAN JIANG CI IN MSC'S LOCKER BEFORE I LEFT SCHOOL TODAY. AND BECAUSE OF THAT YAN JIANG CI I HAD TO SLEEP LATER..MESH!! Forget it..I'll put it in when I go to school on Monday..I need reminders..besides, I didnt see MsC at all today. And I didnt ask the school dentist if I need to pluck out any tooth for braces.

Kay and I also have to write an argumentative essay, have to go for tuition tomorrow which means I have to complete the tuition homework AND go over to my paternal grandparents house to hand them their sovenirs I bought from TaiWan. Must remember to take out the tie dan from the fridge. That reminds mum didnt give the tie dan to my uncles the other time cause she thought they expired.

Then on Sunday there's church and I have yet to post the videos taken in TaiWan..and then theres the English assignment MrBW told us to do..

ALAMAK SO MANY THINGS TO DO..Shanks..God bless, take care and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And God, help me!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

490. normal (good)

Helloooooooooooooooooooo :) Okay I feel sleepy now..but I think its what did I want to say..shucks some other thought interjected and disrupted me -.- Kay never mind..having a history test tomorrow..that reminds me! Have to check the history class blog..hold on ah..

Oh mesh the teachers are really out to drill us..There's history holiday homework! And homework of almost every other subject. MESH MESH MESH MESH! Kay calm downnnnnn. Hmm let's see. I have to go to school next week to put the research paper in MrB's locker. Its only 1 day right..yup :):) And um about the drilling part, the english teachers might have thought that we wouldn't have much holiday homework and so gave us more than..kay lets just say about 5 assignments JUST FOR ENGLISH. Fantastic. Lol.

Hmm I'm a L thinker and a visual and I understand myself! Cause I knew my result would be that I'm primarily L and secondarily T when I was taking the test..haha!! Ummmm..oh yea my neighbour had a chat with me just now..LOL. She said I can ask her for school badges/ties if I lose them cause her daughter studied in PHS..haha!! Thanks for the thought! :)

And my rubber band's elasticity sort of wore off so I had to tie my hair in a bun so that it won't fall..alamak I really want to sleep now..exercise! Gonna shower after this..and lastly, I got the item I ordered online!! YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYY XD

Hohoho, merry Christmas. LOL, God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeee. :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

489. normal (good)

:)..I keep having the a prompting..something that's telling me not something. I'll try..I will..if its from You..let it come again tomorrow.. :) I dont think its just me..I sensed that you were irritated..Sor..ry..

Kay so anyway! :D:D:D:D Big grins to take away the semi emo mood of the previous sentence..hahah! God is gracious, God is kinddddddd..Am going to complete the chem worksheet after I get off the com..and there's this ant which is crawling at the each of my monitor..kay blew it away..hahah.

Oh ya..had 3 tests today..I forgot about the chinese test..I think the reason why I forgot is that it can't be studied yea. 1 hour paper..yay 2 more tests to go this week! :D:D And did you see the newest Twitter? Yea I edited my entry in the TaiWan I felt that it looked kind of yup! :)

Grandmummy bought quite a few things for me recently..which means I've been in her thoughts! Hahah coool. And I'm really grateful for these simple gestures.. :):) and thankful for grandmummy! You know..this made me think about one of the thoughts I had before..have you ever thought about the bizzareness of thinking about someone you know who will never spare a thought for when youre having a crush on someone. Like lol that someone doesnt even know he/she has been running in your head the whole day. Its queer. That someone doesnt even know he/she made such a huge impact on you! Kay the above is if you dont confess to that person la. Lol. So anyway if you received a confession be thankful cause you were probably in someone's thoughts all day long!

Kay that's random..And that ant is crawling on my table now..-.- And its up on the screen again..alamak! It sure likes this com a lot! LOLOL. Ummmm watched half of the Stuart Little movie during English cause MrB didnt come. So yea..Okay I think that's all..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3 :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

488. normal (good)

Although the title is as such, My eyes hurt a bit and I'm having cramps in um my right foot..but anyway the title doesnt refer to my physical state so I guess that's okay. So maybe..compared to the best "normality" I feel..this is..not the maximum. Yea..and I think you don't get what I mean..but never :)

Okay! So..sorry for not blogging much yesterday. THANK GOD I DON'T HAVE 3 TESTS ANY DAY OF THIS WEEK. Whew. God understands me so much He knows I don't like the idea of having 3 tests a day so He made JanLim gimme the test before I went to huh? :D:D So I had 2 tests today instead of 3.. :)

Oh reminder to self and maybe to those mentioned :) I have to collect the TaiWan photos from HM and Clara..the photos I want are with them so yea..hahaaa :D

Hmmm. I bought books in TaiWan. 2 books to be exact and 1 English book by the title of "The book of Jane" and 1 Chinese book with the title “就要来了” to be even more precise. Thrilled about the fact that I'm receiving the item I ordered online soon..or maybe its in my mailbox already! LOL.

I'm..going to put up the videos I took in Taiwan this Sunday..this week is the official test week. For my class, at least. We're having at least one test every school day of the week -.- So while people taking econs in 3Faith have 5 tests (WOW right..jiayou ah! :)) tomorrow, they get to rest on Friday. Yeaaaaaa. So you can't really say its unfair..hahah.

Played with a spider today! No I didn't touch it it was thought I wanted to step it so it jumped everytime I "stormed" near! And then it went in the drain and didn't move again cause it knew I wasn't going to harm um apparently it doesnt like to play jump(rope) LOL. Maybe its an old spider so uh its more mature and doesn't like playing such childish games with a human. Haha!!

2 things I just remembered to add. One, I changed my desktop wallpaper and two, I have 2 tests tomorrow and they areeeeeee Amath and SS..I um wasn't around for any of the amath extended lessons cause I was in TaiWan so I have to like self study..and I guess God made Mr Tan decide to become a temporary police to make independent learner..? Lol yes he's not back yet..Wanted to ask him to give me a crash course on the whole chapter when I returned but..sigh. Oh

Had mood swings today during lessons which surprised me a little cause I havent had them in a pretty long anyway it was partly cause I confirmed my hypothesis..which wasn't something to celebrate about to just made me..disappointed. But never mind la..I may not get used to it as quickly or I may never get used to it unless they "go back".

Sooooo today I learnt a bit more about bridge, the game I hear rather often from Sher..its 6.11PM already! Wow o.o I think that's all la..oh ya my entry is rather short..and random in the TaiWan blog..its a blog right! Lol and I was taking the cue from MsC lor! Lol. Listening to the songs on my imeem playlist now..hahah :)

Kay JIAYOU JIAYOU for the 2 tests tomorrow! :) God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D