This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Monday, February 04, 2008

527. normal (good)

Hellooooooooo. My emotional status is currently very unbalanced. I dont know if its ahem but..I dont want it to come now..and sorry if I flare up at you for no apparent reason. Okay anyway I'm here because JY tagged me to do a quizzie.

5 Snacks I Enjoy!
2. Cookies!
3. Some biscuits
4. Takoyaki yum yum :D
5. Ice cream cones. Hahahaha.

5 Songs Which Lyrics I Know!
1. I love you Jesus (hahahha =D)
2. 萤火虫的梦'S theme song.
3. If - Jeon Hye Bin
4. Yummy yummy's themesong (RAYMOND LAM!!)
5. Ever ever after - Carrie Underwood

5 Things I Would Do With $100 MILLION!
1. Give part of it (maybe 20million?) to needy people. Like buskers, old women selling tissue paper, like people in Africa.. :)
2. Put in a bank with high return rate.
3. Aiyo I dont know..Lol do something for my friends..but what? Lol. Something bigger than a treat..but not the the extent of..doing very drastic things la. Lol.
4. Buy shoesies. And maybe clothes. Hahaha.
5. Buy stuff for all family members and relatives? Hahhaaaa.

5 Places I Would Run Away To!
1. God's arms :)
2. Home. LOL.
3. Good friend's house.
4. Church.
5. Somewhere where I feel safe. :)

5 Things I Will Never Wear!
1. Bikinis.
2. Chocolate.
3. Flats I think. Not used to it.
4. Grandmummy's shoes.
5. Thick black-rimmed glasses.

5 Bad Habits!
1. Uh being very hard on myself. I take after mummy. Lol.
2. Thinking too much sometimes.
3. Getting very angry at guys like my brother. I shouldnt. I would get wrinkles. Lol.
4. Gullible.
5. Close one eye, open one eye.

5 Biggest Joys!
1. Gaining the deepest realisation you can have of something.
2. "I love you"s
3. Seeing children
4. Feeling blessed.
5. When everyone else is smiling/laughing with you :)

5 Famous People I would Date!
1. I'd be too shy so forget it. Lol.

5 Wishes Now!
1. That thing will come only after CNY..heho.
2. Keep thinking that singlehood is very good even when (almost) everyone else around me has their other half..
3. Hugs.
4. No more mood swings.
5. That all will receive salvation. :)

5 People To Do This!
Anyone who wants to do la :D

Okie I dont know what else to type..Lol going to watch the 9PM show God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :))

And I really should not let these things bother me. Yay :)

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