Friday, March 31, 2006
2nd post
i know i'm not supposed to voice them out
because people will come after me
with a broom or something =X
but anyway, this is my blog.
so i'm going to write this down.
number one. is popularity that important to you?
number two. why do you want to be popular?
it drives me crazy sometimes. i know i'm a "loner" okay.
you don't have to tell me. because you wanted to be popular,
we drifted apart.further & further.
and then the gap was there.
this world is so realistic. right?
once i'm gone.
you don't have to worry about me.
because i will be there.
looking down at you.

wait. his tongue is underneath his chin -.- ahh whatever.
LOL. anw, my mum ordered a BIG CAKE for him >=( its UNFAIR. i dont get that kind of treatment at home okay. hmpf. whatever. it will be arriving soon.
Videos of his birthday...
SCHOOL was alright today. we did the flaggie thingy for art today. i did on finland. no i dont know anything about it cept that the flag is nice and simple to draw XD ITS BLUE AND WHITE thats why its nice x)) and we have to draw some thingies. i decided to do fruits. i gonna draw a FRUIT BASKET =)
hmm for maths mr lin taught us..line of symetry? and umm. mininum / maximum point of a graph or something. well then. RECESS! OH YAY. haha. i ate hor fun. niceeeee as usual. ahaha. and carine says i eat fast. lol. maybe i was hungry. but victoria says i eat VERY slowly =( ahh nvm. hehe.
oh yah, YIN LAO SHI DIDNT COME TODAY AND I WAS VERYVERY HAPPY cause i didnt do the jian bao. she'll pester me for it. I AM LAZY. especially when youre sitting right in front youve got no choice luh =(
ENGLISH. ms haq didnt come again today. THANK GOD. cause i didnt do all my english homework. whoops. haha. okay i have to do it by this weekend or else i'll be dead. oh yah. mr tan came to relief us today. there's a composition which all of us have to do -.- lalalacrap. oh yaaa. i love talking. hehehe. told sijie a lot of things. hahaha. ^^'"
anw, science was like. uhhh. we labelled the hamburger. and we had to draw umm. ____able lips. thats what mr lim said. x) and i wrote a lot of stuff on that page. and WHAT IS DIGESTION is a very common question. laaahs. and umm. we drew the alimentary canal. yuppos.
and then asm. yay! lol. i thought i was going to fall asleep again. but this one was showing miyasaki and stuff. im not sure if im going this year. maybe not. x) and uhhh. i laughed during the school song. OPPPS. because some ji siao guy sang the burning bush as buring BUSSSHHHHHH. LOL. i was laughing laaa. =X
hmm. then i had lunch. ate...that yong tau fu stall. blahblahblah. and then. ART ROOM! for art club. yup, i just joined art club. hehe. today we did paper machie. whatever the spelling is. hahaha. WE DID 7 LAYERS. hahaha. we were going to do a GLOBE. XD and so we did the people around the world after that. mine was like so colourful. ahaha. & i got to know some sec ones. hehe. AND I USE THE COMPUTER IN THE ART ROOM. shhh..hahahaha.
and then..when we were going back, i tripped but i laughed ^.^'" hehehe. I LOL. as in really. and carine was like -.-"' LOL. and the sec ones starred at me. hehehehohoh. i ate a banana when i came back. AND I FOUND OUT SOMETHING. A INTERESTING FACT. my monthly expenditure is...$90. =/ i've been eating A LOT these few weeks. i spend $3 on food a day. =/ recess & lunch mah. and...that means like. $70 on food per month. and...$20 on transport a mth. crap. I HAVE BEEN SPENDING TOO MUCH. but its not the time to cut down yet. heheh.
okay. this is a really long post. whew. lol, take care, God bless & byebye! XD cake is coming oh~ =D
tried a rainbow text generator just now. hehe.
see what i did.
-sandra posted and laughed =D
Thursday, March 30, 2006
the feeling of being used
1. i downloaded graphmatica and its rather nice actually =)
2. i did my homework in school
3. i know my grades are de-proving (that spells BIG trouble for me)
4. my design folio is incomplete.
5. i haven't bought a d&t apron
6. i have to do the props for lit (i lugged 3 umbrellas back home today)
i guess that's enough. okay, the feeling of being used.
firstly, picture this scene in your mind.
you thought some people were going to walk towards you, but they walked and talked to the person BESIDE you instead. and then they treat you like you're invisble and squeeze their way in and take over your standing or sitting place. now think.
next, someone comes up to you smiling. you thought that person wanted to talk to you. but that person just asked you for a favour. like uhh. doing something for them. and then you foolishly say okay. well i say okay all the time lah. and i feel very very used. get what i mean? you cant say no can you? i dont know. then you think, if you say no, that person will dislike or even hate you.
you understand? its not like i am like a toy okay. that you can pass around and throw into the bin or at a corner when you feel like it. i got scolded my many people today. do you know the feeling of being isolated? no? okay i shall fill you in.
one day, when you decided to chat up some people, they diao you and they just nod their head and walk away. then when you try talking to them again, they say go away and so you have to do everything alone. its veryvery difficult being isolated okay. its not fun at all.
how would you feel? tell me. im having a bad feeling about typing this post. because some people might just hate me and complain about me after this. rahhhhs.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
its so hoarse now. i can't talk. my throat will hurt. hmm. we played volleyball for PE today. but i really can't play. as in. i can hit the ball, but i can't pitch it. =( gahh. and didn't do my homework.
LALALA. i have to hand in the portfolio biodata tomorrow. yadayada. didnt have geog. MR NG DIDNT COME! OH YAY OH YAY XD and..I did the IFD card with qh today. hahah. thank us okay x) who cares if it looks childish. its cute lah XD hahahah. i drew it like my best friends blogskin. heheh. then qh did the words. i drew. wahhaha. anyway. im coughing like mad =(
oh yes. ms haq didnt come today. and we discussed about some controversial issue today. [me, sheryl, sisca & erm yah x)] anw. sijie slept as usual. then the guys?
playing soccer lah what else. lol. i'm waiting for xing shan shan to start. OH YAH. ANYONE WITH chen wei lian's CHU MO. send it to me okay? I LOVE IT LIKE CRAP. HHAHAHA. LOVE IT TOOO!! hehe. oh and..MR LIN IS VERY NICE.
haha. his full name is lin wen wei. like that tall tall guy. hahah. he's so patient can? then i understood the maths qns and blah. i failed my maths test lah. but he didnt scold me. hehe. he's good. yah he's good. but too bad. hahahha (;
and..after school some mr ____ came to scold us. and i told lq to say "'cause it didnt affect us" then he scolded us. >=( crappo. why must report. -_- what blah. then he talk so much & wasted so much time. LOL. anw. carine is uhh. MENTEITH NOW!!! yay!!! oh yayyayaya XD anw. some blah. yes. blah. hohohoho.
guess i shall end here. GBUTCBB! (:
Monday, March 27, 2006
HEY. what happened?
he touch my neoprints
dipped them in rice.
ate my rice.
now i dont have any dinner.
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
took all my sister's stickers which she needed for school & pasted them on HIS OWN CUPBOARD
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
feel free to bang ur head against the wall
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
i wont mind
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
tts horrible..
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
why he do that?
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
how old is he?
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
old enough to know whats right and wrong
i told you
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
ur neos..
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
nt that bad
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
is rice
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
u can cook maggie mee?
people change till you dont know them anymore says:
one day he will dip them in curry or smth
3rd post for today
**PREP** you're definitely a Prep!!But don't worry!I am too sometimes!!But not all preps are bad!!~*preps rock!*~ You know howda stand up to people,and aren't afraid to speak your mind,WHEN YOU HAVE TO!!!
here's another.
you are calm and have popular friends because they think your so cool. who knows whats goin on in your head.
and another..
You chose potato chips. If potato chips are your preferred snack food, then you are probably an ambitious and successful person, and a high achiever. You enjoy the rewards of success both at work and at home. Not a selfish sort, you enjoy the successes of your spouse and children, too, and you seek nothing less than the best from them. You also tend to be impatient with less than the best, and you are easily frustrated by life's little blips - traffic jams make you crazy, and you consider waiting in line a huge imposition. Note: if you want to do business with a potato chip lover, or you are in a competitive situation with this personality type, be prepared. Potato chip lovers are always worthy and prepared adversaries, and you may lose if you don't bring your best to the situation.
You are the element of wind. You are a breezy sort of person, very passive. You have a few friends who understand you, but they are the only ones. Like a Rainbow you colourful person, you!! =D
sometimes i wonder
i tend to read a lot of depressing stories.
but i'm in the same boat too!
why dont i just fall and cry and say i wanna die?
then everyone will comfort me right?
but, NO i can't!
i wonder why i'm so strong.
i mean, if you see it, well, no one asks anw.
maybe i want people to ask.
maybe not.
maybe i'm so strong.
because God moulded me to this stage.
why can't i fall & cry?
people will say i'm weak.
and because I've got Daddy.
i've so many problems
but i smile & laugh so much
the smiles cover up all the tears.
that flow down, right and deep inside the heart which once almost tore.
and the wall banged on me.
i took shelter.
finding refuge in Him, and Him alone.
i didn't tell anyone.
that i was torn and broken up.
sorry Daddy.
but whenever i think of You, and Your goodness.
i can't help but cry.
tears well up in my eyes.
and roll down my cheeks.
and your everything.
once i fall.
at the bottom of the pit.
You pick me up.
You always do.
i wonder why.
its not funny.
i know there's something missing in me.
I know you're fine there.
i want to go there too.
listen and hear me with your heart.
personality tests
anw, took another personality test. ahaha. i just came back. lahs. oh yah. and i feel VERY BLESSED. PRAISE GOD =D ahaha. cos i forgot to wear my nametag & school badge to school today. lol. then you know what? as soon as i reached the hall, victoria lent me one of her nametags and crystal lend me her school badge. awww. thanks guys! [hugs!] lol. and when i came back, i think God wanted to tell me something. you know that "knock and you'll find, seek &..." that verse? yea.
God was trying to tell me that. today i searched for a .vbs file which could cure my computer's little problem which i didn't use to care about cos it didnt affect me in whatsoever way. hahah. anw. the minute i searched for it and clicked on the link my computer problem disappeared. yay! haha. THANK GOD. XD and went to staff room after school, but mr lin wants there -.- lols. anw. the a*star thingy was okay.
and we had to do macbeth -.-
Peaceful Discreet Non Aggressive
You are easy-going yet discreet. You make friends effortlessly, yet enjoy your privacy and independence. You like to get away from it all and be alone from time to time to contemplate the meaning of life and enjoy yourself. You need space, so you escape to beautiful hideaways, but you are not a loner. You are at peace with yourself and the world, and you appreciate life and what this world has to offer.
Your Existing Situation
Sensuous. Inclined to luxuriate in the things which give gratification to the senses, but rejects anything tasteless, vulgar, or coarse
Your Stress Sources
Wishes to be independent, unhampered, and free from any limitation or restriction, other than those which she imposes of herself or by her own choice and decision.
Your Restrained Characteristics
Willing to participate and to allow herself to become involved, but tries to fend off conflict and disturbance in order to reduce tension.
Believes that she is not receiving her share--that she is neither properly understood nor adequately appreciated. Feels that she is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave her without any sense of emotional involvement.
Your Desired Objective
Her need to feel more causative and to have a wider sphere of influence makes her restless and she is driven by her desires and hopes. May try to spread her activities over too wide a field.
Your Actual Problem
Feels restricted and prevented from progressing; seeking a solution which will remove these limitations.
the website
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Know more about me
Here is the analysis:
You'll drop everything to be with the partner of your dreams, and you'll give their sentimental presents rather than expensive ones. Nevertheless, your spontaneous nature does have a limit, and when the romance is over, you'll head back to work to pick up the pieces.
Your Working Style
You have a great deal of warmth, but may not show it until you know a person well. You keep your warm side inside, like a fur-lined coat. When you are care, you care deeply, but are more likely to show your feeling by deeds rather than words. You are very faithful to duties and obligations related to things or people you care about.
You take a very personal approach to life, judging everything by your inner ideals and personal values. You stick to your values with passionate conviction, but can be influenced by someone you care deeply about. Although your inner loyalties and ideals govern your lives, you find these hard to talk about. Your deepest feelings are seldom expressed; your inner tenderness is masked by quiet reserve.
In everyday activities you are tolerant, open-mind, flexible, and adaptable. If one of your inner loyalties is threatened, though, you will not give and inch. You usually enjoy the present moment, and do not like to spoil it by rushing to get thing done. You have little wish to impress or dominate. The people you prize the most are those who take the time to understand your values and the goals you are working toward.
You are interested mainly in the realities brought to you by your senses, both inner and outer. You are apt to enjoy fields where taste, discrimination, and a sense of beauty and proportion are important. You have a special love of nature and a sympathy with animals. You often excel in craftsmanship and the work of your hands is usually more eloquent than words.
You are twice as good when working at a job that you believe in, since your feeling adds energy to your efforts. You see the needs of the moment and try to meet them. You want your work to contribute to something that matters to you-- human understanding, happiness, or health. You want to have a purpose beyond your paycheck, no matter how big the check. You are perfectionists whenever you deeply care about something, and are particularly suited for work that requires both devotion and a large measure of adaptability.
The problem for you is that you may feel such a contrast between your inner ideals and your actual accomplishments that you may burden yourself with a sense of inadequacy. This can be true even when you are being as effective as others. You take for granted anything you do well and are the most modest of all the types, tending to underrate and understate yourself.
It is important for you to find practical ways to express your ideals; otherwise you will keep dreaming of the impossible and accomplish very little. If you find no actions to express your ideal, you can become too sensitive and vulnerable, with dwindling confidence in life and in yourself. Actually, you have much to give and need only to find the spot where you are needed.
Saturday, March 25, 2006
some quiz
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
(This part has been removed due to the gayness of SOME people)
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.
Who is your true self:
You like privacy very much because you enjoy spending time with your own thoughts. You like to disappear when you cannot find solutions to your own problems, but you would feel better if you learned to share your thoughts with a person you trust.
reflecting upon life
lols. that's what i think when i'm just by myself. hehe. anw. i feel like redoing my d&t design folio. hi^5 to qiuhui! haha. and there's a lot of work to do today. anw. mummy washed my shoes! OH YAY =DDD what's the first thing you do when you turn on your computer? haha. of course you'll wait for it to load lah -.- hees. for me, i'll check if anyone has tagged. hahah. it makes you feel good that people do come to your bloig and tag. then when you reply, makes me feel great. haha. then i'll check in friendster.
new testimonials or friend requests or whatever. then i'll check blogskins. to see if anyone commented on my skin overnight or gave me a green flag =D then i'll sign in to MSN. haha. then i'll feed my neopets. i reallyreally have to do a lot of things today. so, bye for now!
why does everyone come to me only when they need help? or when they want to know about homework? why can't you talk to me because you want to talk to me? i got other things to do one okay? in case you don't know, its not fun being a machine. its very tiring. no one appreciates. i've been kind enough to tell you everything already okay. don't go overboard. i'm irritated and digusted at you. are you even a friend? are you fake or what? you dont treat me as a friend already do you? you treat me as a machine right? GREAT. you're so disgusting. i hope God will punish you. what kind of Christian are you. you treat me like rubbish. ahh crap.
Friday, March 24, 2006
P.S: if you steal my codings, i will make you look like a ultimate freak. =D
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Fragile; handle with care
219th post
maybe she is right. maybe i have a really simple mind. i thought everyone was good. in my world, there isn't the word cunning in my dictionary. now kellie is talking to chats. i dont want to do my homework. dont feel like doing anything at all. just typing and tving. there's a maths test tomorrow. kids central grew up with me. (: God too. of course =)
i don't want to pretend. i don't want people to pretend too. especially my friends. i don't even know if those i consider as my good friends consider me as one. maybe i'm just invisble to everyone. People do change. I'm not the same anymore. Didn't you all realise I'm not as happy or carefree like before? Even if i'm happy in class or whatever, people still won't be happy.
what's the point in following what people do? BE YOURSELF! i want peace love & joy on earth. not violence vulgarities and pretentious people. someday you'll realise i'm not an ordinary girl.
KIDS CENTRAL BIG IN THE CITY. hi5 started. byebye.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
do not treat me like a machine. I AM NOT A MACHINE. you don't switch the on and off button whenever you like it. and then treat me badly or you give me that kind of "i hate you" face. then when you need my help you go "sandra...can you help me to ______ ohh pleaseeee & thank you!!! =DD" its all fake lah. =( and i have a dumb brother. he loves meddling with my hp. see my messages when he cant even read. doesnt listen to instructions. thinks he IS SO GREAT. and a papa who calls you once every 5 mins. its dumb lah. i wish i had no papa. he claims i am his beloved daughter. CRAP. you think im a 3 year old kid? who are you trying to kid? IRRITATING.
i do get angry too okay? i am not always that quiet girl. anw im not quiet. i can be very loud too. its stupid. and then my mother. SHE WILL NAG AND NAG AND NAG. CANT STAND IT. keep asking me to leave the house. crap. then ask her not to keep commenting on evt i do she will say things like "i die le then wont comment le lor" WHAT IS THIS. >=(
and my grandma. i quite like her now =) she's been pretty nice to me these few days. i hope it will continue to be this way =)) and then there's my uncle. walks around the whole house. -.- very irritating larh. -.-
anw i went to j8 with sheryl and jenna today. wore pe shirt. we ate lunch. they bullied me with some black magic. >< i dont like it. SO STRESSFUL. im dumb okay? i didnt know how on earth they did it. then we took neoprints. NICEEE =DD
Monday, March 20, 2006
remember i'll be there for you.
I DIDNT SLEEP THE WHOLE OF LAST NIGHT. couldnt sleep. on idea why? school reopening? feeling lethargic? i thought a lot while i couldnt sleep. so much i think i have white hair now. i thought for 6 whole hours. then stand up and prepare for school thought about many things. =X i think i'm very fragile. anw. today's fun =) i kinda forgot what happened. haha. ahh i remember.
freak =/ someone literally leaned on me on the mrt. i hated it. that guy. that crazy man. i couldnt even breathe. i was like suffocating lah. =(( anw. saw yihui and reb in the morning. haha. i was leaning against the panel on the train. then so many people boarded the train. even though there wasnt any space left, one plump lady squeezed and pushed her way in.
ARGH. i dont like it. then this man stood in front of me. HE WAS WEARING GREEN. omgosh. then when more people came in, he stood closer. and nearer and nearer. so i put my science books in front of me. to prevent him from leaning on me. i stood in a position such that my shoe would kick his. or I WOULD HAVE DIED. haha. choi. when i finally came out of the train, i was like looking at that man and giving him my most DAO face. then i said "excuse me" then i purposely shoved my bag around. then will hit him. hohoho. no lah. i thought of doing that. but didnt in the end. its a bad thing to do. haha. i wanted to scold him and knock his head and blah. HAHAHA.
anw. got caught for not wearing my uniform properly. -.- i tucked in my shirt lah. i want to buy a bigger blouse. or it will keep coming out. haha =D anw yihui and reb acccompanied me too. hahaha. then sat alone during morning asm. anw i'm used to it. =) then we had a new timetable. ~!#$%^&*()_+!!! CRAP. WE CHANGED OUR TIMETABLE SO MANY TIMES IN THE YEAR. I THINK FIVE OR SIX.. dumbo =.=
i like eng periods. esp a star. hahaha. though sijie doesnt like it. hmm. cos there are fewer people. and less noisy. =D i dont like noise. if the whole class has to make noise, then everyone should make noise. if not we should all just keep quiet. LOL. sorry if anyone's offended =X
got real angry with my brother. SO PLAYFUL LARH. >=(( anw. i dont know if i should change my blogskin. i already made one. or myself. its titled "blue rose" =) tell me if you want me to change okay? cos i think im lazy. haha. & i should get going now. GBU, SMILE & byebye. (:
Sunday, March 19, 2006
anw. they brought the "horrible science" package and played with the tools inside. the volcano. AND THE "LAVA" SHOOTED HIGH! it was realy high okay? like 1 metre off the ground! it was SO FUN. lol. okay here are some videos to prove my claims to you. XD
and i finished my maths! yay! haha. oh yah. my sister caught some fishes. her childcare went to paris ris on an excursion on friday. and 5 fishes died. -.- one was because my sister dipped the net into the water and the fish came out and started jumping on the floor.
and she came screaming to me. the fish was jumping. it was scary. then after a few mintues it stopped moving. didnt dare to touch it eh =( and it died. the other 4 died due to an unknown reason. lol. just found them dead this afternn. haha.
guess what. i ate kfc for breakfast. and i had a tummyache. because of irregular mealtimes =((
btw, i found something new & fresh -
How to make a sandra |
Ingredients: 5 parts intelligence 5 parts arrogance 3 parts energy |
Method: Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add a little curiosity if desired! |
hahas. go try it out. take care, SMILE & GBU! =)
Saturday, March 18, 2006
then the journey was very long. i didnt believe it took 1 and a half hour to go to tampines mrt form sembawang mrt. lol. yi an told me so. i interchanged twice. and lost my way once. haha. i went to the wrong escalator lor. so many escalators lah. haha.
was yi an there when i reached. and a few other spdlighters. hehe. was like waiting for kin yunn but he went already la -.- anw i bought some chicken & cheese thing to keep my stomach from growling. hahaha. then saw some snake performance. at the pasar malam while waiting. it was scary. the man hypotised the snake -.-'''. didn't finish watching the performance, cos yi an pulled me to the bus interchange. lol.
saw many people in the church. a great place to worship =D i think like 400 people went? hahaha. WE SANG AND WE JUMPED. AND WE DIDNT CARE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE. WE JUST JUMPED. =DDD EVERYONE JUMPED. yes everyone. hahaha. SO FUN LA. =DDD btw, i something really extraordinary happened. i couldnt stop clapping. couldnt control. my hands just went "clap clap clap" all the while. lols. then my hands were so red but it wasnt pain. GOD WAS THERE! AHAHA.
gonna eat my ban mian now. =D take care, SMILE & PRAISE GOD! (;
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I'm a bookworm. Yes i am. Haha. Sister is back from her childcare. Brother's in m'sia. Who else's at home? Let's see. Grandmother (Wai po, see her picture below. Hehe.) This is a very boring post. I'm getting asleep while typing this. Let's put in some photos okay? =D

this is my sister's foot. ehehe.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006
one. i'm sorry to all those i've caused to hate/dislike me or whatever. because of my words/actions or whatever i've done to made you hate/dislike me. i know its a very difficult thing to hate someone because the more you hate someone, the more your heart becomes..yah you get what i mean.
so, this one goes to all who hated/disliked before, hating and still disliking now and those who will hate and dislike me in the future. [hope not..haha] so to prevent that from happening, i shall treat everyone with respect. and be nice to everybody =)
two. i'm sorry to daddy and mummy for causing them so much trouble. because i wasn't the perfect child i wanted to be. sorry for making you all scream and shout and even cane me in my younger days. but i shall try to and i must obey you all because well, you're still my daddy and mummy. haha. yes. =D
three. i'm sorry to people whom i've offended in some way or another, in school, on the streets or whatever lah. haha. urm. so that's all i guess. now i shall have no regrets in life. becuase what's done cannot be undone and i shall not look back. regrets are just a waste of time. agree? ((:
Monday, March 13, 2006
time for some pictures!
random. hdb flats. x))
the shelter
[clue : sembawang]
looks like CSS contestant khim right? ahaha.
prettaye cool eh? =D
effectious picture! =D
boat sailing? haha. i did this by turning the cam at the
fast speed when taking a picture of smth. hahah.
bear. eheheh.
behind bars? =)
[clue : mrt]
nice bookmark!
apple! XD
isn't this cute? =D
hamtaro! CUTENESS =))
wild wild wet
me! @ wild wild wet. =)
mummy & me!
me & shirleen!
shirleen & jw!
jw & mei!
cousins =)
nice right? its the sunrise!! woke up
super early today to take this shot luh. =D
trees at the beach this morning.
my sister! XD
hahaha. 4 people.
my shadow. lols.
okay. that's all i have for you today. happy viewing! =D
P.S } (testing blog)
left for coasta sands at 4.30. hees. we went to paris ris mrt first. then we took a taxi there. hahaha. then my sister slept on the way. we reached the chalet at 5.30pm i think. haha. so our chalet was B-08 =D saw 2nd uncle. he was the only person at the chalet. how lonely. awww. hahaha. so we joined him and watched tv luh. was quite boring lah. hahah. then waited for my cousin to come larh. but he didn't. crap. and so i did my science hw.
then...ate dinner at hao kou wei. we walked a long journey [the long cut] we didnt know there was a shortcut larh. hahaha. but anw. on the way back. i ran!! with my brother. yay! i love running! hahah. and we ran from the foodcourt all the way back to the chalet. so shiok lah. hahah. and we sand along the way. perspiring is good. haha. considering i ran for jogathon the day before. maybe i should run everyday. hehe. then my stamina will be better =D
hohoho. then when we reached back. saw the "neighbours" playing LOUD music. and they were dancing -.- crap. and they didn't stop till 3am. couldn't sleep. but managed to sleep. hahaha. okay. so that say was like. adjusting to the enviroment of the chalet. hohoho. next day.
yesterday was a whole lot of fun fun and more fun!! =DD i woke up at 10.30am. hehe. i was the last to wake up. so..brushed my teeth. then we decided to go to...WILD WILD WET!!!! yayness. when everyone was ready, we proceeded to downtown east. by the short cut. yah. this time we were smarter (; and then the queue was LONG. yah. very long. saw 3rd uncle and his kids there [qixing & qiwei]. anw we joined the queue. then the kids changed. hohoho. luckily i changed in the chalet alr. anw. the tickets were ex. but it was worth it x)
and then...the first thing we did was put on the whatever life jackets. i didn't wear it on lah. it was so obiang. and the thing was WET. haha. i'm so fussy. so the kids wore. and my mum wore. 3rd uncle didn't want to play. haha. he looked after his children. haha. and our belongings. then the first thing i played was the slide.
AWW. SHUCKS. ALL THE INFO IS GONE! TYPED A SUPER LONG POST JUST NOW. THE RECOVER POST DIDN'T WORK. ARGH. SHUCKS. SO NOW YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I DID AT WILD WILD WET. ALL BECUASE OF STUPID BLOGGER. >=( ARGH!!!!!! IM SO ANGRY. BLOGGER IS STUPID!!!!! ahhhhhh. FREAK. im tired of typing everything again =((( so sorry. amybe i shall tmr. im tired. sick of blogger. if you want to know what i did at WWW. though i doubt anyone will. msn or call me luh. BLOGGER IS YUCKY.
i've got exactly 100 pics in my photobucket!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006
today was a longgg day for meee. hahas. woke up at 6.10. slacked in bed for a while before brushing my teeth. hehe. then in the mrt. people were like pushing around -.- no space le still push. sigh.
anw. carried the sling bag to school. anw didn't have to bring much things. haha. oh yarh. during morining asm, victoria asked me if i brought my report "card" {its made of paper anw. sch no $? lols}. then i was like.."huh? need to bring meh?" then someone go and cha zui lorh. as if i was talking to here -.- hahahah. then victoria say "oh yay. got somebody accompany me le" hahaha. so i didnt bring. and she didnt bring too.
hmm. absentees were sally and reb. haha. and then urm. sat with qh during asm lorh. hmm and and. we went to the bus after asm. hmm. and the bus went off even before mdm gene tan came. haha. and then we were like shouting to the bus driver to stop. hahaha. luckily he stopped in time. x) and so we started on our jounrney to umm. NEWater! XD
and then when we got there we had to like sit on the ground so many times. hahaha. and it was kinda boring. hehe. and erm. proceeded center next! what waterworks. what crap lah. hahah. i got WET! my whole uniform was wet kay. but my head wasnt. and my socks plus shoes were totally soaked lahh. and the water even got into my ear! sigh.
qh was real unlucky today luh. when i stepped into the water maze the coast was clear. then when i pulled her with me and when she made the first step the waster just splash out all of a sudden. i wasnt prepared kay. my natural instinct told me to just walk through and not bother about whatever water splashing out. hahaha. then what next. a lot of people got wet actually.
and urm. then i went to the washroom to change into my PE attire lorh. what to do? so wet still wear uniform ah? hahah. and just then i realised my pants were wet! must be the water crap thing luh. haha. then its like obvious loh. like people can see the water there..hee..used my bag to cover lah. haha.
and then we had mac. we paid $3 for it and all we got was a hashbrown and a burger. haha. but it was quite nice actually x) drank bandong too! =D oh yah. then i was desprately looking for the washroom loh. urgent kay. haha. then "ren" for so long. cannot go cos too many ppl at SSC. then on the bus sure cannot go right. then it took quite long to reach macritchie. you can imagine how long i "controlled" kay. hahah.
then umm. it was so hot there lahh!!! rah. then still need to sit on the grass. gahh. and then i partnered huimei. my number was 253..hahas. looking for toilet there then look for so long then found it finally. hahaha. im dumb larh. haha. then so stupid lorh. okay. dont want to elaborate. ahem. hehe.
then it was like so hot and then the teacher allowed the boys to run first. sigh. and we waited there loh. was perspiring like mad lor. still need to run -.- and do warm ups. crap lah. so warm le still need to do warm ups =.= while waiting went to get a drink from the vending machine. i wanted to pick ice lemon tea loh. then when i put in the $ le right. then press the button cannot then some girl go and press what grapefruit of smth. stupid lah. so sweet lor. and gasy. hai. nvm luh.
then i ran with huimei! haha. we got high a few times. the suddenly run very fast. and we sang. hahah..people were looking at us loh. 2 crazy people running and singing. hahaha. one siao char bo {me} hair loose then nvr retie. the other one ran so fast like bullet train. hahaah. then in the middle i ewas like so tired and needed huimei to drag me -.- haha. but thank God lah. we finally finished the race. and i got to drink water! yay. really quenched my thirst. hee. i drank like 3/4 of it at one go..hahah..
hands and legs so tired luh. the we got some ice cream. and after everything. took 855 alone to khatib mrt station then came back home. then i saw my tuition teacher here loh. sigh. my mum told her to come at 5.30 then i reached back like ard 6.47 loh. made my teacher wait so long. felt bad larh. =( anw i bathed the 1st thing i came home. so sweaty luh..haha. now so comfortable le =D and then i havent eat dinner then come and blog le..hahaha. will continue doing hw later.
take care, smile, God bless and byee! =D
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
blahs {moodless}
one habit i should kick : imust refrain from the computer!!
i tend toforget abouthomework once im online.sigh. i scored a 45 for my overallmaths. AHHH. i must study!!!! STUDY!!! STUDY MORE!!!! AND SLEEP EARLIER!!! and guess what. a 5 over 15 for my FIRST goeography test. and science? well.let'sjust said i did badly. 11 1/2 [and a half] OVER25. RAHHHHSS..!!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
______ is like so selfish can. why you all like ___ loh. she became Christian le still like that. what is she doing loh. still say she felt God's prescence before. all crap lah. maybe she go church just because a ot of people going loh. what a copycat. i can i use the word despise? =X er xin lah she. still _____ one. and then..eee lah. she think a lot of ppl like her loh. but in fact no one likes her okay? and then ______ is like so unreasonable luh. freako. whatever lah. pigu zhunao dadoongoo!!
P.S: i dislike copycats x(
Monday, March 06, 2006
things to do
- literature homework - (in notebook) TOO MANY TO TYPE OUT.
- geography homework - workbook + mindmap
- maths hw - Skill Practice 3D questions 5, 10 & 11
- art hw - light
- d&t homework - folio + workbook
- chinese homework - 剪报
- buy d&t apron - or should i get it from someone who doesn't need it?
- buy art materials
- buy new buffer? - my buffer was broken was my brother =(
- borrow books from the library - i keep reading the same book for morning assembly. how bring. i bet i read that "friends & sisters" book for more than 10 times =/ i can even remember the author's name: SANDY ASHER.
- wash my school shoe
- send handphones for repair
- pack the house - its so messy luh.
- buy foolscap - 3 pathetic pieces left
- do more blogskins - for people
- save PW in diskette. but the file is too big!! what should I do? _____ will blame me luh.
AHH!! I'M NOT GOING TO SCHOOL AGAIN!!! don't teachers realise they give us so much homework and they pile up slowly and altogether they are like one huge junk stacking one on top of another and then it amounts to a so great huge amount of stress for everyone (maybe for me only) and then..ARGH!!!!! IF HOMEWORK WAS A TEMPATATION I WILL DO A GOOD JOB AT RUNNING AWAY FROM IT. school is stupid ='(things i'm not sure of:
- I didn't take the 1st science test. i was absent and mr ___ didn't ask me to take the test. Huimei didn't take it too. so..?
- Was there an english homework titled "What i want to be when i grow up"? Victoria told me there was. but..??
Sunday, March 05, 2006
so here are the results. =)

this is the one i like best. and i tell you lah. you can say i crop the 2nd one right. but no. i was dumb lah. i adjust and shift. and make a new picture. and i finally did it. dumb right. i could have just cropped the 2nd picture. -.-"' stupid me.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
lyrics again x)
<小孩不笨2> 主题曲
曲/杨波 词/梁智强
我们肆无忌惮 我们成群结党
我们目无尊长 对什么事都不满
看着我们的成长 只会制造麻烦
我们don’t give a damn那看不起的眼光
我们什么都不是 我们什么都不管
别以为看不起我们 就告诉自己比人家强
又有谁会 替我们想想苹果为何变烂
((: can everyone see the above lyrics?
Friday, March 03, 2006
歌手:潘嘉丽 专辑: love me, kelly
寂寞成了习惯 习惯靠着孤单
我只想 对着夜空
轻轻的呼吸 寻找我最爱的人到底
在哪里在慌乱中 翻箱倒柜寻找记忆
歌手: 潘嘉丽 专辑:love me, kelly
kelly you ready to rock this?
(i know you wanna dance c'mon
you know you wanna dance c'mon) x3
lets rock
(let's rock)
(let's rock)
(that's right)
i dreamt of you. twice. last year. and this year. the very same dream. can you believe it?
Thursday, March 02, 2006
type.d writ.ten. copying is allowed. but do credit me please x)
i love this song. its like. i can relate to the song lah. =) its in my jukebox le x)
天 已经快天黑啦
傻 这世界我最傻
才晓得我的心碎吗 (爱我吧)
爱我吧 好吗
爱你呀 放弃吧
the song is like so nice. x) im not gonna talk about today. i gonna talk about the song. today really. nvm. okay. dont as me why relate to me lah. haha. i like the song lor. hmm. and dont ask me who i like lah. lols. hush. im not telling. nobody knows. hahaha. unless you're my reallyreally close friend i might leak some secret. wahahah. but i dont think i have any right. so no use telling. wahaha. lol. alicia. i only typed 2 words wrongly leh. hahaha.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I was late. i woke up at 7. i had to run. i ran with lilin. er yah. then had geog test. then was perspiring like mad. then some people realised i bought a new pair of school shoes. lol. if i dont buy then how? lols. and some
I didn't wanna go school actually. throat pain. i would have found any excuse that i could use to stop me from going to school. school is like. crap. the people. err. SOME people. yes some people. CRAPPY CRAP. i dont uds why when i wake up grouchy in the morning then at the end of the day, i was get so happy. God's purpose. hmm. but if i was grouchy the whole day. no one would like me.
they would hate me lah. but why can some people be grouchy the whole day. then SO MANY people care about them. what is the problem. just because they uhh. are "popular" or what. i can't do anything. anw. stupid thoughts. right? geog test was okay.
dont know how i'd fare. the scrabble competition was nice. i saw some sec ones. they were really nice lah. er. the girl was paulyn tan. i think. the boy was dominic ang. nice ppl. they won x) huiqing asked me why i looked sad. so did many ppl on different days. i dont look sad. maybe i do. maybe . i dont know. how come im sad?
sometimes people care. sometimes they dont. anw today. i was being hitted by a ball. on my back. so pain lah. i think the person was..ah nvm. why they want to play soccer in class. i wonder why i didnt cry. too shy or too strong. maybe both. maybe im afraid of some ppl who will say things. they will say i cry too much. then how come she cry so much you all care about her leh? and my leg hurts. like fractured like that. SO PAIN.
I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL. homework is stressful.
I stand before You, Lord
And give You all my praise
Your love is all I need
Jesus, You're all I need
My life belongs to You
You gave Your life for me
Your grace is all I need
Jesus, You're all I need
Hold me in your arms
Never let me go
I wanna spend eternity with You
And now that You?re near
Everything is different
Everything's so different, Lord
And I know I?m not the same
My life You've changed
And I wanna be with You
I wanna be with You
And I will sing for You always
'Cause in Your presence
God is where I wanna stay
So blessed
More than I could ever hoped or dreamed of
You have poured Your favour on me
One day in the house of God is
Better than a thousand days in the world
So blessed I can't contain it
So much I got to give it away
Your love has taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me
Lord, You are more than enough for me (x2)
My redeemer lives
I know He rescued my soul
His blood has covered my sin
I believe I believe
My shame He's taken away
My pain is healed in His name
I believe I believe
I'll raise a banner
'Cause my Lord has conquered the grave
My Redeemer Lives (x4)
You lift my burdens
I'll rise with you
I'm dancing on this mountaintop
To see your kingdom come
I've got Heaven on the inside of me
I've got Heaven on the inside of me
Peace and joy
God has set me free
Heaven is a reality
Abundant life flows out of me
I've got a smile on my face
A glide in my stride
I'm tasting his grace
And I'm walking by faith
I've got heaven on the inside of me
I've got heaven flowing out of me
I'm bring heaven into this world
Joy, Joy, Joy
I've got such joy in my heart
I've got peace, peace, peace
I've got such peace in my heart
I remember the day it all began
It was the day that
I was born again
An explosion took place
On the inside of me
It was the spirit of God
Setting me free~