well anyway i didn't pack my bag last night.
i just shove my d&t workbook into my bag.
i didn't even care about the timetable.
so i didnt bring my d&t folio.
but thank God.
didnt have to hand it in today.
whew :)
i totally forgot about my organizer & wallet.
guess how i managed to get on the train.
it was like taking a risk 4 times.
just now i almost got caught by the kiap kiap.
the thing that opens when you tap your card luh.
i guess i went in too late
'cos my leg got stuck in the thingy but i pulled it out =X
STUCK. pain & dangerous eh? :(
chinese was the 1st lessondontyouthinkmyblogissuperboring:(
then it was a little urm. embarrasing?
i dont know laa.
i ran up & down thrice just to get a phonecard to call her.
-.- please call your mummy =/
then it was geog.
mr ng crapped a lot as usual.
victoria lent me $7.
ehehe. so nice of her right.
thanks MARIA :D
$2 for recess $2 for lunch
& $3 for the d&t apron.
yuppos. i finally bought my d&t apron :))
hahaaa. then sheryl pulled me to ask ling chao if he was going for the communion svc after chapel tmr. those who wanna come, stay back after chapel okie? :) lols & ling chao was so blur lah. it took sheryl 5 mins just to let him understand what she was telling him. LOL.
after that was..english. & mr fong came again! ahaha. the guys asked him a lot of questions. hahaa. he's 21 this year. october baby. hahaha. he showed us the uhh. common mistakes that students make. ahaaa. oh yes. he's mrs wong's son. like OMGOSH. can you believe it? i dont see any similarities b/w mother & son. LIKE CRAP. & i told huiqing. & she told peiqi & wanlin and they were like omgosh. hahaha. ^^"'
okay then...d&t. lent reb my wb. uh huh. & we proceeded with the marking out & drilling / sawing. THANKS TO SINGHAU and er. chunkiat is it? lol. thank you for helping me to drill the 8 holes. ehehe. THANK YOUUUU. XD lols. i taught people how to use the scroll saw but i used the coping saw instead XP hmm. then i used the rasp. i cut out 4 blocks le! 4 more to go! yay. haha. then. i took the sandpaper but now its just a plain brown paper without sand..ahaha. all thanks to qh who helped me to make the edges smooth :DD lol i thanked so many peepo today.
literature was a lil uh dumb la. hahaa. nothing much to say. then had lunch..i just drank soup. wasnt hungry anw. hahaha. then went to 2grace to mark attendance. uh huh. okay...
i'm having a toothache.
my tooth is shaky.
& its gonna drop out soon.
i still have baby teeth lah.
and baby hair on my head -.-
that's why my hair looks messy.
how on earth do you tie up baby hair =.=
you cant even clip it.
so dont say my hair looks messy for goodness sake.
so till next time, GodBlessTakeCareSMILE&BYEBYE! =D
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