This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Monday, April 17, 2006


Love ya too (: <3>Kris
Thank youuuuu. :D I want to give you the "nicest person on earth" award. Lol. Can I? Can I? x)

Nevermind. I was never important in anyone's eyes. Only He has me in His. Like, how would you feel if someone you think is a true friend. Ah, crap. I'm making a big fuss over such a small matter. If they don't reply, its okay. Right, its okay (: They just treat you like you're some kind of freak. & I don't don't mind.

I'm used to it! I'm strong. & I'm going to stand up tall, just as I have. :) If you take some time to care, maybe you would know...Someday, I will.

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Sheryl } Lol. Alright. Shan't binge :) Oh yes. CLICK FIVE! AHHH! LOL. & big rain not shuai lah. hahaha.
Kane } Yah lah. Your twin right. Ahaha.
Jenna } SORRY! I tagged! :D Alright, I love you too. Ehehe. (:

Hi guys!
Lol, sorry for posting only at this late hour.
Those who came & left disappointed with nothing to read,
I was feeling super hyper just now.
Because 6 total strangers linked me.
One even reads my blog.
I'm so glad luh.
So I shall have to make my blog more interesting.

Okay, I made a new skin for myself earlier on. :D
Its purple! Yay for those who guessed correctly.
Hee. Its rather me. :)
Its a long skin.
YAY! Ahaha.
Those of you who find my blog "hard" to read
because I made this a nav skin,
now you wont even have to scroll to read my blog!

Okay, I'm watching Channel 8 now.
Its the charity show.
Lols. But this time, no dangerous stunts. =)
There was one part I like.
That "MO JU" part.

You know?
Sorry. Lol. Okay, back to that MO JU.
It was by two man.
Hmm. Tai Ming is it? & the other one..I forgot.
Anyway, their faces are so flexible la.
They can like. Whoa. I don't know.
Follow the rhythm of the song using
their mouths to mouth it.
And with lots of facial expressions.
I was greatly impressed :D

Gosh. It's Fann Wong now.
She's fantastic!
Like, how do you make an art piece using just sand?
Her teacher is so pro alright.
Oscar I heard it is.

My hand hurts terribly now.
Yay. Thank God.
Its alright now. :)
Must be the typing all day :(

Sigh, & QiuHui,
if you're reading this,
Smile alright?
Don't keep everything inside yourself.

There's this advertisement which kept repeating.
As in, after the snippets of the show,
It will appear. -.-
Its that Sarhub advert -.-
That "Lin Jia de Nu Hai"
Lols. If I say more,
I'll be like using up all the "lame / diao" signs.

Lol. Zoe Tay is so thin! Lol.
Silver looked very pretty.
So did Candyce :D
Pan LingLing looked nice too.
& Belinda. Yuppos. :)

Just now the 4 Xiao Yuan Superstars came out.
& Whoa! The number of calls quickly rose! LOLS.
Now Zhen Ni's singing.
Hee. & my grandma's watching.
And i like one particular song!
Hee. Its really nice alright.
So cheery.
I like cheery songs :)

Lahs. I'm dead tired.
Went to church in the morning.
Been doing the blogskin since I came back.
Then...This post is long.
Maybe i shall publish this post now.
God bless! :D

P.S: Do I look like the mummy on ch5? [freaks out]

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Feeling better

Okay, I'm fine now. Thanks Sheryl :) And...Does anyone have Stacie Orrico's There's Gotta be more to life? Yes? SEND!!! Hahaha. Sheryl says BIG RAIN IS HANDSOME -.- Is he? Is he? LOL. Had a argument over that. Ahahaha. Anyway, a converstaion to share.

Brother: [Sings "Who let the dogs out"]
Sister: ME! ME! ME! ME! [Raises hand]
Me: LOL!

Brother: [Sings "Who let the CATS out"]
Sister: MUMMY! MUMMY! [Points to mum]
Me: LOL!

There were ants crawling on my hotdog & so I got freaked out and...

My aunt said, "Ants got protein one okay!"


Your Blog Should Be Purple

You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything.
You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey.
You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say.

((: i shall make everything purple from now on.

Anger and all that hatred

What kind of family is this?
What kind of life am I living?
What kind of friends do I have?

No, I dont have a family.
& I'm not even living.
& I don't have any friends.

Can I count on you?
No, I can't.
True friends are hard to find.
So hard.

I'm hating myself alright.
Don't say anymore.
If you think you can be stressed,
why can't I?

oh yes i forgot you treat me like rubbish.
all of you treat me like rubbish.
some trash you throw around.
I'm invisible.
No one notices me.

I'm stupid & I'm dumb.
I'm just a prescence.
you don't understand,
no one does.

No one cares to understand me.
No one believes in me.

I'm just but a piece of trash in your eyes.


Jenna } Hahaha :D
Jeanne } Lols. No problem. You're 14! Yayness. XD
QiuHui } Yah lah. Happy lah. LOL. :D
SiJie } -.- Lalalala. Don't try this! HAHAHA. I'm lamer =P
Huimei } Lols. He got brain but never use mah. HAHAHA. Lol, & got legs la. But he use Walking Stick, remember? LOL!
Sacha } Of course! Haha. I love the flowerssss x)
Jenna } Lol. Why the change? :)
Eugene } Haha. I went online already (:
ChunKiat } Lol. I don't know either. I think he's KokJie though.

I just added a warning on my main page - the disclaimer part. HAHAHAHA. lols & i didn't eat breakfast. I ate Fish Porridge for lunch at a hawker center ^^ One thing I dislike about hawker centres is that, the air quality is bad :( I thought I was breathing in carbon dioxide. I almost fainted there.

Lol, alright. I'm exaggerating. New update! I FOUND MY SCHOOL BADGE! YAYNESS. Thank God. Ehehe. YAYAYAY. &...someone took my correction tape ): Luckily I have one more at home. I use a lot of it. A LOT. Hahaaa.

I'm in my grandma's house again. One day I shall get a LCD monitor & i'll change my blogskin (My blog looks super bright on LCD monitors) . Oh yes Jenna, I promised. But the scanner there scanned urm, weirdly. The file size was so huge =/ I have to scan it at my other house. Sorry girl :( Hmm. I got to finish up quite a number of things. Like, my design folio which I'm stuck with, the Maths homework & the Chinese Newspaper Article Reflection (剪报) =/ Rahhs. My cousin's here :)

Something we drew :D (click to enlarge)

Drawing! XD
[edit] This is another one! XD I love it (click to enlarge) [/edit]

Oh yah. I like one particular song - from an advert. Its that commercial for...3G phones? Hmm. The woman was wearing black. She was the waitress I guess. When she went around giving out drinks, yup. You know? That commercial? Yes? Send me that song! I like it a lot la. Hahaha. I think the lyrics went something like that.

"The boys see the girls & the ....."

Gahh. Forgot already. Lol, anyway I shall stop here, gonna take dinner soon ^.^ So, take care, God bless, smile & bye bye! :D

Friday, April 14, 2006


kokjie } thanks la. are you that monster? lol.
huimei } haha. yah lor. good. you not like some people. hahahar. cannot forget me alright ;) lol. i give you $ you go dye yourself =P yah lah. happy la. lol. :D
jianwei } whatever -.-
kokjie } [new name - kane] } i see (: HI MONSTER! XD
john cena } lols who are you? another monster? ahhh! [runs for life] LOL. lol. i dont like going there for music or videos. thanks anw (:
huimei } lol. you're cuter alright. nvm la. you just linked right? hehe. and that person arh. -.- he's a lamer lor. he cant walk. LOL. =S

i did some maths just now. geog part two havent do yet. ate nasi lemak for breakfast. okay i know its unhealthy. sigh. copycats luh. who cares la. copy then copy lor. anw i dont think there is anything copy-able here. you do whatever i do. dumb la. -.- they went to m'sia. someone talk! its boring. if you happen to be a passerby, add solh-@hotmail on msn & talk to meeee. :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006


sigh. still can't find it.
i dont like doing homework.
its disgusting.
i get disgusted at the thought of hw :(
KOKJIE } okay. so you wont tag tmr huh.
CARINE } thankyou(:
CHUNKIAT } hanna. dont flood la. why put so many question marks. lol.
CHUNKIAT } wasnt talking about you in my post la. hahahaa. but anw thanks.
ahhhh. i'm been online ever since i came home which is very early - 12.05.
i've been online for 5 hours and i've done nothing useful.
gahwhydosomepeoplevisitblogsbutdonottagnothingtosaythatpersonissomeoneunpopthatperson hatesyouyouhatethatpersonthatpersonisuglythatpersonisstupid
lols anw when i visit blogs i'll think of something to tag one.
see i'm nice alright.
dont diao me.
and my com hanged on me just now.
i was opening photoshop & i got invited into a mass convo.
of course hang la! >:(
i got sick of trying to make ck's images blend.
i'm too stupid luh.
& i dont think there's anything for me to do.
no new testimonials / friend requests on friendser
no new tags to reply to
nothing interesting happening at blogskins
&, well, nothing to do lor.
if you read the above line but didnt tag
then...i dont know. :/
byebye people.

the man downstairs is scary. he's around 80. he lives at the 9th floor. he hang outs at the void deck everyday. its scaryyy. :/
today he wore specs. maybe someone dropped them on the ground and he picked them up. SO SCARRRRRYYY LAH! :X
plus he was holding a TOY GUN. and he smiled at me and pointed the gun at my grandma. i walked very quickly and prayed that he wouldnt follow me. 很吓人LEH!=S
thought he would come inside the lift but thank God he didnt.

lol i just submitted one assignment for the IT day thingy. there was holy communion at the chapel today =D went with sheryl & ling chao. then saw amanda, sijie, clara, chenxi &amp; weiling there too. oh yah & tbt & singhau. & mr fong & ms chong & blah blah blah. & olivia! haha. uh huh & if it wasnt for those 8 people we could have stayed back for refreshments. lol but i dont mind luh.

yah. & the eight people. shant mention. and mr _ _ _ cried. =O sigh. we're all humans anyway. okie i shall do the second assignment le. God bless & byee~ :D

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


JEN } hahaaa. lol. dance is fun alright. enjoy your cca then. love you toooo. haha.
IVAN } lol. yah lor. i dont like remembbering things mah XP thanks for tagging (:
ADELYN } hi! thanksss. haha i'll link you ^^

peace . love . joy
yet none of you 懂得关心我。
maybe i don't deserve it.
but we're all humans.
i don't need anything.
not worthy of anything.
got to accept the fact
that i'm no longer
who i used once to be.
i'm dreaming of something which is impossible.

Every Heart

just this morning i had a bad feeling about today.
well anyway i didn't pack my bag last night.
i just shove my d&t workbook into my bag.
i didn't even care about the timetable.
so i didnt bring my d&t folio.
but thank God.
didnt have to hand it in today.
whew :)

i totally forgot about my organizer & wallet.
guess how i managed to get on the train.
it was like taking a risk 4 times.
just now i almost got caught by the kiap kiap.
the thing that opens when you tap your card luh.
i guess i went in too late
'cos my leg got stuck in the thingy but i pulled it out =X

STUCK. pain & dangerous eh? :(
chinese was the 1st lessondontyouthinkmyblogissuperboring:(
then it was a little urm. embarrasing?
i dont know laa.
i ran up & down thrice just to get a phonecard to call her.
-.- please call your mummy =/

then it was geog.
mr ng crapped a lot as usual.
victoria lent me $7.
ehehe. so nice of her right.
thanks MARIA :D
$2 for recess $2 for lunch
& $3 for the d&t apron.
yuppos. i finally bought my d&t apron :))

hahaaa. then sheryl pulled me to ask ling chao if he was going for the communion svc after chapel tmr. those who wanna come, stay back after chapel okie? :) lols & ling chao was so blur lah. it took sheryl 5 mins just to let him understand what she was telling him. LOL.

after that was..english. & mr fong came again! ahaha. the guys asked him a lot of questions. hahaa. he's 21 this year. october baby. hahaha. he showed us the uhh. common mistakes that students make. ahaaa. oh yes. he's mrs wong's son. like OMGOSH. can you believe it? i dont see any similarities b/w mother & son. LIKE CRAP. & i told huiqing. & she told peiqi & wanlin and they were like omgosh. hahaha. ^^"'

okay then...d&t. lent reb my wb. uh huh. & we proceeded with the marking out & drilling / sawing. THANKS TO SINGHAU and er. chunkiat is it? lol. thank you for helping me to drill the 8 holes. ehehe. THANK YOUUUU. XD lols. i taught people how to use the scroll saw but i used the coping saw instead XP hmm. then i used the rasp. i cut out 4 blocks le! 4 more to go! yay. haha. then. i took the sandpaper but now its just a plain brown paper without sand..ahaha. all thanks to qh who helped me to make the edges smooth :DD lol i thanked so many peepo today.

literature was a lil uh dumb la. hahaa. nothing much to say. then had lunch..i just drank soup. wasnt hungry anw. hahaha. then went to 2grace to mark attendance. uh huh. okay...

i'm having a toothache.
my tooth is shaky.
& its gonna drop out soon.
i still have baby teeth lah.
and baby hair on my head -.-
that's why my hair looks messy.
how on earth do you tie up baby hair =.=
you cant even clip it.
so dont say my hair looks messy for goodness sake.

so till next time, GodBlessTakeCareSMILE&BYEBYE! =D

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


just like any other day, this one hasn't been really different. even when qh came over i thought it was just ordinary & nothing special. i do not have the enthusiasm i used to have in the past when i would wake up and say; "TODAY IS A NEW DAY!" and then grin widely.

but now i don't. maybe something IS wrong with me. yes. perhaps that's the case. but anyway, i think i should just be myself. i dont want to worry if saying anything gives people a bad impression of me. i don't care. if what i say offends you, then, it depends on YOU. if i should feel apologetic or not XD

EUGENE } THANKS for flooding. -.- not four letter word then..? =.=
QIUHUI } i'm saying the truth mah. you're good alright :)
KOKJIE } you want me to tag your blog? sure. anyway your tags are rather hard to comprehend. i shall try. and uhh. seeing is believing. so you ought to believe that eugene DOES like spamming flooding tagboards. flooding's the right word. yup. and Everytime we touch? -.- what's that? a country song? o.0 and dont sing. the windows might break. LOL.

just a random question...
when you say thank you, do you say it:
[a] out of politeness
[b] because you are truly grateful
[c] because you know if you don't say it, people will think you don't have manners
[d] or does it depend on the person whom you say thank you to?

think about it. because reflecting is a good way to examine yourself. heehee. =)

Monday, April 10, 2006

hey girl! lols you're very welcome :D hmm. the song? i shall check it later. yuppos. love ya! XD

hi!! lol. thanks for those two songs. hee. THANKS A LOT!! x) love ya too! =D

yaaa. YOU ARE GOOD. see that? hahahar. thanks for tagging! =D

lols. what do you mean by gone tmr? you're going to commit sucide at 11.59pm tonight? LOLS! sorry. my imagination is wild. hahaahr. lols. videos take a longer time to load you know -.- lol yes i know my jukebox isnt working la. but. hee i'm lazy. see you admitted that QH is good. seesee. QH! LOOK! hahar. XP

hi jenna dearie (:

hullo. thanks for tagging. =)

anw, i took some quizes =)

Your Hair Should Be Purple

Intense, thoughtful, and unconventional.
You're always philosophizing and inspiring others with your insights.
What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?

maybe that's the only picture they have of people in purple hair. BLOGTHINGS SHOULD HAVE LESSER OBSCENE IMAGES RIGHT. lol.

You Are 68% Happy

You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.
Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.
How Happy Are You

yay. DO YOU SEE THAT. haha. of course. only MISS LALA has the ability to do that. mauahaha. XD yayness. if anyone is more than 70% happy, tell me okay! =DD

How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.You are always tactful and diplomatic. You let people down gently.You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

wow. rather true eh. (: i do keep a lot inside =)

Your Eyes Should Be Hazel

Your eyes reflect: Intellect and sensuality

What's hidden behind your eyes: Subtle manipulation

makes me think of that song. behind those hazel eyes. LOL.

Slow and Steady

Your friends see you as painstaking and fussy.

They see you as very cautious, extremely careful, a slow and steady plodder.

It'd really surprise them if you ever did something impulsively or on the spur of the moment.

They expect you to examine everything carefully from every angle and then usually decide against it.

really..? :/

Your Outrageous Name is:

Amanda Hugnkiss

looks i like i've taken a lot of quizzes.
guess i shall stop here. (:

Sunday, April 09, 2006


hi dearies XD
replies to tags:

WEILIN } hees. yup God. haha. anw, you liked the skin? ME TOO! OH YAY. LOLS.

JENNA } hihiHI dearie!! LOLS. wheee you woke up & the 1st thought was to tag me huh. lol. JENNA IS SO SWEET AND I LOVE HER. lol. see that. ahaha. i'm not a lesbian btw. XP about the song? lol i can hear it! take x3 all of me! oh yay. LOOL. okay bye girl. btw i didnt go to church. i woke up late larh. and then i did my hw. sorraye. ): sorry God too. =(

RENA } hi there! hees thanks! :) it looks very bright on LCD monitors. now i know why. hahar. anw, youre linked! =D

HUIMEI } daddy! ahahar. did you enlarge the picture? you name is there eh! and JENNA too. and QIUHUI. ahahah. :)

kokjie } yep i was super bored. hahaahr. thanks for tagging. (:

chunkiat } woah. you so nice today huh. come flood my tagboard. lols. thanks a lot! XD lol. next time come then flood some more la. then flood until 0. hahaha.
huimei } lols. ck tag me you so happy har. i ask him tag you hao mah? LOL. [yea, ajw is mad. hahahar]
jianwei} lol. good. just kidding. anw even if youre not kidding i wont care. hahahar. x))

alright. blogging. i'm kinda sick of everything actually. hmm. new updates? i finished my d&t workbook and i'm overjoyed! ahhah. blah. there's the d&t folio which i have no mood & no intention to complete it by today 'cos i'm feeling very lazy. =P hmm. 2nd update. i submitted a skin today. clickity! (x its for weilin but she's so generous! lol. she decided to share it with the world. haha. thank her alright. =) okay. cousins are here as usual. every sunday. sigh and they are making a lot of noise. maybe not. hahar. and my brother..hmm. learning his chinese spelling lor.

okay. let's start from my brother.

his name: ONG JIAN WEI. hahahar. not that AJW lar. okay i know its only 1 letter of difference but. oh well. hahaha.
his chinese name: 王健伟. nice rights. jian kang de jian. wei da de wei x)
age: 8 he is in P2 this yr. yup. hahaha.
he tends to be violet sometimes. all that media infuence. sigh. he calls himself sharkboy -.- and what else. he likes spiderman. =.= he like sports. esp. running. she doesnt like studying & he doesnt care about his grades. sigh. nvm, lets move on. my sister.

her name: SHIRLEEN ONG LI HUI. solh too. hehehe. so now you know the meaning of my email. to those who thought it was a word or something. definitely NOT so-leh. -.- its my initials larh. [ tuition teacher's coming ): ]
her chinese name: 王丽慧 zhi hui de hui. niceee. hahahr.
age: 4 big age gap right? hahahar. :)
she's a chili padi larh. shes cute. but very mischeivious. due to the influence by her brother whom she follows everywhere -.- she spoils things. & she snaps at people a lot. =.= she like drama. yea she does. currently, she's in a childcare. & attends the kiddie service in church. so cute alrights. hahaha. okay. move.

seriously i dont feel like introducing my dad or my mum. i think it will be boring if i introduced them. hahahar. okay is this a long post? yes. so, God bless. Take care. Smile. & byebye! =D

Saturday, April 08, 2006


something i drew out of boredom XP
click to enlarge! =D

this is the 240th post in this blog

This computer is weird. Blogger appears in chinese instead of English. But at least I can still understand the words. Hahahar. Had my breakfast already. So umm. I'm having chinese tuition at 8 tonight. Lalala.

Daddy's teaching jw spelling. And mei is...playing with toys? Gah I dont know. & I dont bother. x) Hahrhar. I've been typing haha like that since tues i think. harhar. XP

Maybe I shall draw somthing on paint to kill my boredom. There's no Photoshop on this com so I guess i shall just make do with paint =)

sandra drew this on paint
yuppos. i know it isnt very nice. but anw, lalala. i think i shall stop here.

oh yes. i love jenna. hahahar. jenna, see this? :D

Friday, April 07, 2006

haha. i'm feeling rather hyper now.
hees. just had my dinner.
it was fantastic.
oh yah.
i'm at grandmummy's house now.
her food is like. heavenly lah.
lol. maybe i'm exaggerating?

lol. as usual school is okay lor.
nothing special 'cept for the MACBETH PRODUCTION
i was the one of the trees in the forest! XD
haha. my position was right at the back.
but if you havent got the faintest idea,
i shall draw it out for you =)

i know the image quality is bad. but who cares. can see my position can le. haha.
anw, mummy jo was beside me. and daddy was beside mummy. so romantic eh. LOL.

and i borrowed qiuhui's black shirt. it was too big for me actually but anw, i wore it. haha. and i was like folding my sleeve half the time. THE SHIRT WAS ENORMOUS OKAY. let me show you. okay my drawing looks awful =/ but the shirt was HUGE, GIGANTIC and OVERSIZED.

anw the whole macbeth thingy was rather fun. d&t was alright laa. just that i accidentally kicked that metal thing. well a lot of people did anw. hahar.
okay i promised zh i would edit his blog for him. so. GBUTCSMILE&BB! =D

Thursday, April 06, 2006

JENNA } HOHI! XD oh its okay. thanks for tagging even though you're sick yea! <33>

tbt } hmmahho

ting fang } hihi! school is fun. but well, its just that. thanks for tagging anw! =Di don't get included in the fun? i don't know.
okay. today was alright lah. it rained again. HEAVILY. thankfully i brought my umbrella with me or i'd be drenched in the rain (: hmm. i just came back at 3.30 from the macbeth rehearsal. whew. it was really tring. anw the people standing as the forest only have ONE and only ONE line towards the end of the play. ALL

currently browsing through blogskins & listening to music- junyang's guardian angel. whoowhoo. haha. i'm alone in this house again. blah. i have the MLG thingy to do. well everyone in 2faith lah. haha. today's maths. and its past 3.15. will the teachers mark the work as overdue? =X and the hw is about Direct and Inverse Proportion. theres one presentation for us to look through so that we can answer the questions XD

MS CHUNG CHANGED THE DUE DATE TO TOMORROW 8AM! WHOO. HAHA. i told qh to take a nap first then wake up at midnight to do the hw. hahaha. anw my eyes are really tired now. maybe i will sleep early today (:

i like IT days! but unfortunately, we had to go back to school today. for dumb lang fest and the macbeth rehearsal lor. anw for today's lang fest we had to paint a mask. i made mine colourful. but it was all dark colours. but no black lah :) and erm. we played basketball today. but i didn't even get to touch the ball once :( bah nvm. we played heart attack before playing basketball. and it was fun. because there were so many people. =DD

junyang is singing jiekou now. SO NICE LARH x) jiu suan mei you jie guo...wo ye neng gou cheng shou. okay i gave up on pratically everything my life revolves around. maybe i should give up on the computer too. been spending too much time online i guess. i should cut down on the hours i spend luh.
i shall not give God up. He didn't give up on me. and i'm grateful. =)
xin hui is singing bu yao shuo bao qian now. XD okay i shall do the MLG thingy now. GODBLESSSMILETAKECARE&BYEBYE! =D feeling purple. bah.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

to those who tagged } thanks for tagging =D

liquan } yah. because i can't say a lot of things. people will come chasing me with a broom if i made those words seen. although its my blog. but its public. what to do. harhar. you were the one & only one who tagged on the 4th of april! lool.

carine } lols. i told you what i wrote wasn't about you le mah. you don't believe me eh :( i almost thought of deleting that 2nd tag of yours but i guess i'll leave it there. wang en fu yi. i got nothing to say lah.

sijie } lols. thanks. [hugs] hahaha.

jiaqi } hees. [boos back] =P

vic } nvm? lol.

huimei } daddy you flooded..! your heart fragile ah.. hmm. then i dont know eh =/ gahhh. why daddy read the small small words :( and how come daddy so smart har? =(( anw he won't read what you say. so its okay i guess. hahar :) of course luh. bu xi guan leh. suddenly nobody tag. okay thanks. for helping me to thank those people one by one :) why must change blogskin..? this one isn't nice?

anonymous } add me on MSN luh =)

okay. i'm greatly irritated and i'm stumped. i can't do anything. my brother just broke the glass celing fan with a kick of his ball. I AM ANGRY OKAY. WHO SAYS I DON'T GET ANGRY. I'M NOT A TOY LA. why must people treat me as if i am a toy. i'm sad and i don't care. sorry for those er. put adjective here [tags] visit my blog must tag okay? okay lah. nvm. so demanding eh. i'm a bad girl. full stop.



anyway i'm not a despo for encouragement.
i gave up long ago.
i'm not sandra.
in school com lab now.
today was okay lah.
its boring.

nobody tags these days
ahh whatever.

some people are like. lalala. wang en fu yi. eeeyeeer.

crap oh crap.
i like crapping
this is dumb
played the whatever international friendship day thingy just now


Monday, April 03, 2006

i took this from ___ ____'s blog. and it kinda apply to me sometimes.
maybe i'm just not that cheerful anymore.
maybe you're right.
i've changed.
you don't know me now.
and i don't know myself too.

u think im cold,distant. ya..well u are half-right.
im not much of a talker.
sometimes i like to be left alone.
so tt i dun hav to think of things to say.
sometimes i dun say because u may think tt wad i say
has got no sense.its very lame. so boring. wadever.
yet sometimes..i wanna be part of a
group to know tt at least i belong somwhere n to feel tt i can
belong. i dun mix around much. i dunno how already.
there r some ppl hu are social butterfiles.
they draw ppl to them like magnets.

guess this is. well. life. (:

Sunday, April 02, 2006


and. im watching CSS now. okay i shall be fair. not bias yea?


oh yay oh yay. aww. that blogskin rocks alright. hmm i think. i've changed. now. change what. XP lalalala church was okay lah. ehehe. it started to rained when i went there. and it stopped when u walked into the shelter. lol. i guess God's happy. =DDD

i gonna put in some goodies for all of you to use.
like uh. pictures i've made la.
but they may not be nice.
dont blame me oh. =/
and if you credit me or not,
up to your consience la.
ehehe. (:

i'm not perfect.
i'm not a perfect sister.
a perfect daughter.
neither am i a perfect friend.
i can't please everyone.
its tiring.