This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

561. normal (good)

I didnt realised I havent updated for more than a week! =O LOL. Anyway the most of last weekend was spent escaping into my dream world..croll croll! Lol. Finally finished the whole series of 낭랑18세 (pronounced as Nang Rang 18 Seh)/ Sweet 18 earlier on :D

LDGGGGGGGGGG. His character in that show the dream husband! Made me daydream a lot. Hahaha. Oh and the song youre hearing now is one of my favourites from the show! :D

Hmm I wanted to blog about quite a number of lets see..Chinese prelim1 is over! And the SS test? It was postponed. So we had it yesterday after Chem test this Thursday, math test next Tuesday. Yup.

YAY I remember what happened last week already..thanks to hahaha XD Okay so last Monday Japh and I went to KFC..quite exciting pushing her and her wheelchair all a shopping mall..LOL! I recall that we took a rather long time waiting for the lift..hmm. Lol. Then, on Tuesday, the girls and I headed down to United Square to participate in the Ben's & Jerry's free cone day! =D Hahaha!! Found out that I seriously dislike creamy pasta at Pizza Hut, lol. The times at ToysR'Us were the most hilarious..had lots of fun with the "multi-purpose" giant colourful sticks..among many others :D

Okay shall skip the rest of the days since nothing really significant happened (except maybe on Friday when I was trying hard to suppress my laughter while on the way home..what to do I was alone in public..hahah) :)! Crazy morning, lol - I realised that I actually forgot to bring my wallet out when I was at the control station! I think it was already 6.50AM..walked back quickly to get it and thought I was going to be late but guess what! When I arrived at the MRT platform it was only..7.03?? Whew thank God! Hahah.

Hmm I think that's all..woohoo! Shall go have dinner now..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =D

I wish you would listen. I wish I wish I wish. I dont think you care anymore, do you? Bahhhhhhh. Dingdongdingdongdingdonggggggggggggggggggggg.
Kay feeling so much better now..I want to get this tune in my head so that it'll keep replaying when I'm bored..then I wont think of rubbish! :D:D:D:D

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