This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Monday, May 12, 2008

563. happy!

:) Today I learnt a few new things..One of them was something grandmummy told me - she said the "hard blinks" (which are so very annoying, I think I look like I have some kind of disorder when it happens =x) were caused by lack of enough I took a nap after hearing that HAHAHAA. I hope they decide to leave me once and for all ASAP. =D

I guess I'd stop here. Will write more when I find the best way to phrase some of the jumbled thoughts in my head. :) God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3

I wanna eat ice-creammmmmmmmm. Vanilla with choc chip toppings to be exact..hahahha XD chasing love when nothing's there..hahah.

15.05.08, 11PM.
Current mood spells E-C-S-TA-T-I-C! Woohoooooo thank Godddd :D:D:D And thank you, Kitty, for being soooo patient..hahah! =D

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