This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I'm confused.

i reallyreally don't know.
this world is freaky.
no one ever remembers your good points
they don't care.

if you made a mistake;
whether big or small;
people will just remember the mistake;
and forget about your past contributions.

this world is getting irritating.
everyone only thinks of their ownself.
they don't care about the rest.
well if you are like popular.
of course everyone will crowd around you,
but everyone will forget about you soon after.

you are very lucky to be accepted so quickly.
they know your problems.
they don't know mine.

they will leave you alone there.
they won't care.
because they have got their own group of friends
whom they know they can count on anytime.
what about the outcast-ed?
doesnt anyone even think about them?

this world is like that.
its like. hao xin mei hao bao.
everyone is like. fake.
not their real selves.
i might be fake too.
i smile fake smiles.
because i don't want anyone to know i'm unhappy.

but what's the use.
even if people know you're unhappy
they just look at you with pitiful eyes
and don't do anything about people
being left at the side of the road.

they think people who look happy and really happy.
but, no!
some people have to fake it all out.
they smile and luagh, just like normal people do.
but they are acually
just pretending to be happy that's all.
like me.

i really thank all of you who tried cheering me up.
but some people are just so fake.
there's a maths test tmr; expansion. i studied already. but i didn't back my maths notebook =( i left them in the cupboard, and it was already locked when i finish packing my class. I'm always (almost) the last one to leave the class all the time. then someone will say like umm. why you never take earlier. ** even if i'm not talking to her she's like. cha zui that kind of thing. she think she so clever meh. anyway I lent sheryl's maths tb to study. thank you sheryl (:

went to library to do finishing touches for the science proj. it looked nice and neat when victoria and I finally did the pasting and all. x) sense of accomplishment =) then went down for lunch. at ard 2 plus. i didn't eat breakfast. recess was taken away by mr ___. sigh. always like that. its unfair for people who don't eat breakfast. Hais. but by God's grace and strength, I survived another day. I wonder when this will stop. anyway, back to topic...umm...then we saw weiling, qiuhui and xitong. and then qiuhui said a friendly hello. =))

(i'm not gonna care anymore about what you say about this, i will never, never be afraid of your hurting comments ever again. i think the 1faith peepo last year told them smth about me to the 1endurance peepos. =(( i thought it was a new beginning. now i feel like dying. =/)

but I am not feeling happy.

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