Tuesday, February 28, 2006
uh. [01:19:45 PM] m i s s . l : i like the rainbow one
that's what i said. i didn't say your skins were ugly. i checked the whole chat log and i found no ugly. nvm. i shall put the whole chat log here lah.
19 feb.
[01:20:51 PM] m i s s . l : i spent the whole of last night doing it
[01:20:52 PM] m i s s . l : ((:
[01:20:58 PM] m i s s . l : go blogskins to comment for me
[01:20:58 PM] m i s s . l : hehe.
[01:21:38 PM] m i s s . l : im gonna submit it
[01:21:39 PM] m i s s . l : yay!
[01:21:43 PM] ___*// ?????: ok
[01:22:26 PM] m i s s . l : =D
hmm. you said ok. next one.
19 feb
[02:39:43 PM] m i s s . l : go comment for me please
[02:39:44 PM] m i s s . l : =)
[02:40:07 PM] ___*// ?????: ok
you said okay again. and i waited. and i asked again at 7.
19 feb
[07:41:25 PM] m i s s . l : you didnt comment leh
[07:41:26 PM] m i s s . l : =(
[07:50:01 PM] ___*// ?????: wait.
[07:50:01 PM] ___*// ?????: i'm watching tv
[07:50:07 PM] m i s s . l : wahh
[07:50:12 PM] m i s s . l : you watch so long de...
and i waited again. but you didn't comment. so on 25th of feb. which was the day u wrote your blog entry..i said..
25 feb
[02:07:51 PM] m i s s . l : hello
[02:07:57 PM] m i s s . l : do you have a blogskins acct?
[02:09:27 PM] ___*// ?????: NO.
[02:09:27 PM] ___*// ?????: i mean
[02:09:27 PM] ___*// ?????: yes.
[02:09:27 PM] ___*// ?????: wait la.
[02:09:27 PM] ___*// ?????: wait.
[02:09:29 PM] ___*// ?????: i'm really busy.
[02:09:30 PM] ___*// ?????: wait ar.
[02:09:35 PM] m i s s . l : uh okay
hmm. so i waited again. for you to comment in blogskins. but you didn't comment again. and i didn't call anyone a freak. maybe you don't understand the meaning of commenting on a blogskin? uh. when you are at a blogskin right. then there's a space for you to type your comment there. and i waited and waited. but your comment didn't show up. maybe its blogskins server probo. maybe you DID comment. i didn't mean comment on your blog. ah well. i don't know.
but sorry once again. =( i know my skins arent that nice either. as quoted from umm. your tagger. kuehh. but im not that kind of tiao man ren xing kinda girl who will like force you to comment or call you a freak. if you didnt have time to comment, you tell me lor. no need to ask me to wait kay? anyway you were okay in school. so i guess. uh. you are fine? and you arent angry with me anymore? maybe you even hate me..? uh. sorry lah.
Monday, February 27, 2006
i shall join publicity x)
boring monday...
(reads from organiser)
there was a maths test today.
i hope i did well lah.
didn't really understand a few qns =/
for the past 3 tests, i scored a total of (8+11+6=25!!)
sobsobsob. over (20 x 3 = 60) how pathetic is that. 25 over 60.
good. i'm getting btter at this.
ms chung lent me a pen during the test. hahas. she saw me using a pencil to write. then she bent sown and asked me if my pens had ran out of ink so i said yes lor. haha. isn't she kind? xD
hmm. next thing. i need a d&t apron!! i lost mine. i either borrow from joyce or buy a new one. plsplspls remind this sandra to buy a new d&t apron. her memory's really bad. hush. don;t tell anyone. x) okay. and she has to do her d&t folio. alicia tee finished it. with the help of chenxi who helped her to draw 3 pages worth of isometric projection in 15 mins =O boohoohoo. i don't know how to draw!! but nvm. i shall try =)
2nd announcement. i have to by art materials all over again! ='( i said it before. mine was STOLEN. or maybe dumped in the garbage truck. =( and i have to redo my banner that is. how sad. next. i have to do the jian bao thingy. blahs. i don't even have the faintiest idea of where i left my chinese newspapers. shucks. =( and i didn't even buy the practical book for it. or the zuo wen bu. and i didn't do the literature thingy.
MY OPINION OF LADY MACBETH. what crap. i handed in my journal without my lady macbeth. freako. and there's a science test of friday. because some parents. complain. crappy crap. anw, went to aries after school today and bought my buffer xD its that kind of foldable one. =D actually i saw one really cheap one. $1. but there isn't the steps or whatever you call that. so i didn'y buy that one. sorry japh. lol. we go out then buy other things lah. don't have to buy buffer le (:
and er. what else. oh yah. mine was $1.20. cheap eh. haha. okay. signing in to MSN now. ((: cya online! oh yarh. before i forget =X replies to tags. =)
Ivan (tubbyboi) lols. fine. thanks! =D
Christopher er. you thought i so guai one meh. lol. haha. why must listen to you. see first lah. if i can't wear contacts then wear specs lor. mrs ___ said that like so long ago can? she said that last week and you still talking about it >=( haha. ya lah. whatever. pretty then pretty lor. none of my business. x)
Jenna lols. uh. okay? take care aright? =)
Huimei lols. thanks! why are you in the lab? art? (blur) haha.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
this post is dedicated to...
lols. because she just tagged me. so im gonna reply here x) hees.
HuiMei: files?! eek... and ur sony erisson is wad hp? =D welcome to the sony erisson family... lol..
SANDRA: yah lor. so digusting and yucky right. eww. dead flies. bleargh. haha. thanks. but in the end my mum gave me her T630 lah. then she go buy that 3G one lor. hmpf. i want to exchange hp with mummy!!! wahas.
HuiMei: ah... wrong wrong... is sony ericsson...
SANDRA: lols. nvm lah. i can understand (;
HuiMei: and u can sleep during asm... so good... i cant sleep... =(
SANDRA: haha. next time sit with me lah. then don't need sit in the front XP WAHAHA.
LOL. so if you're the only person who tags me, that post will be dedicated to you. nice right. wahaha.
Friday, February 24, 2006
to God be the Glory x) still have a few more wishes.
bigger uniform? XP
contact lenses.
rebond hairrr
new bag x) too greedy? wahas.
and buffer x))
couldnt find in guardian leh. shall try watsons tmr xD
hmm. waitwait. before i forget what i wanna say. uh i will transfer songs to my mum's hp! yay! =D and today's school. it was. aiyah i dont like hw lah. who likes it anw. xD hahaha. and umm. the assembly was soo boring. i slept for 5 mins. the ballet one (last week) was so much btter. i didnt sleep =) i cant even rmb what was today's assembly about. oh the food from the heart and SAC. sick lah. flag day again. so tiring. i hate flag days. im not gonna go. ever agn. wahas. and the ppt slideshow. that one i watched b4 le...someone sent that email to me. but its real nice. so yep. and mr white asked the sec 2 express classes to confirm those who are going to UK for literature..? i guess the guys will probably go. world cup. germany. wahhas. im NOT interested x) but its SUPER EX. $3200.
hmm. went to bishan after school. yup. err. i waited for mummy in kfc lor. i actually waited for 1 hour..mummy was late! >=( i was so bored i kept walking ard. lol. then i finally found a place at kfc so i sat there. then some ppl sitting beside me were Christians too. a cg i think. there were 4 ppl. hmm. then i realised my water bottle got 2 files! dead already! =O i was super shocked then i rushed to the toilet to pour all the water out. then i washed the insides for 3 times before i was sastified. perfectionist mah. lols. it was super disgusting okay? i wonder if i "drank" any flies ~sallows saliva and gulps. eeew. then i threw the whole bottle away x)
and erm. bought 8 days. then i ate pork porridge at the foodcourt with mummy. was reading 8 days. x) wahh. the rafflesian celebrities (reminds me of eng class today. lol.) the what's her name. she's a true rafflesian! from pri sch all the way to JC! woah! so smart right. corrine may! yup its her. =D
and then i was like holding my mum's hp then i was playing the game when the train came. so i was like. uh oh. the hp sound very loud okay. so i faster close the shell lor. uh yea. haha. its a flip phone. =) samsung de. and then i bought cupcakes from breadtalk! hot and fresh from the oven x) my grandma said it was yummy! YUMYUM! XD haha. she ate the coffee one. i ate the choc chip muffins. 4 for $4. super duper nice. =D
hmm. God bless. SMILE. and take care! =)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
ah! hw. ahh! that's what im gonna draw for lady mac for lit.
stupid hw.
lit. chi. geog. d&t.
and i needa do art.
the piggy steadfastness banner,
my whole art bag lost *sobsob*
pigu. the cleaner go take my art bag for what.
throw inside dustbin
*CRYS* my markers colour pencils evt inside leh.
including the steafastness banner
i did it so nicely.
now its gone.
and i have to redo.
what crap.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
the relief teacher came to take us for geog today.
AGAIN .wahaha.
mr ___.
his handwriting is child-like...小孩子 to be exact =P
had to copy mindamaps lor. uses of water.
and then he said he copied from guidebook de.
lols. and it turned out that the textbook had the same info!
next geog lesson i bring guidebook can liao. =pP
hees. hmm. and there's geog hw. =O
so many pages leh!
then it was PE lor.
went to stadium again.
to run 2.4km.
hehes, actually strted running with sijie.
then chg to huimei =D
hmm, we took 16.35!
miss lala went crazy. hees.
okay and so umm. had stomachache after that till eng lessons.
the okay le. yup. eng lessons. sheryl wanted to sleep!! wahahah.
and then ms haq said my work was a huge disappointment D=
i forgot to do mah. then i wrote only 3 words : It is because. DD=
so i redo today lor. =D
hmm. have to link 2 peepo today.
lijia and lihui.
LOL. both "li"
i also li leh!
had literature test today.
hmm. 3 questions only.
i used 1 page. xD
hoping that i will pass..with flying colours! =D
hmm. and then here for library duty. but i'm slacking. =PP
hees. umm. oh yah.
i did one more blogskin!
yay! erm. okay. im going to do another one later.
when i go back home.
=D err. yea. keep a lookout of it!
its gonna be cute! =DD
my skins
- best friends
- pooh & friends
- tare tare panda
- how peaceful
okay. take care, God bless and byee!
Monday, February 20, 2006
best viewed in 1024 x 768 screen resolution.
- 3rd skin.
- tare tare panda ((:
- paint.
- image mapping.
school was okay larh. hmm. monday mah. then i accompany qh walk walk walk. then we went home. og yah today got a star. not fun de. i like drama better x)
Sunday, February 19, 2006
comment pls! =)
it doesnt work in blogskins i suppose.
its screwed up.
nvm. take a look at the screenshot!
another one!
comment and rate!
My blog is worth $11,290.80.
How much is your blog worth?
Saturday, February 18, 2006
dinner was maggi mee for me.
and i snacked.
=D wangwang. biscuits. donut.
i love eating =DD
i did my ideas generation le! yay!!!
there's church tmr.
hmm. goodnight and God bless!
jen. okay i tagged.
sacha. sigh. don't worry lah. everything will come to past one day. must be happy hor. =)
jiaqi. thanks. =)
chenxi. i hurt my friends? sorry. know that there will still be ppl talking behind me ah. nvm lah. they like to talk let them talk lor. what have i done. but i never act lah.
jenna. haiyo. see people de tag got blocked liao. lol. ok lah. everthing rocks la.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
i don't know. i'm getting afraid of doing things nowadays. im afraid i will say the wrong things. or do the wrong things. then people will talk about what i do. why must you care. whatever i do you all like to talk about it. what is the problem. i am not being petty in here. i really don;t know what to say. im afraid i will say something wrong. then in drama we have to presnt smth mah. then last week drama i never go. then i dont know have anything. then i was in nobody's grp. so i went to sijie's grp lor.
there's hw. d&t hw. umm. lit hw. maths hw. the ws. im so tired of everything in life. i can't be how i used to be. why? i don't know either. i'm dumb lah.
i don't know why you have to pretend to be someone else you are not. if you dowan fold skirt. dowan fold socks. den dont fold lor. but everyone is doing it. then be yourself lor. then be myself then people will talk. because i don't do what they do. i don't care anymore.
i dont mind letting you all know what im going through. this is part of my conversation with someone.
m i s s . l a l a サドラ says:
but sometimes hor. when im there. sometimes maybe people dont know they treat me as invisible but i feel they are lah. i sit alone. i stay alone. and only God is with me. what a struggle He is putting me thru. such a strong struggle. u noe b4 my parents were liddat. i told God i want to love them with all my heart i wonder if God is doing this just to let me love my parents. must God do this? why such a huge change in lifestyle and enviroment. and making me have to adapt. just to make me love my parents...
m i s s . l a l a サドラ says:
i feel i sacrifice a lot a lot for my friends lor. then sumtyms they dont care. i mean they say thank you with no sincerity.
m i s s . l a l a サドラ says:
maybe there is, but you know sincere ppl right. you can feel they sincerity and you feel warmth.
m i s s . l a l a サドラ says:
but i feel so cold.
m i s s . l a l a サドラ says:
you understand?
you all have closer friends. its not that i don't try to make friends. i really don't know. i don't even dare to speak. because you think that i say stupid things.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
replies and valentine's day
jenna - you're welcomed. ^^
alicia - lol. my memory good mah. they are stored as images in my brain x) that's why i remember so well. hehe. hees. my first day i only remember sherri sit beside me then jiayi and clara sit behind me. =) lols. yah thanks for reminding me. =) as (huimei) for mrs soh, i only remember her looks, i knew she taught gym, and she taught us PE..hees.
wan lin - i sahll call you averlyn lah. its nicer ^^ thanks a lot. But you do really good skins. =D Nevermind if they leave you out lah. In 2faith 06 you wont be! cause there's me! LOL. as if i'm that popular. wahaha.
eugene - title: friends and sisters by sandy asher (:
japh - sure. =)) thanks for tagging! =)
chenxi - yep maths is nice but i'm deproving leh. =(
huimei - replied in alicia's reply liao. ehehe. =)
chris - haha. you too lah.
thanks for all the presents and/or cards. or maybe just a handshake or a "happy valentine's day!" ^^ lol.
victoria jiaqi joannas dawn qiuhui josie carine sheryl beatriz alicia tee jenna peiqi clara regina. woah 14 people! nice number! and its the 14th of feb today. NICENICENICE XD
Anyway made cards for many people, for nice people. x) if you never receive, maybe its because you didn't make for me lor. LOL. just joking. =)
wanlin said she would gimme mine on white valentine's day. =) anyway, mr ng didn't come today. so we didn't have geog lessons. =D and we went to the library to do some research during science. (almost slept. luckily we stepped out for fresh air. hees) for the universal thingy. what ah? err. natural pH indicators lor. roses' petals. nice! =D hmm. is there maths test tomorrow huh? *blur*
Monday, February 13, 2006
Now this is the story of my school life.
I had pretty nice memories at the beginning of my secondary school life. I remembered the 1st day, Mrs Tan told us to shake hands with our partner in the school hall. My partner was then Sherri. We smiled and giggled quite a bit when we shook hands. She was my 1st friend I knew that was in the same class as me. 1faith. And then we sat with each other on the 1st few days of school. She's a nice person =D Sherri suda. =)
And she changed her chinese name last year I think. Sherri told me she had changed her chinese name many times. She's now xu tian yi shi. I think I won't be able to complete my story if i contnue this way. I remembered every single day of last year so by the time i type everything out I'll be dead. So let me move on. =)
Then when Ms Haq changed everybody's place last year, I got to know peiqi and carine. Peiqi sat next to me and Carine sat with Huimei. and i was in the middle of peiqi and carine. =) Maybe that's how carine and huimei stuck together =)) Peiqi was a cheerful girl. and Carine was really quiet. Then i got to know liquan too. =) She was best friends with peiqi. So there was it. Me, sherri, peiqi and liquan. Anyway, things changed but i shall continue my story first. That will come later. I think Chenxi was in the same group as me at that time. She was talking to Christopher. Christopher sat behind me. then there was derek. behind me. hahaha.
I remembered Chenxi told me she loved maths. I love it too. ^5 =D And then the very next day Ms Haq chose the class community. And then surprise. Ms Haq asked me if i wanted to take up the position of vcm. I felt eyes starring at me. I just nodded my head. Lol. oh and that day there was supposed to be PE. it was written in the timetable. =) But we didn't have PE. Oh no I forgot what was our PE teacher's name. Anyway she was a lady. =) And i wore PE for the whole day. Sijie accompanied me. LOL. but i didnt know her at that time but i sure was glad that i wasnt the only suaku who didnt know that I had to change back into uniform after PE. lol. in pri sch we didnt have to mah. we just wore PE attire for the whole day. hees.
And i remembered she was in moses house too =) Then the next day. I think it was the next day. yup ms lee came to teach us. she was a relief teacher. and she was really nice. Ms Haq went for her Haj you see. And so she taught us. we did the eng wb. and then i got to know people as i waked around the class. hees. really nice knowing them. and i remembered ppl calling me vcm vcm because they didnt know my name. LOLS. cute people x) and dawn said she lost her correction tape. then i wrote it on the board. but no one found it in the end. or did dawn find it? lol. i dont know lah.
anyway, soon after it was CNY. time to do hamper and stuff. then i asked people if they would like to go to northpoint to shop for the hamper stuff for the old folks. yup. and clara went. she was the welfare head =) liquan peiqi petrina too. and yihui. and qiuhui =) yah. i was a little late that time lah. =/ the sijie even later. lol. she brought the money =) and then clara called. then she came to the this fashion outside to bring me and sijie in. oh yah. i remember that yihui called me to ask me what i was wearing >< forgeot ="/" there ="X">< well anyway i went window shopping with sijie that day. and then we signed up for a mcd membership card tgt. lols. the woman there helped us. x)
it was fun lah. lols. and the next day qiuhui went to but some more food. yah. and we brought everything back to school on the following monday. then qiuhui and I wrapped all the food in the hamper and sent it to the needlework room. ms haq come back already huh that time? then the seats were rearranged again.
hmm. i sat with xiaomin. then peiqi was in front of me. hmmm. what else can i remember. anyway it was around that time that i started to be alone. i was by myself every recess. i didnt like it when PW time was there. i didnt know who would accept me in their group. everybody hated me then. don't know why. so i was alone all the time for about half a year. 6 months bah. yup. alone. i can't remembered what happened to me after that already. I was dead already. no longer sandra the happy vcm.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
xuemei - thanks for tagging! i'll try linking you asap. you know i'm lazy. sigh. i musnt be lazy. =/ ahaha. oh yah. post more ah? read all my last time entries lor. quite long one. =X okay, bhb sandra =XX
jenna - o.0 false alarm ah? bad jenna. badbad jenna. lols. thanks for tagging. x))
jiaqi - wheee. thanks jiaqi =)) woah you up so early eh. lols. you too! =D
huimei - hees. yup. *nods head* hehe. XD
Saturday, February 11, 2006
2nd post of the day
The end.With my chin bobbing on top of my books, I watched as my feet trudge towards school. That was the only thing i noticed that was happening, besides the fact that I was breathing, and still alive. Rainy. Phooey. Monday. Nuts. School. Yucks. Ocassionally another body trotted past, a voice called, "Hi!" But I ignored everything and everyone outside my own miserable self.
I watched the rubber tips of my shoes shuffle to a stop at the curb. Quickly and stealthily, I glanced at the traffic light. It was green. I fastened my eyes to my shoes once more and proceeded.
"Hopeless!" I said under my breath. "The whole world is hopeless. The human race is a total wreck and we should all hurl ourselves off the planet So why am I still going to school?"
The pavement beneath my rubber soles turned lighter in colour and smoother, then gave way to schoolyard. Several strides later, I mounted concrete stairs and stepped onto wooden floor. After dumping my bag on my chair, I slumped and sank into my seat. I rested my head down on top of the books piled on my desk. I would have preferred lying on the floor. Or better yet, burrowing under the foundation, along with the other worms. I was that low.
I will not speak to another living soul for a year, I decided. A month, I redecided. Except teachers, if they speak to me first, I decided for the third and absolutely final time.
I was aware of the bodies sliding into the seats beside me. I decided to block out any other noise that was bothering me. So i covered my ears and shut my eyes. Strange thoughts filled my mind.
Rejected by _________, I found myself ignored by the rest of my class as well. So what? Who cared? Certainly not she. They were all creeps. No redeeming virtues whatsoever, as far as I could tell.
So here are the replies. (:
Christopher - Aiyohh..why always like that. SMILE! God doesnt want to see you like that larh. =DD
Jenna - hmpf* I don't flood my own tagboard lah. =P
Sijie - Thanks. I'm fine already. I'll be back in school on Monday. See you! =)
Jojo - Heloos. haha. thanks. (: Are you jolene?
Eugene - I look like auntie meh? =(
Will edit and add pcitures here. loads of pictures. Look out. (;
I know my entries are dead boring lah. but my life is boring that's why. LOL. anyway, here are the pictures I promised. A picture paints a thousand words. ((:

Thursday, February 09, 2006
why am i sick.
giddy like dont know what. =(
which means i didn't take the science test today.
which means i have to take it tomorrow i guess...
and i missed drama x(
can anyone tell me what all of you learnt today?
anyway, victoria came over to bring my homework.
nice of her. x)
and she told me something funny happened during d&t. lols
replies to tags:
christopher - you want my name is it. haha. and i didn't forget to go. lols. anyway i'm going to change library day to tues. wahahaha.
huimei - sigh. what to do. higher authority must listen mah. but i really don't understand why he...sigh. nvm lah.
jenna - wahhh. why. later lah. very tired now. feel like sleeping. =X
huan - ? that was the first time i went to your blog. got other passerbys? o.0
jenna - happytreefriends. gross but cute lah. hees. okok. i go a while later. rest first (; [edit] i tagged =) [/edited]
chenxi - thank you. *bows* ((((:
huan - i see...lols. hmm. then i hope that you'll find her somewhere bah. >< lols.
huiqing - okay. i just flooded. lols.
zhiheng - lols. welcome!! =)))
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
thanks a lot for those who tagged. i shall reply to tags here. =)
sacha -- lols. your friend brought joshua ang?? you mean..bought? uh no. cannot be right. hahah. tell me tomorrow okay? =)
clement ong -- hi jian chang. hees. (:
sheryl -- lol. clement of GOMAD doesn't know that i blog la. lol. >< gosh you had gastric for the whole day?? sigh. standing under the hot sun as a "punishment". but the thing is we didn't talk! mr ___ should punish those who talk only lorh. its unfair. and he's like. a christian leh. how can like that =(
qiuhui -- ello. yah i understand lah. nvm =))
angeline -- thanks angeline. i think its mood swing la. tong hua? okay i go find the url for tong hua. btw, wan mei de yi tian right. the last few seconds have a bit of tong hua. haha. yep. okay. thanks =))
jenna -- girl, didn't i just tag? >< lols. okok. i go tag again if that's what you want. =)
we had maths test today. i did not know how to do 2 questions. 4a and 4b. but alicia said she knew. good for her! hoping that our whole class will be able to pass this test =)
the other time time many had pretty low marks, including me...i scored a measly 8 =/ for that standard form test. but anyway, there are two tests tomorrow. science and d&t/home econs. i guess many didn't know that there's a d&t test tomorrow. but well if you read my blog, you will know la. lol. so gogogo and study now. haha.
sang above all for the "test" during music lesson today. lols. qiuhui said i a bit off key for the crucified part. lols. but anyway, off key then off key lorh. lol. anyway it doesnt matter. God likes my voice leh. haha.
didn't bring geog today so i didn't hand in the workbook today. um. will hand in tomorrow lorh. oh yarh. i just remembered the d&t folio thingy. the research and stuff. sigh. so many things to do, so little time. and we got our science file today. if i'm not wrong its supposed to be for science i think. lol. and its orange. like the literature file last year. hees.
had library duty today after school. did with victoria and josephine (yay she's back!) haha. i think she quitted leo club or something. haha. and we didn't really do anything much today. hees. i wrapped books though (x and watched cyndi's jiemaowanwan mv. lol.
ohmygosh. smth on top just crashed. the neighbour dropped an antique? =/ okay. nvm about that. anyway, i find to go look for information for acids bases blah. science. lol. okay. byee =)
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
I'm confused.
this world is freaky.
no one ever remembers your good points
they don't care.
if you made a mistake;
whether big or small;
people will just remember the mistake;
and forget about your past contributions.
this world is getting irritating.
everyone only thinks of their ownself.
they don't care about the rest.
well if you are like popular.
of course everyone will crowd around you,
but everyone will forget about you soon after.
you are very lucky to be accepted so quickly.
they know your problems.
they don't know mine.
they will leave you alone there.
they won't care.
because they have got their own group of friends
whom they know they can count on anytime.
what about the outcast-ed?
doesnt anyone even think about them?
this world is like that.
its like. hao xin mei hao bao.
everyone is like. fake.
not their real selves.
i might be fake too.
i smile fake smiles.
because i don't want anyone to know i'm unhappy.
but what's the use.
even if people know you're unhappy
they just look at you with pitiful eyes
and don't do anything about people
being left at the side of the road.
they think people who look happy and really happy.
but, no!
some people have to fake it all out.
they smile and luagh, just like normal people do.
but they are acually
just pretending to be happy that's all.
like me.
i really thank all of you who tried cheering me up.
but some people are just so fake.
there's a maths test tmr; expansion. i studied already. but i didn't back my maths notebook =( i left them in the cupboard, and it was already locked when i finish packing my class. I'm always (almost) the last one to leave the class all the time. then someone will say like umm. why you never take earlier. ** even if i'm not talking to her she's like. cha zui that kind of thing. she think she so clever meh. anyway I lent sheryl's maths tb to study. thank you sheryl (:
went to library to do finishing touches for the science proj. it looked nice and neat when victoria and I finally did the pasting and all. x) sense of accomplishment =) then went down for lunch. at ard 2 plus. i didn't eat breakfast. recess was taken away by mr ___. sigh. always like that. its unfair for people who don't eat breakfast. Hais. but by God's grace and strength, I survived another day. I wonder when this will stop. anyway, back to topic...umm...then we saw weiling, qiuhui and xitong. and then qiuhui said a friendly hello. =))
(i'm not gonna care anymore about what you say about this, i will never, never be afraid of your hurting comments ever again. i think the 1faith peepo last year told them smth about me to the 1endurance peepos. =(( i thought it was a new beginning. now i feel like dying. =/)
but I am not feeling happy.
Monday, February 06, 2006
its been long since i wrote what happened during the day.
i didnt feel like going to school this morning.
i think i dread school.
well anyway i still dragged myself to school lor.
mummy and mei wasn't awake when i woke up.
ate cheese with bread today for breakfast.
anyway recess is breakfast for a lot of people.
yah. and i wasn't in a very good mood so
i think i pulled a long face and didn't talk to anyone in the morning.
well anyway, sat with huiqing for morning assembly.
did some science homework.
and mrs tan gave us a shock today.
she asked all the boys to leave the hall
including male teachers.
but mr lim didn't.
and another male teacher wearing specs didn't either.
i think he is mr teo.
he wore yellow colour shirt.
and mrs tan talked about girls stuff.
well not really.
actually i think if the boys were there
its okay lor.
but anyway, its about taking pride in your own body or smth.
yea. and not behave like ah lians or ah hueys.
and NOT to be happy when someone calls you a chiobu.
because it means you're cheap. =X
and its meant for prostitutes =XX
and she said smth about kuku or whatever.
hahas. i forgot. STM. hees.
and the boys anyhow guess thought its about ____.
siao de neh.
and so we started our lessons.
and we didn't have lit.
but mrs chia didn't fall down the stairs okay.
and we didn't have science too.
okay lor. someone very clever lor.
curse people also so zhun one.
got very high during maths today.
lols. becuase i understood!
i even taught xitong and joannas!
LOLS i zi high larh.
and i finished my maths hw in class today x)
anyway, umm.
i think i'm invisible.
people don't bother.
okay nvm.
i reached back at 3pm.
nobody took same train as me.
i guess i'm just a loner lah.
but God is with me =D
i'm doing the dnt thingy now.
trying to get all the arrows and stuff straight
for the concept map.
which was supposed to be due today =XX
and do on com its like.
so tiring.
okay. will bathe after homework.
and shucks. i can't seem to draw the dnt wb thing right.
yes i know you all hand in already but i haven't.
oh yes i forgot smth impt!
haha. not really impt lah.
we were having fun in class
when 2 'english' teachers came.
one of them the hair looks like prof. that kind you know?
like albert einstein one.
and then the class splited into two.
even numbers stayed.
odd numbers went to seminar room.
hahah...and so the female teacher taught us.
she wore black.
yah all black.
she's pretty. yes.
but i think plump bah.
lols. anyway, she taught us umm. phonics?
and then we had 2 rounds of umm. the reading of weird symbols.
lols. and i got 11/15 for round two! but teacher didn't see my hand.
=( never gimme sweet. carine got 9 too! but anyway, nvm larh.
ahh. i forgot her name lah.
and the book is green colour one.
A *Star enrichment. hahaha.
okay. that's all for editing lah. byee~!
okay this post long enough or not? lol.
now i shall concentrate on my dnt thingy!
byee! =D
Saturday, February 04, 2006
thank you
thanks a lot for cheering me up...((: i will reply to tags later (;
anyway, was sick this afternoon while in papa's vehicle...felt nausueos (correct spelling or not arh?) lols. but God healed me. yay! hahaha. mhmm. then if anyone saw me online in the afternoon i was actually in grandmummy's house. lol. there got internet ((;
and i'm at my cousin's house now. to bai nian. and watching chingay at the same time. hahaha. hmm. and her keyboard is like so difficult to use..its small x((. lol. i still prefer mine. x))
hees. okay lah. till here, take care, God bless and byee! ((:
Friday, February 03, 2006
you know what?
this morning i so stupid until i want to pick up my pen that time
knock my head at carine's chair.
you know the metal part.
its like so pain.
then now the dumb computer scanning for virus.
scan until now still haven't scan finish.
i dont like going to school.
being online is good.
everyone is happy online.
because no one will say anything.
you won't gimme that face.
you won't show me that kind of face.
if people are fake online,
i rather it be that way.
let it remain like that.
the neighbours are playing mahjong.
so noisy.
can't sleep.
i'm not waiting for anyone.
i am not.
i don't know.
i don't know me.
i don't know myself anymore.
i'm homesick.
its been long since i wrote such a long post.
my fingers are aching from typing.
i managed to coax alicia to sleep.
she finally slept.
but i haven't.
i did none of my homework.
i didn't bother to check my bag.
i was online the moment i came back.
i felt like staying in school and doing nothing.
but i couldn't.
and since i didn't want to do anything,
i might as well go off.
and leave this cruel world.
this world is way too cruel.
love and hate
anger and kindness
gratefulness and boastfulness.
too much.
there's just too much of things in this world.
i won't regret if i leave.
i'll join Papa in Heaven.
then i'll sleep.
and I''ll sing.
I'll do what He wants.
what He wants.
what's wrong with blogging larh. "you must have tim limit one you know" blah blah blah. okay nvm. i eating dinner now. STILL eating dinner now. cos i was busy with chatting. and i promised huimei that i would tag her blog. so here i go now! byee, take care, God bless and SMILE!
Thursday, February 02, 2006
yays! the song is soo nice. i got 73 for the CNY card for art ytd. wahaha. i today then say. ytd lazee to blog. haha.
I HAVEN'T DO DNT WORKBOOK. AND A LOT OF PEEPO ALSO HAVEN'T DO...have to to the design folio..the reseach thingy...sigh. and the wb...ex 3, 4 and 5. hais. okay i go do now. boo! haha. byee! God bless.
SMILE! ((: