Friday, September 30, 2005
forget about that stress
YAY! I STUDIED! NEVER ON COM!! YAY YAY! later gna upload sum pics..but b4 tt...tell u wad happened just nw...
i went to 7-eleven just now and guess what?? i found LIME magz!! yay! it was hidden bhind sum magz...well, who creas wat magz...i FOUND LIME!
JY n candayce were on the cover pg!! YAY YAY! haha, so being the "ba gua" and avid redear i am, *giggles* (bhb wat) okok...i turn to the featyure story and...well, began to read till the love test the 2nd pg...sum1 in blue uniform walked towards me...and i heck care lor...den suddenly a gruff voice said
"Sorry, you are not allowed to browse through magazine here"
so i said ok and put the magz bck on the shelf..actually i wanted to say
"im not READING"
haha...ok lah..den i went to the lift and i saw a lady staring at me...its was scary...her eyes were i quickened my pace and went into the lift. haiis. no one was at hm =( dumb dumb dummy. haiis. mummy must hv forgotten to tell WP tt i will be coming hm early today.
so i called mummy..had to go BACK to THE MRT station to call lor...i nvr bring hp wad...c i so guai..haha...den mummy said she was coming bck soon...told me to wait at mac 4 her. so i said okay i know many peeps at i went to kfc and ate shrooms burger meal...yum yum..o yah..when i was queuing up for fd rt..this lil ger in front of me..i think she was 8/9 yrs old...and she was singing sha lalalala..sha lala in the morning...den she did with the actions...and i was like about to laugh lor...keep singing n
hahah...and then i went back to the ctrl station..and called mummy. mummy was on the slow..i eat finish lunch..walk here n there still haven reach i wait wait wait and she was there, finally. so she opened the door 4 me lor...hahas. and now, here i am,
BLOGGING., God bless n bb everybody!
Monday, September 26, 2005
anyway, im gonna upload some pics tt i hv taken 2day. hope u will njoy it..=D
*blogger's img upload system isnt working....hv to use photobucket...>=(*
well, this is the front of my organiser...=P
*enlarge it if you want to!
click on it!*
and my drawing...lols...the girl is supposed to be me but well...
cant draw potraits well yah..esp if its
hmms...this. the dining table n i study on it! just look at the messy stuffs. haha
Saturday, September 24, 2005
high high
yay! went to shangri-la to celebrate. mum's frns were there. andrea aunty asked me if i noe hu's julia low...i told her no. i did not noe there were 2 julias in sec1 till sher told me...i think one's in 1C and the other one in 1integ...well, haha...anyway...gtg bah...hv to rt testi 4 sm1..grrs...haha juz kidding.
kk, tc ppl, bb n GBU!
Friday, September 23, 2005
NOTE: long post ahead
anyway, coureswork is inCOMPLETED. lols. i left the general research and evaluation. anyway, this foowing text is written by ME, during class LESSONS withour tchers KNOWING so that i know what i wna type on my blog when i came back. hahas. tt's the way 4 me 2 rmb what actually happened today...haha. i got BAD STM i tink. yah i THINK.
*okays, i now im crazy using so many cap letters but nvm lar..hor? haha...
first lemme tok abt my practical 4 hm E. terrible lah. i pray tt i'll pass. yah. ok...i can do well one. although the comments werent very good. the outcome wasnt expected. hope evt will be okay. OKAY.
next. yest at 10pm, my internet gt cut off. means 3 days liao. but oways haven 3 days wat. den i subscribe n subscribe again...until i pek chek den go n bathe, how i know, today internet suudenly okay strange lor..yest still gt the error msges when i tried to subscibe 4 three days. now i subscribe 4 four days..hehe
I thought today was saturday (notice that i did not use short-form..i want to cut off that habit, unless im chatting..haha..) getting more and more forgetful. so i woke up at 0630 this morning. Thank God i wasn't late. Anyway, during morning assembly, due to my tiredness, my eyelids kept drooping when i was singing the national anthem and taking the pledge...i even had gastric pain again. So i prayed against it and it was gone. Praise God. Btw, its very common for me to have gastric pain because i dont take my meals at the same time everyday...=X..During reading period, i kept falling asleep and i tried to keep my yes open (what if any teacher catches me?) anyway, i still slept my attempt to open my eyes failed. the words on my book seemed so blurry i couldnt even make them out. i was that tired. Thank God (No. 2) that no teacher caught me, I guess God helped a lot. =D
Now its chi lesson (rmb [opps, i brok my promise. rmb is such a long word =X] im typing what i wrote in school) We are having a 'mini' chi test on monday...its (ci yu). And there's science test on Monday too. chap 14 n 15. why? AND there's maths test on Wed. im getting fed up. Why must we take so many tests. Why do i have to study for the exams? Before you know it, the exams are here. supposed to hand in chi hw but i didnt do. i reaaly got no mood to do my hw, much less study. Why do teachers give us so much hw they dont even realised its too much for us.
I dont want to go to SCHOOL!!!
I was talking on the phone with qh for the past few nights till night. That explains my lack of sleep. i wonder how qh is so energetic though she sleeps late. postive thinking bah...must think positive! haha, that reminds me of the show,the ch5 one...the one mo xiao ling acted in...what';s the title huh? hai...4get AGAIN. anyway, her motto was "Be positive!" hahah...Back to the topic. I sold the chi thingy with vic today during upper sec recess...woot!...sold 6 copies..hahah...thingy...its such a gd word to use when u duno how to describe smth...anyway, the selling and all earned me 1 boring lesson of science..*yawns*..lols. but still left a period so no choice lor... And you know what, when i returned, i saw the science file on my table!!! so mr s was keeping it lor...he still said "it wasnt with me". liar. hmmp! *angry* He made me look all over in my house lor..waste my time and perspiration...-_-"" but hey, i really did perspire. A LOT. i look under the bed and almost every cupboard in the hse....hai..anyway, thank God (No. 3) the file is found and its...
YAY! so happy! =D
BUT the happiness didnt last long (what crap am i talking abt, im not writing a scipt...) I was discouraged about smth....
argh...I got science hw!!!! haiss. what a disppointment.
Sang a lot of songs with qh. cx told me their gang compose songs. so clever lor. hahas. since they compose chi songs, i'll compose eng songs! Regina wanna sing. I compose, she sing. lols. i also taked to sherri today. haha. she's real good in her drawing...ok. i think i better stop here. too much words will be too boring..oh yah, the pW presented le...YAY! i think lasta was good despite their last min preparations..=)
hahahs. i think this is prob one of my longest post i have ever written. complete with details about what happened today. this took me 35 mins...
*Victoria requested to see what i wrote but i told her that i'll be putting up on my blog but she still wanted to i gave her the paper and told her not to let anyone see it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
gimme ideas...
-tinkerbell(s) [my email add] [used b4]
-moonlite08 [used b4]
-blue autumn?
-blue lavender?
hey peeps! giv sum suggestions in the chatterbox will u? thx yah!
library duty time
lib duty.
haha...u will ask how cum i can use rt..i tell u ltr. bb
kays. now im at home. tell u actaully wad happened...
im slacking at my cca, hehs. nobody in lib mah..closing soon.
so i came here to blog a few sentences. hahas. yea. tt's all..
Monday, September 19, 2005
yada yada
Saturday, September 17, 2005
i duno why..
but i kip wanting 2 improve my blog
editing again and again...
anyw, i bhb ar..
ask ppl cum my blog n
oh yah. 4gt 2 put my blog add in friendster..
or did i?
haha.STM lahh..
and gna add my email add link ltr.
i dun feel like doing hw lor.
so sian.
God mux hv told mum or smth.
lol. Its the conon pixma one.
v stylish. v nice.
hehe..wat a surprise.
tt tm was tt canera on carnival day n nw this!
haha. but i duno where to plug in the power cord! oh whateva.
y arh.
y r sum ppl so hardworking.
"im rushing to do my hw!!"
but. me?
"i dun wan 2 do anything, including HW."
hais. shud i?
be guai?
i dun want. (ranting ahead)
i can. bt i dun wan. any prob? i duno how 2 do. can i giv up on hw n proj?
is there a law tt says i hv 2 finish em?
y..sum things.
we find them unfair.
just wad is happening on dis EARTH?
luv da music!
btw, im so sian here..
gog 2 japh's church ltr.
lol. my mei's church.
btw, i think friendster a bit mad larrhs...
oways chg da layout n stuffs.
haha...i chged my profile liao! go c larrh
顺便...add testi 4 me kayys...haha
oh yah...i think i die le larr..
my geog wb nv bring hm!! sumore nid 2 do 4 chapters!
what am i gna do?
the door is gna be locked!
shud i go general off and say
"ermm..sry but i think i left my book in class,
can i get the class key and take my bk?"'s so stupid. sheryl can go in anytime gd..
her class door is spoilt!!
so can go in anytime!! envy her...
btw, hi...wad m i gna say..oh yah...
yest went 2 sun plaza with japh lor..
den so many funny things happen in mac lor...
kk..will not elaborate...if nt i'll hv 2 type till my fingers go numb.
lol. aft tt we went to Aries.
v nice. =)
and then...ermmss...i rilly 4gt wad i wanted 2 say lar..hai...
want to rant so much. but nvm.
im gna end her. bye peeps!
*hey, once i mrb wat i wna say, i'll cum bck here.
will leave this window open. ;)
Friday, September 16, 2005
i got no idea...
i simply got no idea.
what a day it was.
sigh, sigh, sigh
how am i feeling?
i do not know.
perhaps you know,
you might wanna try.
what will i do?
if it was the last day on Earth?
-the above was just a little poem,
maybe it was,
and maybe it wasn't.
doesn't matter,
does it?-
now i'll type the rest of my post in chi...surprised huh?
if you cant see the chi chracters and they all appear as sqs,
Hey, 我突发奇想!!想了一个新的名字。。。SEVENdegrees!
in short, 7°! 好听吗?应该是吧。。=)
(or at least i think so)...
thiskeyboard isso dumb. shant chg anything. the space thing gt prob. nt my faultkay...anyway...try to readifu can...hahahahahahha. anyway, here withjaphia 2 study. so guai hor? WE DIN DO ANYTHINGMUCH. but at least we did smth haha. lame. what m i toking abt. japhia gna lnk me. yay! link her too.
tmr gog 4 jack neo moviepreview. in school. cool rt? argh. stupid bold thing. 4get it. nt chging. errms..oh..tmr gotta wake up earlyin tt case. b4 9pm mux reach MRL solilppl. hai. thinking ofmr lonelysong. maths hw. haven take maths tb. how? nvm. ask frens. =) clever anot? no rt, crapping. crazy liao. chged the bold thing anyw. thumb so! n hv a nice ppl shud noe..)
Monday, September 12, 2005
and a lot of things happened during hols. we had steamboat+bowling as a cg...and i went on the mrt a lot...
well, the mrt is a v gd place to spot interesting ppl. guess hu n wat i saw just now!
lol..and then i think sgporeans get irritated easily the mrt right..if u accidentally bumped into someone, he person will get irritated and may even curse tt person...not verbally lah..haha..singlish is becoming so commonly used now i wonder when it will b included in the oxford dic..hahaha..
anyway, msn died on me just happy its working le..
my autograph bk..peiying havent return 2 long le...anyway..trying this..
O * - tt's the GBU! =)
Saturday, September 03, 2005

Tiffany...papa gave me this on Christmas when i was 8? i cant rmb..haha..

Susu..My unc's dog. Also my fav dog. Isnt she cute?

Puppiar..Fion gave me this on my 12th b' sweet...=D
Friday, September 02, 2005
stomach pain..shucks...
talked to ps veronica. her surname is 'wong' she pointed to vic's nametag n said "hey, u're victoria wong n i'm veronica wong!" then she laughed. hai...felt so like crying when she counselled n prayed for me just now. my tears were rushing to hush out but i holded it. no, God holded it.
God...I know you love everyone. that includes me. hai. sigh.
you wanna know what subjects i failed?
- LIT!
- CHI!
- SCI!
aRGH...its driving me crazy..its killing me! killing me!!! And i still have dreaded HW!!!
- mATHS ws
- chi portfolio thingy
- revision! lotsa em to do! i've to! ( i specially brought bck my bks to revise one leh! how can dun study? so heavy!)
And i din go home today. prob on sunday. shucks. gt the basketball match. can i tell angeline i dun wanna go? i hv 2 take a no of things.
hai. sheryl encouraged me to go 4 MS. i got tution leh. how to go? sigh..
"When you are phsically tired, you are spiritually tired too."
Thank You God for comforting me, for always being there for me, for answering a YES to my prayers time n time again. THANK YOU SO MUCH...
Then God said: "Its okay. Let it out.Let it out"
Who doesnt want to live in fantasy? It either online or tv. why is this world so cruel i dun feel like living in it anymore. not a bit. This world is too unimanginable.I want God to take me away from this world. this stupid world. what is it becoming too. hai. im the youngest in class.
sigh. funny stupid things-