This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Some little nuggets of info:
Its 11.39PM now. There's school tomorrow. 6.10, and I've got to wake up.

Okay I just edited my DiaryLand diary. Haha. Didn't use it for a really long time. Lol.

Actually if you're wondering...I've owned quite a few sites. LOL. Here's some...[If I can remember.]

I started using DiaryLand. I read about it in Digital Life. In the past it was Computer Times. Ahh. Haha. So I tried it. It was my very first blog. Which still exists. What a miracle. LOL.

I know. My username was twittish. Haha. But I was only in P6. HAAAHHHAA.

And I tried Blogger too. I used that same username. Haaha. That URL has been deleted. :) I remember I had a CHOCOLATEY skin for that blog. Hehe.

This was my second blog on Blogger. I made two blogs. Hee. But this one has been deleted too. It was a really personal blog. I loved it. Moonlite = Moonlight. Haha. 08 because its my birthday day. =) And I transferred the posts over to here already. Lol. See if you can find them. x)

Deleted this one too. I changed the URL because some people didn't like what I wrote in Moonlite08. :( Never mind. And then...Yep. This one was used till. I don't know when. Then I decided to change my URL again. Haaa.

I was happy with this blog. Haha. Its pronounced as Sandra-girl. Not Power Ranger's ger. HAHA. Anyway, I got tired of this URL. And I thought really hard of my next URL. I wanted it to be something easy to remember. I thought of fly-up-high but that didn't sound right. I thought of many other names too. I sacrificed my sleep. LOL. And then I liked the sound of 'Lala' HAHA. Then it just came to me. Miss-Lala. HAHA! YAY! So I changed it on the 08/12/2005. My birthday. :D

Its still there. Haha. I liked my layout. It was Cuddles from HappyTreeFriends at first. I used a few other layouts too. Hee. I changed my Blogger Username too. No. Never created a new account. HAAA. Yay! And there it was. :D

  • I used MovableType and Squarepad too I think..But I forgot about their blah. So never mind. Then I got hosted. And so. Haha. The story ends here. [Currently.] (;


I'm back :D I was sick today yesterday and on Tuesday. Bahh. If you want to know, I actually vomited [Gasps] and had fever. Yah...So I'm happy that I can be online :) And I think I'm well enough. To go to school tomorrow. Clap clap XD I've been missing school! HAHA. Not only missing those lessons, its missing. Xiang nian. You understand? HAHA. LAMEO.

Anyway if you guys want to know the webbie for Googlism its Haha :D

Anyway some lame conversation with dearie SiJie. LOL. It started when...she said...

I'm the '?' Hahaa..because I used a korean word for my nickname but it can't show in here. Heee.

[08:20:50 PM] {__SHEMME: haha u r generous
[08:20:51 PM] {__SHEMME: lol
[08:20:57 PM] ?: Generous?
[08:21:50 PM] ?: Lol
[08:22:27 PM] {__SHEMME: lol
[08:22:57 PM] ?: -_-
[08:23:04 PM] ?: Generous what lah
[08:23:14 PM] {__SHEMME: lollollol
[08:23:15 PM] {__SHEMME: -.-"
[08:23:21 PM] ?: AIYAH!
[08:23:36 PM] ?: Hello?
[08:23:41 PM] {__SHEMME: hello
[08:23:45 PM] ?: IMH ah?
[08:23:47 PM] {__SHEMME: how can i help you?
[08:23:48 PM] ?: I tell you ah
[08:23:51 PM] {__SHEMME: ok
[08:23:54 PM] ?: I got a mad girl here.
[08:24:13 PM] {__SHEMME: realy?
[08:24:16 PM] ?: She went bonkers a few minutes ago.
[08:24:17 PM] {__SHEMME: whats her name?
[08:24:21 PM] ?: She kept LOLING.
[08:24:25 PM] ?: Her name/
[08:24:27 PM] {__SHEMME: oh really?lol
[08:24:32 PM] {__SHEMME: ya her name please
[08:24:33 PM] ?: SI JIE aka AH DING DONG
[08:24:36 PM] ?: LOL!
[08:24:43 PM] {__SHEMME: really?
[08:24:47 PM] {__SHEMME: cool name for her
[08:24:52 PM] ?: Yah.
[08:25:03 PM] {__SHEMME: so i will check with the doctor if theeres
free space left
[08:25:08 PM] ?: Send ah ding dong to IMH. \=D
[08:25:14 PM] {__SHEMME: cause thes quite a apfew patients just
sent in
[08:25:21 PM] ?: Ohh
[08:25:27 PM] ?: One of them was MISS LALA?
[08:25:28 PM] {__SHEMME: people like SAnDRA ONG!
[08:25:36 PM] ?: LOL
[08:25:38 PM] {__SHEMME: lol we have mo qi!
[08:25:43 PM] ?: HHHAHAA
[08:26:01 PM] ?: SO FUNNY LA
[08:26:12 PM] ?: Let's go post this conver xD
[08:26:21 PM] {__SHEMME: really?
[08:26:26 PM] {__SHEMME: then lets continue
[08:26:29 PM] ?: OKIE!
[08:26:38 PM] {__SHEMME: hmm where did we stop?
[08:26:43 PM] ?: mo qi
[08:26:53 PM] {__SHEMME: i eman main topic
[08:27:02 PM] ?: eople like SAnDRA ONG
[08:27:11 PM] ?: Which ward is she in?
[08:27:20 PM] {__SHEMME: u eman those people?
[08:27:24 PM] ?: Yah
[08:27:31 PM] {__SHEMME: oh that ward is full
[08:27:43 PM] {__SHEMME: wait a minute the doctor wants to say
[08:27:45 PM] ?: Okie
[08:27:52 PM] ?: Hello DOCTIE
[08:27:54 PM] {__SHEMME: di do di do......
[08:28:06 PM] {__SHEMME: ya what can i help u with?
[08:28:15 PM] {__SHEMME: oh sorry i needa say hello first
[08:28:16 PM] {__SHEMME: manners
[08:28:25 PM] ?: Haha
[08:28:29 PM] ?: ByeHI!
[08:28:52 PM] ?: That's how we say ello in the lala world =D
[08:28:59 PM] ?: So Byehi!
[08:29:08 PM] {__SHEMME: oh really
[08:29:10 PM] ?: sobihie
[08:29:16 PM] ?: SOPhie
[08:29:26 PM] ?: yepyep
[08:30:09 PM] ?:
[08:30:27 PM] ?: I <3>

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