This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Replies to tags

5 days since I never replied to my tags I think.

Lol. So I'm here to reply. Actually I'm not supposed to be here. But. I think I'm losing my readers. Ahaha. So I'll reply! :D [Words in bold]

Sandra: Hi HuiQing! :D

rena_R.: SANDRA rocks, hah :D
Sandra: Haha. Rena pebbles! XD

eugenegg: tagged
Sandra: Thank you..=D

`nehh: Hi again! Wahahas.
Sandra: Hello Karmun! =)

pwincessAEEN: yoohoo! u've been tagged! hahhaha, nice blog!
Sandra: Hello. Thanks! :D

Kok: tagged. Didn't knew that u were so many things... lolz...
Sandra: Haha. Yah I'm a lot of things. LOL.

Jiayun: heya! :) thanks for tagging on my site! Lovely site you have here. I LOVE the rose layout :D
Sandra: Lol. Thanks for the compliment. ^^

jen: heyy yay! =) thks for taggin yea dearie! smiles =)
Sandra: Hello! No problem. [Smiles] Hehe. Love ya!

twix0rz: Smiling. :D I have a magnete (sp?) that says SMILE DAMNIT! Makes me happy. Lol.
Sandra: Hehe. I'm glad you're smiling. You spelt it correctly except for the 'e' at the back :)

**SiJie**: okaye i read it and so i shall ask you "what's the time now?" LOL -.-"
Sandra: Heyhey yi dian dian! x) Hahahahaha. XP

HuiMei: oh ya... wad is the character ah? dark or daisuke? lol...
Sandra: I used that image you sent me. Haaah.

HuiMei: dn angel!!! u putting in as ur blog image? good!! dn angel rox!! =D
Sandra: Lol. No. I'm not into Anime, lah. Lol. I'm making that image and a skin to go with it. Then its off to! :D

makiyo: hello! i love your pretty layout (:
Sandra: Thanks! :D

Sandra: Lol, you can always learn it :)

**SiJie**: SMILES =) HAHA HEHE HOHOHO -.-" =)
Sandra: LOL. [Smiles] Lame la. HEHA! xD

HuiMei: glad to noe tt u are going strong... jiayou jiayou jiayou! =D
Sandra: Thankkss. :D

HuiMei: trying is good... but dun try until the next day u wanna sleep worx... =D
Sandra: Hehe. Okie! :)

sheryl: haha. i like your beehive analogy (:
Sandra: Hey! Thanks girl. It was boring today. Lol.

grace: heyhey! i picked you! go see my blog to do it! :P
Sandra: Okay! Opps. Just realised I haven't done it =X Will do after this. Haha.

girlTRIPPED: ahh.. new site. =D nice.
Sandra: Thaankk yoouu :)

LILINGG_: *whispers* You ROCK.
Sandra: You too. Rock on. :D

HuiMei: no updates? o.O
Sandra: Updated :D

LILINGG_: Oh, you ROCKS! x) I love your blog, how did you make it like THIS?! Have
colour selection too!! *faints*
Sandra: Lol. Thanks for the compliment. ^^

Kok: Reply from Entry: Trust in God. Simple. No need to bottle up like that...
Sandra: Yep. Thanks. :)

victoria: sad too
Sandra: Lols. Thanks for the emphathy. Ahaha.

victoria: i never talk to u coz i c u like so angry....
Sandra: Lols. I thought you were the one who was angry.

victoria: why so unhappy?
Sandra: Lol. I said don't ask.

victoria: i visit yr new web liao
Sandra: Yuppos.

HuiMei: once again... i flooded! =D
Sandra: THANK YOU :D

HuiMei: and if u haf any problems tell me... i shall help u... =D =D =D
Sandra: Haha. Thanks.

HuiMei: i noe u are feeling tired... but u muz be brave to face tis problem... ok? i will always support u de.. =D
Sandra: Lol. If I'm not brave then I won't be here today. Lol. And thanks again.

HuiMei: although i dun really noe the reason why u din not come to skool... i really hope tt u wun not cry again... it's very saddening to noe tt... =)
Sandra: Thanks girl. Love ya. (:

HuiMei: even though i'm not really ur daddy... i declared tt i shall love u as my teddy! =)
Sandra: LOL. :)

HuiMei: and let me get serious now... although i'm not really TT serious... =D
Sandra: Okay. Get serious. Lol.

HuiMei: i juz love u sandra!! i never noe i'm so important... hahas... =D
Sandra: Haha thanks. I love you too.

Wow. Thanks for tagging people :)

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