This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Saturday, May 27, 2006


One of the loveliest websites I've ever seen

Go see :D

Tomorrow's my grandma's birthday. Sigh. My aunt cooked chicken porridge & she added so much flour in the chicken I think I'm practically eating flour porridge. And it tastes really gross. :/ So the porridge is there now & I don't think I'll touch it again. Kaboom. And I can't find my camera which is a terrible thing because I've no clue where I left it & BLAH! Anyone wants to buy me a new one?

The sun is like shining so hard on my windows I think they might crack anytime, my eyes hurt. BLAH BLAH. Lol. I submitted two skins yesterday. One nature-themed :D, and the other one's 'The Ripple'. I like it a lot :DDD

Anyway, that Hi-5 concert is it? Its coming up & its so dumb! At Singapore Expo! And blah! Whatever happened to Kathleen? And who is that SUN? WHAT'S HER NAME AGAIN. SUN?? Crap! Kathleen! My brother was saying that he wouldn't watch Hi-5 again. LOL. He's 8 la. Anyway I made a new skin again! Haha. Maybe I'll show you all later. I got to upload the pictures into my PhotoBucket, then come back to reply to all the tags. So yes! I'm a busy busy bee! Lol & I had a weird dream last night. More later! Busy bee got to go! XD Bye people! God bless! :D

YAY! I came back!
Replies to tags...
Jenna } Hello! LOL.
Xuemei } Haha. Thanks for coming by! :D You take care too!
HuiMei } (:
HuiMei } Yah lol.
SiJie } Hahaaa. I missed you too.
Kok Jie } Lol. I find it a lil unappropriate to reply now because I went back to class so long ago. Hahaaa.
Hex23 } Hi there. Lol. Its not alright. But never mind. Its a pretty piece of work anyway :D

QQ der fatigué } Hiiiiieeeiiee....THANKS FOR FLOODINGGGGG....

" 2 tag...dunlyk tag at sandra's blog mahz...hahaz...i oso gt tag alot 4 mr lin n kokjie...its lyk flood lorz...hahahahahahaz...stupid...y so many soccer news??? very long ."
Grrr. Blahhhhh.

"dats 4 ck one...hahaz...lolz...oops say ur bad words...o dear"
Bang you lah. ARBISH! PIANG! LOL.
Start all over again...? Lol.

Cheryl } LOL. Of course I remember you! Thanks for coming! :D
Theresa } Hha. Hello! This is a subdomain. I didn't pay for anything. Haha.
Sandra OJL } Hehe. Thanks senior. XD

OKAY! Now I got to validate my codes. Then come back and post about the dream, maybe! Or show you what skin I made. Haaa. Bye! Bee flies again. WHEEEE.. HAHAHAA. XD

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