You my friend, your new nick name is Mo-Mo. You
like things cute and fuzzy. You like or LOVE
sweet stuff like candy! you are funny and your
bestist friend is Bob! *>*
What Is Your Weird New Nickname?
brought to you by Quizilla
ME: WHO'S BOB?? im LA LA not MO MO!
What would u look like as a fairy?
brought to you by Quizilla
ME: uh...looks so sad..
Your Heart is....Broken! Yes you have a broken
heart. SOmething happened to you a long time
ago you can't seem to forget and Your love on
has left you and has stabed your heart
emotionaly but do not worry you should leave
your bad past behind and think about the
What Kind of heart do you have (with anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla
ME: huh?? quizes, SO fake.
You have a Pure Heart! (congratulations you are
very open and willing to take chances and
people know that just by looking at you, you
will very soon find your prince charming or
fairy tale Princess,in fact they are probably
aiting for their chance)
Whats your heart look like? (PiCs)
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ME: oh really? goody! =)
Eyes of Innocence - Your soul posesses Eyes of
Innocence. These eyes are often held by young
children and those who have a tendency to look
at the world sunny side up. You are a rather
serious person, though are capable of having
fun. You are most likely highly religious and
take pride in refusing to join the rest of the
world in what you percieve to be evil deeds.
You have a tendency to ignore that which is
dark in the world and only focus upon that
which is beautiful and good. Though most would
consider this a good philosophy to live by,
someday it will get you into trouble. You
believe in giving everyone a hundred chances
over and trust very easily. You've been taken
advantage of by those who love to prey on the
kind of heart, like yourself, but you have not
let it get you down just yet. You know some
people are bad, but you like to believe that no
soul is completely black, and you believe in
befriending even the most undesirable people.
What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
ME: wow..this is quite true! =)
except that i dont like this part: Though most would consider this a good philosophy to live by, someday it will get you into trouble.
trouble? i hate trouble!
okay. stop here now. =)
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