This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Friday, February 02, 2007


Lol okay see jiayin see ah, this is my updateee. =D

Okay had CIP yesterday..and saw a hamster & its babies..a few days old only eh. :D Super thrilled..QH and szehoe took pictures..yea and after that whole thing everything was loads of fun..3H is fun! :D

And..common tests next week. GOSH. Fast yes? English & History on the 6th..Maths & SS on the 7th okay. Mugggg!

Oh one more thing..I'm now a squirrel-roach, squirrel chop, ga zhua ANDDDD cat (mao mi)! LOL. Funny I look like squirrels in general or is it just Over the Hedge's?

=) God bless & take careee!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

True Colours

You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness there inside you
Makes you feel so small

But I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then,
And don't be unhappy, can't remember when
I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colours
Shining through
I see your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
True colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

I can't remember
When I last saw you laugh
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I see your true colours
Shining through
See your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours, true colours
Are beautiful like a rainbow

I see your true colours shining through
See your true colours
That's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colours
Your true colours are beautiful,
Like a rainbow


<3 the new Dove advertisement.

God bless. (:

Saturday, January 27, 2007

2nd post of the day


So I was starving just now because I didn't had lunch and while I was waiting for food (Door locked, no key) I read the 3rd book and yes I finished it. =) The Man Who Loved Clowns. It was written really well. So well I cried in the middle because of death in the character's family. And partly because I was veryveryvery hungry.

And dearie qiuhui thought I was really sick and I said be prepared to see me in the obituaries tomorrow cause I'll die of hunger. =X Sorry God. Uh and then I was crying reading and talking..Lol and so yea its confirmed. I look like a squirrel. Okay got to go...I'm going to thin my hair. Its so thick now that I've grown it out..GOD BLESS! <3


I finished reading 2 out of the 5 books I borrowed yesterday. "I think I'll just curl up and die" and "First Impressions". Both books touched me in a different way & both protrayed the relationships of parents & their children.

First Impressions is actually what Jane Austen wanted to title Pride & Prejudice when she wrote the book but anyway the author is a fan of Jane Austen's books so there are excerpts from that book in this book. I really enjoyed it. From the time the magic began in Alice's life, from her parents right down to her boyfriend Kevin. Its a good book I must say..sheesh I'm writing crap. I sound so formal -.-

Never mind that anyway I've a cramp in my left leg now..[shakes leg] and I have to write up a newspaper article about Shingle Street, really Mr W. loves History A LOT. I'm learning History in English Lessons -.-

I'm so boreddddd. Oh yah if you want to read those books tell me..(:

(That Shingle Street window hanged -_-)

Studied a bit of Physics just now and uh I feel dizzy now..My head feels heavy and groggy..rah what is happening..anyway Victoria says I look like the squirrel in Over the Hedge..I posted the pictures but atspace went mad when I tried to do that so I had to save that post as a draft..I think I'll put in on nolNET. So you can go there and see that post..

And I'm lazy to do a button for this site >.< if any kind soul out there is feeling great and wants to contribute one please put your name and website and the URL of the button you did in the tagboard on the sidebar..(Though I seriously don't think anyone would do one for me..Lol) So anyway if you dont want to tag you can email me at my gmail addreess - sandra1992

That's all. I think I have a really bad headache now. Got to go..God bless take care & byee =/ [forces a smile] =) Lol..<3!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Physics textbook found!

Praise God :D I prayed last night that I would find it somehow, somewhere & the person who found it will find a way to return it to me..andddddd [drumroll]

Today, I remembered someone telling me to look for it in the Lost & Found counter and I went to the GO with dearie Carine and asked if there was one in school and they said it was at the Security Post..and then we had to wait a while because the security guard was talking to Mr Teo..(oh by the way i just realised that the school built a small corner for the security those the condominum security guards cool (:) and when Mr Teo left I asked if there's a lost and found counter and he said yes and what was I looking for..and I said a physics textbook & guess what he said..he said there are loads of textbooks there! LOL so if you lost your book you can see if its there yea. (:

Then he took out a box and believe it or not, I saw my textbook there! It was at the back and there were a few other textbooks in front of it..LOL gosh I was so relieved I kept thanking God and the guard said "You thank God never thank me ah?" Looooool. So yea I thanked him thrice in total. Hahaaaa. Then I had to fill in a form and I was so excited I didn't fill it in properly..>.<

[Rahhhhhh part of my post got deleted ): Whatever happened to Bloggerrrrr. Anyway I really thank God for that cause I've a Physics test on Monday..and yea..LOVE YOU DADDYINHEAVEN! Okay and I borrowed 5 books from the library..I think I'll end here..God nless take care & byeee (:]

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The 350th post

Don't know what to title this post so yea..haha (: Anddddd..I'm not feeling sad/ down anymore. I'm back to normal :D So no need to dedicate posts to me but anyway thanks dearie AYI & KJ for the posts. Lol.

Okay so today we had a chemistry test and I got two questions wrong -.- I wrote test tube instead of beaker and 0 degrees instead of -5 degrees..and there's a Physics test on Monday and a Biology one on Tuesday. Its like all the sciences' tests come at the same time..Haha. Oh yes..My Physics testbook went missing yesterday when I left it at the canteen table yesterday..=( If any of you happen to know/have an extra Physics Testbook with no name..please inform me..Thanks. (:

We also rehearsed for the English drama today after school..and finished early so crapped around in MRL and made a lot of noiseeee. So went home with dearies HuiMei & Victoria. And there was Jian Wei..and played with Victoria's phone in the train..(: I hope its just a crush.

Anyway checked nolNET yesterday but there were no new comments..aww. Lol and the other hostees hadn't added any it was rather disappointing. But anyway Common Test comes before the Internet and my sites. So yes..push it away for now. (:

Okay seriously I don't know what to update take care God bless & byee! =D

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


The day started going downwards after was the last lesson that made me super down..I still can't forget that scene when everyone clapped..yea maybe they dont mean it but it still made me feel humiliated..yes its not the country's problem but that wasn't written by me. And v and c didn't helped to talk or anything..and i felt so stupid standing there..I was just reading from the paper la..ya maybe I'm too sensitive. My smile disappeared i had no appetite for lunch and ate only one ham& i think 2faith was I being hypocritical? finally a bad day in school class and then i miss the old times. but really, who doesn't? I miss my carine. I miss having her around..i miss happy family where everyone supported each other mentally. I miss the good old days the bond & everything..after that I wanted to go home alone but I didn't want to see anyone from school other than my dearies. I wanted jy/hm/v to be least they can cheer me up..and v can apologise or something but no I went home with ac, mz and xm. i couldn't escape seeing anyone from my class..i really didnt feel like seeing anyone. mc suddenly came & talked to mz. sigh. so i listened to some music (ac turned the volume real loud (okay maybe its loud for me only)..i really wished I hadn't seen anyone. Sorry God. I just have to vent this out..=( i wish someone was here for me to hug or even cry on. i really feel like crying now. just now when i came back the door was locked and aunty wasnt at home and i kept calling for waipo but she didn't answer..i called till my my vioce turned sore..then fainnly she came out and said she was talking to her friend in her room and couldnt hear me..okay i know she has a hearing problem..if its the positive sandra talking to me, she said: maybe its not that everything went against you..just forget about them and think positive. but now i dont even want to think positive. i even didnt want to go to school tomorrow. but i guess i would.

There's a chemistry test tomorrow and i have to study for it. I pray that i'd do well =) Yay I smiled. Lol and I laughed. Maybe seeing the tagboard and going over to nolnet would cheer me up a bit more. Okay bye people..sorry for all the small wordings above..God bless & take care! (:

Monday, January 22, 2007



I love my dearies &darlings :D

Oh yes, school is getting exciting. AHEM! I'm having a "sore throat". Hahahah (; Plus valentine's coming..And so are the common tests. I'm pushing the "making-a-wordpress-layout" goal to after the common tests. YES SANDRA YOU CAN DO IT =D And yea, it would be wonderful if I could understand maths just like how I understand HTML..

Oh yea today I took loads of pictures with Victoria's phone..I think I'll upload them another day..The transferring is taking so long..rahh.

Okay I guess I'll stop here..take care & byee! (:

Friday, January 19, 2007

Retarded retards

Who? Jia Yin & I (The two big retards) =x Okay I'm the more retarded one la x_x
Why? The EVER-FAMOUS Ali Baba song lor. XD
Where? SP, KFC.

Okay this made me smile again. :D

God bless guys! (:

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


I so must blog about this. I promised JiaYin (reading this? (;)

After school, japh weiting victoria jiayin and I were at the MRT (train) station waiting for the train when Victoria saw a girl (anonymous in this case) with a bunch of guys and told me about it but I replied was "She's a guy!".

And that made Jia Yin burst into laughter..and she squatted at the station and finally knelt down in front of the MRT tracks and all of us were like O_O what's she laughing about? Then I squatted down and looked at her and asked her la..then she said the way I answered Victoria was extremely hilarious..just so matter-of-factly like its a well-known thing and everyone should know it (yea everyone should.)

Then she started laughing again! It was infectious, I tell you. I took on with her and laughed uncontrollably too. Lol and then Victoria laughed too. Lol but anyway when the train came the laughter had all subsided..BUT! When we were in the train I started laughing again cause I heard Jia Yin laughing. LOOOOL, now I can't hear her laugh or I'll get into fits of it too. Hahahahaa.

I laughed till my stomach hurt so muchI had to sit on the train floor. LOL the strangers must have had thought that I was mad la. LOL. So anyway we zi-lianed in the train and started taking photos but the first few were all unacceptable and finally the last one made the cut and Jia Yin saved it (remember to send it to me or something =D)

Yup then we went to SP blahblahblah and went to KFC cause the japh and jia yin haven't had their lunch yet. Yup and that was where to "eruption" started all over again. I was thinking about what happened at the MRT when a random thought struck me..when jia yin started saying about immature adults and what if she's already 30 and still kneels on the floor laughing and I imagined her having two kids by then and carrying them one in each hand and then drop to the floor laughing when her babies are crying.

LOL what a funny sight! Okay then jiayin and I laughed like crazy and japhia thought of using jiayin's phone to take a video of I sang that ever-famous-created-by-Sandra Ali Baba song and jiayin erupted and so did I. See I can't hear her laughing. I would die. My stomach is still cramping now from all that laughing. Hahaha.

So anyway japh said she would post it on Youtube with the title "The two retards"..LOL! So yup oh yah and I ate cheese fries there even after my porridge in school. Haha yup then on my walk home I started laughing to myself when I thought about what happened. Everyone whom I walked past were like o.o-ing me. Haha so yea I think I'll stop here.

God bless & take care! Hahahah..XD

Monday, January 15, 2007


I added a few more links (3Humility) in that section.
I have Chemistry homework.
There's a Chinese test this Friday.
There's a Chemistry test on the 25th.
CCA Open House is over.
I found my lost clips.
There's PE tomorrow, yay! =D
We're planning to do a drama for English but apparently its been taken but Mr White thinks our idea is good and we may be able to proceed with it. But we have to like write a proposal and hand it in tomorrow? I don't know. Rah.
I think we have English homework and its a group work but no one in the group is really sure of what we have to do. >.<
Leg cramped now.
I can't watch TV cause my brother is watching cartoon VCDs..sigh. I'm really worried for him. He doesn't do his homework and pay attention in class. Why do I have such a brother. GAHHHHHH.
Okay mummy's back from work.
Grandma's telling her how mischevious he was.

I don't like this, okay God bless take care & bye.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Had a fall

...on the stairs. Lol the floor was slippery and I wasn't really concentrating la..but the funny thing is the pain only lasted for a second and then it was replaced by a fuzzy kind of its from God..=D Thanks Daddy (: Yea so my butt doesn't hurt already. Haha.

Okay dearie is bored now. Anyway..some dumb thing happened school shoes got stolen! Like, who would want to steal school shoes please. And its new..I just bought it last week..gah. So my mum had to buy it again..hmm and then my second toe hurts but it doesnt really hurt now..I hope it stays this way. (:

And..dearie said she's afraid of my big-time mood sorry girl. I'm not mad at you..its just..the dumb mood swings. Hahaha. Oh yah church was great. Pastor Pacer showed us a video..Evangelist Reinherd Bonkye's. I really like his sermon about the blood of Jesus.

"Even if you own a soap factory, you might still be dirty."

Lol yes, you got to apply it, same goes for His blood. Apply it. (: Okay that would be all I guess. So take care, smile always, love ya & God bless! :D

Friday, January 12, 2007

Giving it to Him

Well I had thought of writing a lot of stuff here just now but well, its over so let it go and give it to Daddy in Heaven (: Okay so here's an excerpt on what I wanted to write: Although there were not many books in my schoolbag, it felt so heavy "lugging" it an unexpected burden that was placed on me suddenly.

Okay ya but anyway Daddy doesn't want me to keep my burdens so here You go! =) Yea talk about happy things. Okay so what happened. I laughed a lot yesterday! Till my stomach ached. LOOOL cause of that jacky wu video on youtube. Yea cockroach's antenna broken. (as told by dearie) I just dont like you repeating the made me want to cry. Reall

Haha..yea so "that thing" was with me until the end of my school day..yes we did the chinese skit thing already. Though it wasn't done well, at least we tried ((: Hmm so I was moody after "that thing" happened and I couldn't tell anyone (except God) so anyway I'm fine now. Yay =)

I'm not angry at anyone. Wheeeeee.

Okay till next time, God bless take care & smile always. :)

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

2nd week of school

Okayy so knew our sciences' teachers yesterday..and during chemistry it was really hilarious cause dearie and I were like pressing the pipette filter to suck the HCl till it went all the way up into it! LOLOLOL. And then I was like afraid to press that side button to release it cause I thought the liquid would splash out on me then Lewis just did it and I was like "Oh it doesn't splash out, phew." Lol okay funny la.

Oh yes..Miss Loo's our SS teacher..whee (: Yah almost forgot..I'm in Mr White's class with DD, MM, JiaYin, Carine & Victoria! YAYYYY! LOL. Nothing much really happened yesterday so lets talk about today..Okay! Received Victoria's (I thought of calling her Tinky Winky, later about that) message early in the morning that she is sick and cannot make it for school so yah, took homework for her.

Hmm lets started out quite alright with Mr White droning on and on about World War II and how the territories changed and everything..then there was an assignment..have to do 3 literal & 3 infrential questions on the passage. Oh and then it was PE! WOAH! We took our height & weight first..grew 1cm and put on weight. Heheh. XD

After that we played line captain's ball! It was really fun, though it was drizzling it didn't put off I perspired. LOL..everytime I caught the ball I screamed. Hahaha hmm so in the end the other group won yea but everyone had a great time la..then went for recess blah blah..In maths Mr Tan gave us a question and Sheryl & I were like pondering over it again and again. Lol I was super happy I solved that question, so much that i screamed. Lol I'm a screaming freak. XD

Okay ya we have maths homework..lalalala. Oh yes. The tinky winky thing..Cause I feel like calling her Victoria all the time is super boring so perhaps its time for a change (; In bio we had to see the cells of an epidermic skin and hydrilla..I like the hydrilla one its so cute, the colours are like maple's. Hahaha..

Okay I think I'm ending here. Its nice reading archives. I just found out I used kekes once (or maybe twice). Lol beautiful menories. Kay, take care, God bless, smile always & bye! :D

Sunday, January 07, 2007


Yay I'm back from church. Lol but lets talk about camp first..

First day was alright..and only remembered that I forgot to bring my comb when I reached school and then everyone was like "Eh how come your bag so small"..Lol yea then chit chatted with dearie and Victoria..then Victoria said I looked like Dora the Explorer o.o Okay then umm when the bus came the first thing I saw was this man's face on it with his mouth wide opened and then dearie and I put our fists in for fun..

Okay so yea on the bus dearie and I sat together and talked about her random questions and the guys' answers..yea then the bus driver didn't know how to get to the destination so the sengkang/punggol people (sheryl & joey) went to help..and we reached finally..and then saw instructors got settled down blah blah and pitched our tent..

Then loads of cheers in the conference room which looks like the chapel basement to me..Lol..and learnt the "Everybody dance now" clap (My favourite!) :D Yea and Merlion clap macho clap sexy clap silent clap whatever clap..Lol..then well everything went by in a blur..Our instructors were [Art/Ard/Utt?] and Fahan..they were very fun people ((:

Okay I shall try to summarize the rest cause I'm getting naggy. Uh then we had rafting but it failed and everyone got school shoes got so wet it hadn't even dried yesterday..then we had "rock climbing" but it rained and was cancelled so I didn't do that activity. Then everything went by in a blur..had meals and stuff. The sleeping part was the most uhh..problematic one? Lol cause our (Victoria, dearie, jiayin, DD & me) tent was wet and then the water seeped into our sleeping bags as well and all our butts got wet too..and it was super noisy outside we couldn't sleep till like 3plus..and slept very little..Lol but yea it was alright..

The second day was like bonding day..did a lot of together stuffs that required us to work together so yea met loads of new people in 3H. :D Oh spectacles broke again so had to move around "blindly" but yup quite okay la. We had loads of activites..I forgot the I failed in one of them..then moehog walk (what's the spelling? mawhawk?) Lol but anyway we did it in 12mins plus..yay for kukus! XD

At first we were called the hodds (Humlity odds) [Our class was splited in the odds and evens] and the evens were kuku malu but then our name was changed so that we would be kuku malu together. Lol, cute huh? (x And I liked our campfire item..though we didn't do the real thing as smoothly as in our rehearsals but well at least we did it ((: oh and the high elements right..I cried when I came down cause don't know..still in shock I think. Funny thing is I didnt cry up there. Lol it was so scary lah. The rope kept shaking like crazy..

Lol yea anyway I love 3H. Hahaha. (:

Okay! Now for was..awesome. I love the P&W..When Pastor Pacer called all of us to go to the altar..I really felt God's presence..And we were singing "Open the floodgates of Heaven let it rain.." And God's presence was so holy I kept shaking and crying at first it was tears of sadness but then it became tears of joy..Yea God I love You =)) So yup that's about it..

Yay so God bless, take care & byee! =D


Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Listening to: 只对你有感觉 by Hebe & 飞轮海

Sigh. I don't know how come I'm feeling this way..Like I'm not a friend or something..I've thought of a new year resolution by the way..

To glorify God in all I do and spend more time with Him.

Its hard but God will help me..I believe this year will be a good one..Oh yah..and this new site..I'll be adding more things along the way. I like reading her blog..yea I do. I feel numb. Lol school's reopening tomorrow I guess it will be nice seeing everyone again..I don't understand why you did that. Ah whatever..Sigh.

The CSS here is plain and very ordinary. Sometimes I wish some people don't read my blog. I mean some people whom I know in real life..cause its like I'm totally different in front of you and in my blog. I'm me in my blog..Okay I'm crapping. I don't want you know everything I do..well. But anyway my blog isn't interesting so I don't have to worry about the rest..I think I'm feeling paranoid thinking that no one ever comes here and read my blog..even close friends don't patronise often..

I feel sick not physically..maybe mentally or something. I feel like I have a split personality..Which Sandra am I now? Can't I just have one personality? How come I don't show my feelings on my face like most people do? I do sometimes but no one really knows unless I tell them..Like people will think I'm okay seeing that I've no expression on my face now.. can i feel happy yet dejected at the same time? I don't get it. How come people care so much about you..even I do yet no one really cares about me..I'm not talking about family..oh well. Sometimes I don't even want to try anymore. Its tiring.

Okay this is a crappy post. Ignore me cause I think I'm just being emotional. God bless & take care =)

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy new year!

Helloooo & a very happy new year! Yesyes my computer has been repaired! Wheeeee! But its rather slow now...slower than before it was damaged..=( but least nothing has been lost.YAY! Thank God =DD

Hmm so I went to Uncle Peter's house just now..I still can't really believe I'm gonna be 15 this year. I mean I had my 14th birthday not long ago and I'm going to be 15! Woah! I have a lot of photos as said in my previous post..a lot of things happened last year..

Like learning more about myself and God =) And my friends..mmm. Starting and now moving on to a new subdomain..learning more about blogskins and stuff well a rather fruitful year I guess. (: And a maid change..well people do come and go. So..I've stayed in my grandma's house for such a long time..Wow. =)

I went to ECP & Kbox with the guys on the 27 or 28 of anyone? (x If you think the photos are too candid and don't want them here please tag or something to tell me..I'll remove it.

Free Image Hosting at

SJ & QH "mending" my puzzle present in ECP..

Free Image Hosting at

Si Jie choosing the songs in Kbox

Free Image Hosting at

DD & MM!! :D

Free Image Hosting at

Them singing..

Free Image Hosting at

QH & SH talking..they look hilarious!

Free Image Hosting at


Free Image Hosting at

QH and me..I believe that people will begin to look like one another if they are very close to each other..yes? Lol.

I also went to Malaysia, Johor on the 17th of December..I think I'll upload the rest of the photos some other time..The computer is like..lagging -.- Okay till here, God bless and bye!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


YAYYYYY I'm so excited!! I'm using my cousin's computer to update here, whee! XD My computer's hard disk is dead so sad huh? Okay anyway I have a lot to say. Pictures will be uploaded soon (I hope). (:

Firstly, happy belated birthday to myself! (8th of December) :D I ate pizza on my birthday hohoho and thanks for that party dearies organised! Not forgetting presents and all..OH AND MERRY BELATED CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! Happy Birthday, Jesus! :D Went for church service yesterday in the morning & it was packed by 9.30AM when the service started at 10! The drama presented was titled God's presents. It was really touching and poignant. (: God's greatest present is really His presence. =)

After that daddy came up from basement and we had Christmas lunch at Admiralty's MRT food court because 768 was way crowded. Lol..LALALALALA. I got a new bag for Christmas (Thanks, mummy!) (: Okay update more later, byeee and God bless! Oh and thanks for all the tags!! :DD

Thursday, November 23, 2006

New icon!


Let's try twit talk.

hArl0ws,,iie aDdEd a niiu iic0n iin de viisit0rr s3ctiion w0rxX,..iishh col0urrs 0f dde wiindd ehhx! wann 2 c? iee t3ll euu arhhx..euu c the siidebarz? cliick onn viisit0r..th3nn euu cliick iic0ns ndnd scr0llie d0wns..th3n can c le n0rrhs! =DDD ^_^ okiie? lurbE euu nehhx! we3t w33t!

Hahaha! Okay that's [~*sanndiies*~] the twit for you. Heheh. XD Okie so just follow her directions and you'll find the new icon I made! =D Its together with a blogskin but the blogskin in uncompleted >.< face="trebuchet ms" color="#993399">[~*sanndiies*~] has something to tell you..

buAiis! aii nii orhh~! ^^

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I had a dream...

I wanted to blogged about this first thing when I woke up but checked my email and went to Twitter because it had a smithmag contest and I intended to write something witty but nothing of that came to my mind. Sigh so I randomly clicked on anything in my Favourites list like I always do when I have nothing to do online but just then I remembered about Blogger and my dream so here I am. :)
Okay, I was in my primary school canteen for some unknown reason (why,
dreams are always weird and mysterious aren't they?) in my secondary
school uniform. I was holding a plate of rice in my left hand so I must have
bought it from one of the stalls before my dream started. Lol (I wonder, did my
soul travel to dreamland before my spirit went there? Hahaha) then I walked
around the whole canteen, looking for someone I know to sit with but no one was
there! Then I paced around again hoping to find someone to sit with and I saw Mdm Haq twice walking around too. I tried to avoid her and continued walking and finally saw Hui Qing walking to a table alone! I was so relieved. Lol then I quickened my pace and asked her if I could sit there too and she said yup..and then all of a sudden we were in the swimming pool (in the canteen!) and Hui Qing asked me something but I forgot what I was in Chinese..she asked me why I continue crying when somebody questioned me..yea something like that. Lol and there was quite a few people in the swimming pool too. The funny thing was we were still in our school uniforms. LOL. Okay there was Ms/Mrs (Last year's PE teacher) and KJ, Josephine, Huiqing and me and one or two other guys..Hahahaaa. And we were all talking, including the teacher, happily like we've known each other for a thousand years. Then suddenly the teacher drowned and her blue kneecaps (O.O) came off (O__O!) But she was still smiling and even laughing. LOOL. Just then someone from the canteen used the loudhailer (spelling?) to say something from afar so I didn't hear it very clearly and then I woke up.

Hhahah and I was struggling when I woke up! Isn't that funny. I don't know why but I keep having dreams these few days. Past dreams that I dreamt the last few days (that I can remember) included the birthday and fruits one in which I was vomitting when I woke up. -.-

Lol okay till here, take care, smile always & God bless! =D