This world is a great sculptor's shop. We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cool words :)

(Got all these from Play while doing a good deed! Plus you can kill time and learn new vocabulary..nothing to lose! Go click on the link! HELP FIGHT WORLD HUNGER! =D P.S.: If you don't have Facebook, go to :))

Who would have thought of it? A synonym for beggar! "Mendicant" huh :D

What about the place you reside in..your house..home..residence..dwelling place..what else..? Domicile! Haha nothing to do with docile at all. XD

Some more:
Convalesce: Recuperate; recover

Hyperpyrexia: High fever

Diffident: Lack of self-confidence

Sartorial: adj. Of or relating to the tailoring of clothing (Hahaha and I thought it would be mean something very profound)

Elegiac: adj. Expressing sorrow or lamentation. (HAHA the next time you see someone emoing, you know what to say XD)

Moot: Controversial; arguable: open to argument or debate; "that is a moot question" (LOLOLOL!)

Maffle: Stammer; stutter (no link to waffle though they look so similar haha

Supramundane: Super-mundane = Extraordinary! Haha it means "Being or situated above the world or above our system; celestial." God is supramundane and benignant!! :D

Cipher: v. To calculate arithmetically. (also a noun meaning zero or nothing)

Dun: v. To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment.
(Haha the job of loansharks is to dun..! So we have din and dun..two negative brothers..hmm..when loansharks dun, they make a din!)

Veracious: Truthful, honest

Contingent: adj. Not predictable.

Macadamize: v. To cover or pave, as a path or roadway, with small broken stone. (Haha and I thought it was related to macadamia)

Sobriquet: n. A nickname. (Haha what's your sobriquet? :))

Apogee: Climax

Urbanity: n. Refined or elegant courtesy.

Facetious: adj. Amusing; Not meant to be taken seriously or literally

Stentorian: adj. Extremely loud.

Manumission: n. Emancipation.

Passible: adj. Capable of feeling of suffering.

Parturition: v. The act of giving birth.

Corpulent: adj. Obese.

Defenestrate: v. To throw through or out of a window. (HAHA THERE'S A WORD FOR THIS ACTION..My brother used to love it when he was very young! XD)

Imperturbable: adj. Calm.

Van: n. First position in the line of battle.

Aliment: n. That which nourishes. (Hahaha get some aliment if you have an ailment)

Peccant: adj. Guilty.

Captious: adj. Hypercritical.

Contuse: v. To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin.

Peripatetic: adj. Walking about.

Affront: n. An open insult or indignity.

Cupidity: n. Avarice.

Paroxysm: n. A sudden outburst of any kind of activity; a sudden uncontrollable attack; "a paroxysm of giggling"; "a fit of coughing"; "convulsions of laughter"(REALLY COOL SPELLING!)

Ignominious: adj. Shameful.

Supine: adj. Lying on the back.

Dissolute: adj. Lewd.

Invective: n. An utterance intended to cast censure, or reproach, vituperative (=O Cursing invectives!)

Histrionics: n. Display of emotions (Niceee :))

Declamatory: adj. A full and formal style of utterance. (Haha in other words, chim, bombastic..etc XD)

Alluvion: n. Flood.

Abject: adj. Sunk to a low condition;
  • showing utter resignation or hopelessness; "abject surrender"
  • showing humiliation or submissiveness; "an abject apology"
Puissant: adj. Possessing strength. (HAHAA I find the pronunciation funny)

Ennui: n. Weariness, boredom. (NICE HAHA I'm gonna use it)

Inveigle: v. To win over by wiles or flattery.

Treacherous: adj. Perfidious.

Manumit: v. To set free from bondage.

Fatuity: n. Silly or pointless.

Panglossian: adj. Blindly, or naively, optimistic.

Corybantic: adj. Frenzied; agitated; unrestrained.

Sinuous: Intricate, complex

Okay that's enough for now..God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :)

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