(My tiffany is in the 2nd photo! The beige bear :D The other one's my sister's panda hahah)
At Sumo House
(Saman's earring looks like a Christmas tree ornament hahah :D)
1. Breaded scallop and the freebie..didnt eat those two cause all of us were too full haaha.
2. Peeking into the life of Miso Soup.
Woohoo the Sunkist people!
At ThisFashion
3. Guess who the hand belongs to! Hhaha
In AMKHub, resting near the waterfall after windowshopping.
Hoho this one. Saman splashed water on me but thank God I didnt get all wet. Hahah. Just look at her smile after that evil deed HAHA.
Back at home
Family put these decorations up..LOL. Thank you people! :))
And my favourite home-cooked food! :D
Yay :)
Rest of the photos are with Rie and JY :):) God bless! :)
Okay finally an update of the past events :)
(HelloKitty Musical while waiting for JY and Saman) Watched Bolt..I LOVE BOLT! Then we took really long before deciding to go to Vivo..I so wanted to try clothes there! Haha next time! Oh and I took a photo with the pretty Christmas tree..love! I'm not going to try uploading it again cause the past few times I did, I almost puked. Something is seriously wrong with the USB cable or something.
ANYWAYYY..WOOHOO I GOT TO PLAY WII! At my uncle's house la. Its the coolest! LOL one of my cousins played the racing game and he was so fast he looked like he was having a stroke or something HAHAHA. XiaoShen and I laughed like mad LOL.
Okay next. Went to the FLYYYYERRRRR with family and relatives..In my opinion its rather boring..plus we took the long route there -.- But never mind! At least I got to experience it :D
Okie thats all God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3
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