I went to Malacca with my family in early September cause JW and Shirleen were having their school holidays then!
This was taken in our very comfy hotel room!! =D Haha the hotel is seriously, in my opinion, one of the best parts of the trip!! =D
And I've been reading devo (as mentioned in my previous post! =D)
Yay praise God!! =D For dealing with the lazyworm in me hahaha!
Haha I also cleaned my room woohoo!! Hahaha mummy kept nagging at me before that and I finally did it so yayyyyy was so happyyy hahaha she finally can't complain that the floor of the room looks so dirty! Hehehe =D I really brushed the corners of the room repeatedly till there were no more brown dust!! Hahaha and yea I brushed not sweep!! And I cleaned the fan as well! =D
Hmm yup and I went to CPS to put my name down in the list last Thursday! Really hoping they would call me soon and I got a feeling they would! At the end of this month! So I'm looking forward to that!! =D
Went for a run (finally! Haha omgosh just checked! The last time I ran was on 10th Aug!!) with JY yesterday after some shopping! =D Really really amazed that God gave me enough strength to break my record and achieve my long-time target of running 13 rounds!! My goodness haha I didn't run continuously! Ran in sets of 3 at first! So it was 3, 3, 3, 2, 2! And I still had the energy to sprint at the end of the last few sets!! Crazy right I think so too!! Lol having muscle aches all over today like mummy predicted haha but it's okay! Today is rest day! Haha =D

Reminds me of the double helix! Hahaha taken outside the stadium! =D
Then we went to a nearby coffeeshop to eat our dinner and talk! =D

I had wanton mee..for only $2.50!! Haha really value for money! =D
And I've been taking care of my hamster..
Hahaha and I've been going to CDAC on Saturdays! =D and to church on Sundays as usual! =D really hope the P6 kids in CDAC do well for their upcoming PSLE!! Haha

This was taken on the 30th of July! =D These are the kids I see almost every Saturday..haha the ones who make me run up and down just to catch them and make them do work, the ones who make me feel so tired after every CDAC session, the ones who make me laugh because of their funny antics, the ones I can talk to like friends and feel comfortable with! Hahaha I wouldn't have it any other way..except maybe if they are more obedient?? Hahaha but it's okay still love all of them! =D
Oh yea it may be hard but it's so fulfilling! When you see them improving not just in their results but as a person! =D Haha I received my very first teacher's day present from one of them! =D And just today one of them told me over FB chat "thank you for helping me (in) my english and maths" haha aww so nice right haha I saved a screenshot of that convo for remembrance sake! =D
Hahaha I realise that I ramble on and on when I talk about the kids! Haha so much for letting pictures do the talking! Hahaha anyway I just wanna say I wish I could help more of them! Cause during last Saturday's session, due to the lack of mentors, I was the only mentor in the group! Out of the 6 mentees who came, I only managed to teach 4 of them! And because I taught 4 of them, the quantity of test papers each of them did was only 1 or 2! I like to go for both quantity and quality when I teach haha so yea wished I could have done more! But thank God that this Saturday's session will be better cause at least one more mentor will be present! =D
Haha yup guess that's all I wanna say! Oh and it's kind of tiring to upload photos to Blogger cause they appear at the top of the post every time I upload a new photo and I have to shift them down one by one haha okay God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =D
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