another one from MSN Spaces...
what do i see? darkness? people like to say, at the end of the tunnel..its the light..and some make a joke out of it...its the train, duh...
just realised tt what i said was a bit chim...what was i trying to say anyway...
err...thinking too much lah...
want to see my signature? i host it on photobucket...havent been there for so long...hai...why cant we just take sm tym 2 lie back and think for a bit. just a bit will do. haiya...think too much again..but doesnt it make sense?
anyway, here's the can see the other pics i use for my signatures..the credit goes to StealthEagle...she designed all of them for me...=)
This world is a great sculptor's shop.
We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
my space on MSN
this is taken from my other blog...
" watching charlie and the chocolate factory later...4 some reason, i dont feel any enthusiasm in me. read 'the lost boy' by dave pelzer yest. i finished it in a, huh? he's so pathetic but STRONG.yea..and then i also read 'sixth grade secrets' by louis sachar.
avid reader? yes.
and i'm reading 'even more like annabel' currently by alan davidson. finished part 1. will con't later. gog 2 eat my LUNCH--maggi mee, now. time is 2.09PM. clocked. one more book untouched: ballet shoes by noel strearfeild. gna read tt soon. anyway, i have not taken my shower yet. gna do tt later too. having chi tuition at 5.30 later. movie starting at 2.45. gog sun plaza 2 watch. watching tv at 7. hong yi shou ji. nice shows. previously, shows tt i watched were: bo ming lao gong zhui lao po...jiu wu zhi zun..tan pan chuan jia...and im also watching JUEduiSUPERSTAR. junyang's out...sad...but i dun feel prejudiced against weilian. everyone shud b given an equal chance. kelly's in..yay...actually i was half expecting xinhui 2 get in cos of her gd performance, nevertheless, she lost but she was very tears dropped. instead, kelly was the one who was crying...
jus wanna say: KELLY...U CAN DO IT! =)
chatting wif eugene gg...he din reply...guess he is bz...opps...he replied..x) told him 2 chg his DP...haha...
anyway, my other blog is: i will upload dis post there as
God bless u! =D"
avid reader? yes.
and i'm reading 'even more like annabel' currently by alan davidson. finished part 1. will con't later. gog 2 eat my LUNCH--maggi mee, now. time is 2.09PM. clocked. one more book untouched: ballet shoes by noel strearfeild. gna read tt soon. anyway, i have not taken my shower yet. gna do tt later too. having chi tuition at 5.30 later. movie starting at 2.45. gog sun plaza 2 watch. watching tv at 7. hong yi shou ji. nice shows. previously, shows tt i watched were: bo ming lao gong zhui lao po...jiu wu zhi zun..tan pan chuan jia...and im also watching JUEduiSUPERSTAR. junyang's out...sad...but i dun feel prejudiced against weilian. everyone shud b given an equal chance. kelly's in..yay...actually i was half expecting xinhui 2 get in cos of her gd performance, nevertheless, she lost but she was very tears dropped. instead, kelly was the one who was crying...
jus wanna say: KELLY...U CAN DO IT! =)
chatting wif eugene gg...he din reply...guess he is bz...opps...he replied..x) told him 2 chg his DP...haha...
anyway, my other blog is: i will upload dis post there as
God bless u! =D"
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
hey ppl,
b4 i start on my post, i wish to tell God: Thanks for giving me friends. =D
kk, btw, im at the sch library. i cant use the net at gm's hse liao..i've already been on the net for 6+1 days. =/ only can use 3 days per wk leh..yest i used for 4 one xtra day cos chenxi asked me to look 4 info abt orphans for our PW proj. so i told my mum that i'll pay for the extra day.
it costs $2.50.
using starhub flexisurf2500 or is it 2000? oh whatever..anyway, just now 2 of my frens created their very own blogs too! vic n jos has joined in the bloggers community! yay! anyway, i'll put up their blog links 4 everyone 2 take a look later (one i finish this post). we made some funny pranks on vic's blog jus nw which we hv laughed gonna update da links n GBU! ;-)
b4 i start on my post, i wish to tell God: Thanks for giving me friends. =D
kk, btw, im at the sch library. i cant use the net at gm's hse liao..i've already been on the net for 6+1 days. =/ only can use 3 days per wk leh..yest i used for 4 one xtra day cos chenxi asked me to look 4 info abt orphans for our PW proj. so i told my mum that i'll pay for the extra day.
it costs $2.50.
using starhub flexisurf2500 or is it 2000? oh whatever..anyway, just now 2 of my frens created their very own blogs too! vic n jos has joined in the bloggers community! yay! anyway, i'll put up their blog links 4 everyone 2 take a look later (one i finish this post). we made some funny pranks on vic's blog jus nw which we hv laughed gonna update da links n GBU! ;-)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Saturday, August 06, 2005
not again... just wont believe it..i din get to go again today! SO SO SO SO terribly disappointing...okay...tell u de truth..i cried...cos i tot why God...why? why din u want me to get in? God, why? i was like thinking n asking God at the same time. same things happened. i was so close yet so far. i was that close. SO SAD. tmr still need to go spdlite n so sad. tmr surely bro pacer or who will ask hu went 4 the FOP...hai...i still dun understand, even though i've stopped. hai...hai...sighing...
oh God...
I've detached from the world. God, i know i've not finished. But i just know that im not attached to it anymore. Not really attached. Ever since i've been your child, i've learnt so many wonderful things about You. And you always give me privileges. Thank You God for loving me. You know I went to the FOP yesterday....Let me share..
After school, i walked with sheryl to the mrt. i Knew she was meeting her cgl for lunch b4 the FOP. okay, that was so lame. then, i actually went back to my grandma's house 1st. I was preparing and all, packing a digital camera, my Bible, a book to read in case i feel bored on the train, an umbrella (just in case...), my pencil case with lotsa pens inside and my wallet. That was all. In it went into the orangy bag. The one i brought to cg last wk. And then i left the house around 4.15pm But my grandmother was like asking me where im gog and i din noe how to put it across to her in TEOCHEW. so i simply said that i was going to meet some friends. and by the time i finished toking to her, it was like 4.25pm. I rushed out of the house.
Okay, so happily n excitedly (hurriedly too) , i walked to mrt which was just 5mins away from da hse. I was in a t-shirt and my SCHOOL skirt still. LOL. So i went to the Marina Bay side..knowing i had to interchg at City Hall, i took out the book, 'A man named Dave' and began to read..i was surprised to note that in his book, he said God hated him! Well, but anyway i continued reading it. I believe that God loves everyone. But well, people, just misunderstand things.
Okay. the mrt came. i apparently..erm jumped in. Lol. there was a place for me to stand. Glad that the train was not crowded. =) And then, i read n read n read and after 30mins or so...i was finally @ the interchg. Angeline called me, and than i knew what was gog 2 happened. My phone went DEAD FLAT. shucks. I onned my hp again, and managed to msged angeline. Iknew she was going to ask me where i was at that hr.And she replied wioth an 'Ok:)' This is so usual of her. LOL. and den the train came. it was gna be another 3 stations to KALLANG. so i kept my book in my bag and waited with anticipation. Boy, it was crowded i tell u. Everyone were pressing again each other like we were a pack of sardines! Oh well, typical singaporeans. Things turn for a chg at Bugis station. I was happy that i could finally have some space to breathe with no one behind me or in front of me as most of the crowd had left at Bugis. So 1 down, 2 more to go. Finally! KALLANG! wow! everyone practically ran out and down the stairs. Taking out my wallet, i hurried and tried calling Angeline. Thanks to God, the phone did not die at that CRITICAL moment. I was so blur. Angeline was just at the right side of me and i din even noe. Lol. So after that, we popped in her dad's car with adonica and i began reading again. We were going to the SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM! in the car, angeline was like saying a lot of mushy stuff 2 her dad. I knew what she was getting at. We reached. YAY! but oh no...i felt i had pain in my stomach. shucks. hadnt eaten lunch. i was HUNGEY. i had gastric. oh no. i prayed against it n told God, it musnt be today God. Not today! I went to the toilet (the movable type) i felt better after that. sat down on the edge of the pavement. God healed me. Thanks God. ;)
The queue was so long, it was made U-turn and curvy and whatever and then angeline managed to 'tenh' her fren we gt into the queue. Pathetic. So bad hors? and den, adonica wanted to leave. Angeline persuaded her to stay but in the end she left. Hiax, wasted. After the left the queue started moving and soon, we were at overhead bridge already. Than when the barrier wqas taken away, meaning we could get in, evryone RAN! yo, it was that exciting.Than angeline asked y evryone was running and i simply said, WE ARE RUNNING FOR GOD! and then she said, GOd Chasers. Haha. Alrite, we went in n i was like" cool...aircon sumore.' we sat down at row 15. amazing! i told angeline that it was the best place to sit. We gt a FOP bkmak and den angeline told me we had to get out. I was like:'why?' den i told angeline to ask the person sitting nx to us to look after our bags. He agreed.
the security guard told angline that once we get out, we'll hv 2 queue again. Den i didnt feel like gog out. But angeline insisted. so out we went to get our fd. Both our hp batt was flat, so we had to borrow. Hai...titus was at the east. we were at the north. so we ran all the way and saw titus. he gave us the fd bought frm mac. we ate. and queue. angeline worried that our bags will be taken away. i assured her tt it wont. the man will look after for us. a series of events happened. de 3 of us queued. When we were so close to getting in oredi, the sky turned black, a few gers in front sang and we sang too. BUT..we waited until 7.40pm and the doors were still not opened. PnW started liao. i was a bit discouraged until...the ppl told us that..
The stadium was full! i was disappointed. i asked angeline," our bags r still inside. surely they will let us in?" then angeline said...wt abt titus? i said there was a spare seat beside us. we can giv it to him...and so she went in. Our bags were stilll at our seats! She said, carrying oout bags with her. Where's my bottle? its still inside! there was no way to get it bck nw. she said. we left. i said why cant we go in nw? den she said. u shud hv comed in with me together jus now. hiax. i was so so disappointed tho i din showed it. the gorgor and jie jie asked me if i was okay. i sAID im alrite. i had just NTS...then we boarded a bus. To orchard. we found out thAT THE BUS alighted at nx sattion..Jln Tiga??? we were lost. i asked them where r we??? they had no idea too. so we went into a taxi. i took out my camera..took the night to suntec...
took ltsa pics and than my psirits lifted up. i drank iced lemon tea. at cross talk. a christain cafe. den i say a poster that said..if i gave u something today n u missed it, i'll made another one 4 u tmr. i was touched. i duno if God was telling me to go again tmr. i din noe. i just duno. i told God. but its a very long journey u know...and den i tot..maybe God will give me smth better tmr? but i knew it'll b the same..just that i'll be gog myself lor. so i dished out da tot. titus said his cg was gog tmr but i siad. no pt. i duno ur cgm. we went to a foodcourt next to finish our drinks. titus was he bought fd. he was hving a cough n den we chit-chatted a lot..den we walked 1 round at suntec and we left our seperate ways. Titus n i boarded the same train. I took out my book again. ANd read. then at yishun station, i found a place to sit. so i sat n read. next station im alighting i tot. so i said'byebye' to titus den gt off. he was aliting at marsiling. n den i wlked bck. i saw mum n mei there. surprised. n we went bck tgt. told her evt. n den....blah..i wacthed tv..oh wadeva...goodnight.
After school, i walked with sheryl to the mrt. i Knew she was meeting her cgl for lunch b4 the FOP. okay, that was so lame. then, i actually went back to my grandma's house 1st. I was preparing and all, packing a digital camera, my Bible, a book to read in case i feel bored on the train, an umbrella (just in case...), my pencil case with lotsa pens inside and my wallet. That was all. In it went into the orangy bag. The one i brought to cg last wk. And then i left the house around 4.15pm But my grandmother was like asking me where im gog and i din noe how to put it across to her in TEOCHEW. so i simply said that i was going to meet some friends. and by the time i finished toking to her, it was like 4.25pm. I rushed out of the house.
Okay, so happily n excitedly (hurriedly too) , i walked to mrt which was just 5mins away from da hse. I was in a t-shirt and my SCHOOL skirt still. LOL. So i went to the Marina Bay side..knowing i had to interchg at City Hall, i took out the book, 'A man named Dave' and began to read..i was surprised to note that in his book, he said God hated him! Well, but anyway i continued reading it. I believe that God loves everyone. But well, people, just misunderstand things.
Okay. the mrt came. i apparently..erm jumped in. Lol. there was a place for me to stand. Glad that the train was not crowded. =) And then, i read n read n read and after 30mins or so...i was finally @ the interchg. Angeline called me, and than i knew what was gog 2 happened. My phone went DEAD FLAT. shucks. I onned my hp again, and managed to msged angeline. Iknew she was going to ask me where i was at that hr.And she replied wioth an 'Ok:)' This is so usual of her. LOL. and den the train came. it was gna be another 3 stations to KALLANG. so i kept my book in my bag and waited with anticipation. Boy, it was crowded i tell u. Everyone were pressing again each other like we were a pack of sardines! Oh well, typical singaporeans. Things turn for a chg at Bugis station. I was happy that i could finally have some space to breathe with no one behind me or in front of me as most of the crowd had left at Bugis. So 1 down, 2 more to go. Finally! KALLANG! wow! everyone practically ran out and down the stairs. Taking out my wallet, i hurried and tried calling Angeline. Thanks to God, the phone did not die at that CRITICAL moment. I was so blur. Angeline was just at the right side of me and i din even noe. Lol. So after that, we popped in her dad's car with adonica and i began reading again. We were going to the SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM! in the car, angeline was like saying a lot of mushy stuff 2 her dad. I knew what she was getting at. We reached. YAY! but oh no...i felt i had pain in my stomach. shucks. hadnt eaten lunch. i was HUNGEY. i had gastric. oh no. i prayed against it n told God, it musnt be today God. Not today! I went to the toilet (the movable type) i felt better after that. sat down on the edge of the pavement. God healed me. Thanks God. ;)
The queue was so long, it was made U-turn and curvy and whatever and then angeline managed to 'tenh' her fren we gt into the queue. Pathetic. So bad hors? and den, adonica wanted to leave. Angeline persuaded her to stay but in the end she left. Hiax, wasted. After the left the queue started moving and soon, we were at overhead bridge already. Than when the barrier wqas taken away, meaning we could get in, evryone RAN! yo, it was that exciting.Than angeline asked y evryone was running and i simply said, WE ARE RUNNING FOR GOD! and then she said, GOd Chasers. Haha. Alrite, we went in n i was like" cool...aircon sumore.' we sat down at row 15. amazing! i told angeline that it was the best place to sit. We gt a FOP bkmak and den angeline told me we had to get out. I was like:'why?' den i told angeline to ask the person sitting nx to us to look after our bags. He agreed.
the security guard told angline that once we get out, we'll hv 2 queue again. Den i didnt feel like gog out. But angeline insisted. so out we went to get our fd. Both our hp batt was flat, so we had to borrow. Hai...titus was at the east. we were at the north. so we ran all the way and saw titus. he gave us the fd bought frm mac. we ate. and queue. angeline worried that our bags will be taken away. i assured her tt it wont. the man will look after for us. a series of events happened. de 3 of us queued. When we were so close to getting in oredi, the sky turned black, a few gers in front sang and we sang too. BUT..we waited until 7.40pm and the doors were still not opened. PnW started liao. i was a bit discouraged until...the ppl told us that..
The stadium was full! i was disappointed. i asked angeline," our bags r still inside. surely they will let us in?" then angeline said...wt abt titus? i said there was a spare seat beside us. we can giv it to him...and so she went in. Our bags were stilll at our seats! She said, carrying oout bags with her. Where's my bottle? its still inside! there was no way to get it bck nw. she said. we left. i said why cant we go in nw? den she said. u shud hv comed in with me together jus now. hiax. i was so so disappointed tho i din showed it. the gorgor and jie jie asked me if i was okay. i sAID im alrite. i had just NTS...then we boarded a bus. To orchard. we found out thAT THE BUS alighted at nx sattion..Jln Tiga??? we were lost. i asked them where r we??? they had no idea too. so we went into a taxi. i took out my camera..took the night to suntec...
took ltsa pics and than my psirits lifted up. i drank iced lemon tea. at cross talk. a christain cafe. den i say a poster that said..if i gave u something today n u missed it, i'll made another one 4 u tmr. i was touched. i duno if God was telling me to go again tmr. i din noe. i just duno. i told God. but its a very long journey u know...and den i tot..maybe God will give me smth better tmr? but i knew it'll b the same..just that i'll be gog myself lor. so i dished out da tot. titus said his cg was gog tmr but i siad. no pt. i duno ur cgm. we went to a foodcourt next to finish our drinks. titus was he bought fd. he was hving a cough n den we chit-chatted a lot..den we walked 1 round at suntec and we left our seperate ways. Titus n i boarded the same train. I took out my book again. ANd read. then at yishun station, i found a place to sit. so i sat n read. next station im alighting i tot. so i said'byebye' to titus den gt off. he was aliting at marsiling. n den i wlked bck. i saw mum n mei there. surprised. n we went bck tgt. told her evt. n den....blah..i wacthed tv..oh wadeva...goodnight.
Friday, August 05, 2005
After school, i walked with sheryl to the mrt. i Knew she was meeting her cgl for lunch b4 the FOP. okay, that was so lame. then, i actually went back to my grandma's house 1st. I was preparing and all, packing a digital camera, my Bible, a book to read in case i feel bored on the train, an umbrella (just in case...), my pencil case with lotsa pens inside and my wallet. That was all. In it went into the orangy bag. The one i brought to cg last wk. And then i left the house around 4.15pm But my grandmother was like asking me where im gog and i din noe how to put it across to her in TEOCHEW. so i simply said that i was going to meet some friends. and by the time i finished toking to her, it was like 4.25pm. I rushed out of the house.Okay, so happily n excitedly (hurriedly too) , i walked to mrt which was just 5mins away from da hse. I was in a t-shirt and my SCHOOL skirt still. LOL. So i went to the Marina Bay side..knowing i had to interchg at City Hall, i took out the book, 'A man named Dave' and began to read..i was surprised to note that in his book, he said God hated him! Well, but anyway i continued reading it. I believe that God loves everyone. But well, people, just misunderstand things.Okay. the mrt came. i apparently..erm jumped in. Lol. there was a place for me to stand. Glad that the train was not crowded. =) And then, i read n read n read and after 30mins or so...i was finally @ the interchg. Angeline called me, and than i knew what was gog 2 happened. My phone went DEAD FLAT. shucks. I onned my hp again, and managed to msged angeline. Iknew she was going to ask me where i was at that hr.And she replied wioth an 'Ok:)' This is so usual of her. LOL. and den the train came. it was gna be another 3 stations to KALLANG. so i kept my book in my bag and waited with anticipation. Boy, it was crowded i tell u. Everyone were pressing again each other like we were a pack of sardines! Oh well, typical singaporeans. Things turn for a chg at Bugis station. I was happy that i could finally have some space to breathe with no one behind me or in front of me as most of the crowd had left at Bugis. So 1 down, 2 more to go. Finally! KALLANG! wow! everyone practically ran out and down the stairs. Taking out my wallet, i hurried and tried calling Angeline. Thanks to God, the phone did not die at that CRITICAL moment. I was so blur. Angeline was just at the right side of me and i din even noe. Lol. So after that, we popped in her dad's car with adonica and i began reading again. We were going to the SINGAPORE INDOOR STADIUM! in the car, angeline was like saying a lot of mushy stuff 2 her dad. I knew what she was getting at. We reached. YAY! but oh no...i felt i had pain in my stomach. shucks. hadnt eaten lunch. i was HUNGEY. i had gastric. oh no. i prayed against it n told God, it musnt be today God. Not today! I went to the toilet (the movable type) i felt better after that. sat down on the edge of the pavement. God healed me. Thanks God. ;)The queue was so long, it was made U-turn and curvy and whatever and then angeline managed to 'tenh' her fren we gt into the queue. Pathetic. So bad hors? and den, adonica wanted to leave. Angeline persuaded her to stay but in the end she left. Hiax, wasted. After the left the queue started moving and soon, we were at overhead bridge already. Than when the barrier wqas taken away, meaning we could get in, evryone RAN! yo, it was that exciting.Than angeline asked y evryone was running and i simply said, WE ARE RUNNING FOR GOD! and then she said, GOd Chasers. Haha. Alrite, we went in n i was like" cool...aircon sumore.' we sat down at row 15. amazing! i told angeline that it was the best place to sit. We gt a FOP bkmak and den angeline told me we had to get out. I was like:'why?' den i told angeline to ask the person sitting nx to us to look after our bags. He agreed.the security guard told angline that once we get out, we'll hv 2 queue again. Den i didnt feel like gog out. But angeline insisted. so out we went to get our fd. Both our hp batt was flat, so we had to borrow. Hai...titus was at the east. we were at the north. so we ran all the way and saw titus. he gave us the fd bought frm mac. we ate. and queue. angeline worried that our bags will be taken away. i assured her tt it wont. the man will look after for us. a series of events happened. de 3 of us queued. When we were so close to getting in oredi, the sky turned black, a few gers in front sang and we sang too. BUT..we waited until 7.40pm and the doors were still not opened. PnW started liao. i was a bit discouraged until...the ppl told us that..The stadium was full! i was disappointed. i asked angeline," our bags r still inside. surely they will let us in?" then angeline said...wt abt titus? i said there was a spare seat beside us. we can giv it to him...and so she went in. Our bags were stilll at our seats! She said, carrying oout bags with her. Where's my bottle? its still inside! there was no way to get it bck nw. she said. we left. i said why cant we go in nw? den she said. u shud hv comed in with me together jus now. hiax. i was so so disappointed tho i din showed it. the gorgor and jie jie asked me if i was okay. i sAID im alrite. i had just NTS...then we boarded a bus. To orchard. we found out thAT THE BUS alighted at nx sattion..Jln Tiga??? we were lost. i asked them where r we??? they had no idea too. so we went into a taxi. i took out my camera..took the night to suntec...took ltsa pics and than my psirits lifted up. i drank iced lemon tea. at cross talk. a christain cafe. den i say a poster that said..if i gave u something today n u missed it, i'll made another one 4 u tmr. i was touched. i duno if God was telling me to go again tmr. i din noe. i just duno. i told God. but its a very long journey u know...and den i tot..maybe God will give me smth better tmr? but i knew it'll b the same..just that i'll be gog myself lor. so i dished out da tot. titus said his cg was gog tmr but i siad. no pt. i duno ur cgm. we went to a foodcourt next to finish our drinks. titus was he bought fd. he was hving a cough n den we chit-chatted a lot..den we walked 1 round at suntec and we left our seperate ways. Titus n i boarded the same train. I took out my book again. ANd read. then at yishun station, i found a place to sit. so i sat n read. next station im alighting i tot. so i said'byebye' to titus den gt off. he was aliting at marsiling. n den i wlked bck. i saw mum n mei there. surprised. n we went bck tgt. told her evt. n den....blah..i wacthed tv..oh wadeva...goodnight.
btw, some photos i took at suntec...

Angeline (took when queuing up) just look at how excited she was...LOL

And this is taken in the taxi...see, she doesnt look as radiant already...

Me in the taxi...LOL

us..acting cute? LOL...

We asked a stranger to take this pic 4 us...angeline, me n titus..haha

=) Me again!

Har! Look at angeline's eyes..she's gone bonkers..LOL...

This is Titus with his "Dont do that!" look..LOL

Isnt this gross? Angeline bended her index finger!

Isnt thsi beautiful? i took this while the rain was coming toward huh?
btw, some photos i took at suntec...

Angeline (took when queuing up) just look at how excited she was...LOL
And this is taken in the taxi...see, she doesnt look as radiant already...
Me in the taxi...LOL
us..acting cute? LOL...
We asked a stranger to take this pic 4 us...angeline, me n titus..haha
=) Me again!

Har! Look at angeline's eyes..she's gone bonkers..LOL...

This is Titus with his "Dont do that!" look..LOL

Isnt this gross? Angeline bended her index finger!
Isnt thsi beautiful? i took this while the rain was coming toward huh?
gog FOP
FOP, FOP! Yay! i'm going! R u? come n glorify God and enjoy yourself there! meeting angeline at 5pm later @ kallang mrt...=)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
its coming! come, let's get excited abt it! let's get geared up to worship God with our bros n sis! I'm going! And i hope u r too! Come, now is the time to worship! God, we are coming! See You there! =)
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