It's so crazy to think that just 11 weeks back they were so tiny..hahaha i still remember how I checked on them so often that I thought the mum would probably be really annoyed with me so I prayed very hard that she wouldn't eat any of them hahaha and thank God for answering prayers!! The first prayer I prayed when I got them was that all of them would stay alive hahaha the first 2 weeks was fine - except that I'd spend so much time looking at them that I wouldn't do anything at all lol and things got pretty stressful after the 3 week mark cause that's when they started squabbling and I saw the mother fighting with her kids!! So I found my old cage, took out the babies that I saw being attacked by their mum but omgoodness tried so many different combinations of hamsters but ended up having to separate all the children from their mother hahaha i think their mum was sick of them asking for milk all the time and probably cause the cage was too small so it could have been a territorial problem since the hamsters were growing bigger and needed their own space!
And I've never ever read up so much on hamsters in my life until that period of time lol and now I know what I did wrong with my previous ones!! Poor things had cages which were way too small for them!! Lol at one point I thought, I'm reading more about hamsters than my own schoolwork!! Lol really crazy. I was also so paranoid that I didn't get their genders right and they would breed again. And when one of my females looked really big compared to the rest I was so worried that she was pregnant lol but after waiting out the gestation period, there were no babies so I concluded that she's just really chubby hahaha
Hamster woes:
I have 5 hamsters at home now and the only reason I have them is cause my dad's friend decided not to take care of them after the mother hamster gave birth so my dad brought all of them to me in a container. Sigh looking for new homes cause the babies are getting bigger and can't stay in a small cage anymore. Plus I feel the need to play with them after 12am cause that's the time they are awake. Plus hamster bedding and food is expensive and cleaning so many cages every 2 weeks is tiring so I really really need someone to take them :(
Another reason I don't wanna keep any of them is cause based on past experiences I'd feel super horrible when my hamster dies. I took 2 weeks to get over the death of my last one :( and I get super worried whenever I notice anything wrong with it. Cannot imagine this feeling multiplied by 5. Just kill me already if it happens. Haha
Update: managed to give another 2 away so I was left with just 3 after that..but sadly one of them (my favourite one) went missing recently..sigh I pray it's in a better place now!!
This world is a great sculptor's shop.
We are the statues and there is rumour going round the shop that some of us are some day going to come to life. =D - C.S. Lewis
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Perhaps..Valentine's, Christmas..days where people are generally happier and you can really feel a lighter atmosphere in the air..these days are better because everyone is being nice to one another. Season of love, season of nice it'd be if everyone is like that nice if I feel so loved everyday that I would always feel like passing it on..
I feel really bad for treating people badly. I'm sorry. It's because I'm not feeling that good myself..people who are hurt tend to hurt others unintentionally because they are hurt themselves..and the only way is for someone else to take away the hurt..but I'm thankful..and I'm gonna say this although somehow whenever I say something is good/ I'm okay, things go the other way if I'm not allowed to say good things..
Anyway..thankful for that pat on my shoulder today..thankful for that prayer..thankful for a listening ear..thankful that I don't have to share what I don't wanna share..oh and..thankful for that message..which was really unexpected..which I'd have completely missed because I haven't been checking social media much these days..and unexpected encouragement from the most unexpected person does seem to be able to make you feel unexpectedly thank God for it.
Thank you. Because things really do seem pretty bleak when you're tired and feel like you're losing/ have lost faith in humanity.
Circumstances can really change your perspective of life. I pray for a positive perspective of life even when the going gets tough..I pray for my spirit to be light even when things threaten to weigh me down..I pray to be able to love people even when I don't feel the same from them..I pray to always have hope no matter how many times I get that I can always love those around me..
Things will get better..things will always get better..cause if it's not's not the end. :)
/Pretty sure I'm not going through this cause I need to relate to someone but because of my own choices..haha but it's cool if God uses this experience just so someone else would feel better and won't feel as alone as I did..I wish I can tell everyone that if they ever need a listening ear for anything..I'll be there cause I know how horrible it is not to have one. But the irony is..maybe I don't really wanna hear everyone out..because maybe part of what someone says has got to do with me..but okay la that's just one person and I guess he just has to find someone else to pour out his heart to la haha..but I really feel is when people pour their hearts out..when people are vulnerable that I feel like we're all human and we all just really need someone..
Ah's really not easy to be nice to someone who has hurt you like crazy..emotions can overwhelm you..and make you forget the bigger picture..that's when you need friends to remind you of the bigger picture..when I think of how short life is..then it's like "aiya..whatever la..don't wanna be angry or anything also.." but's just not that's never that easy..but God..I pray You'll just give me joy and strength every day to face I can continue to be an encouragement to people..haha
And if I might just be a bit more demanding, can I pray also for more unexpected encouragement from people? Haha I didn't realise how much it'd impact me until I experienced it..and I also pray for more ears that listen maybe? And more importantly, I pray that I won't take these people for granted and will be able to do the same for them when they need one.
Help me to focus on the positive things of me to remember the good they've done..thank You God..thank You God..
/Oh oh before I forget, I just wanna say that I love reading other people's blogs when I can relate to them especially when I'm not feeling good cause I feel like I'm not alone in it hahaha
Please look at what I wrote in 2011..
"oh yea and I had this thought earlier on - so many girls put all their hopes in their relationship. And end up feeling insecure and confused..even though they keep trying to tell themselves that it'll all work out, and even though they do have happy moments with their boyfriends, I seriously think that such times are just temporal..I've seen so many of such examples..and I never ever wanna be like them! I wanna put all of hope in God and God alone! =D Cause God's the only one who will never ever fail you. That's why it's so important to have a close relationship with God! =D"
Hahahahaa ironic that I ended up being the kind of girl I didn't wanna be..HAHA JOKEEEE..I'm sorry for judging you all 3 years ago!! I now know how hard it is NOT to fall into that trap even with a stable relationship with God..hahaha what a lesson learnt the hard way! See what I mean when I say "somehow whenever I say something is good/ I'm okay, things go the other way if I'm not allowed to say good things"..hahahaha joke if I'm using my phone now I think this warrants a lot of the laugh cry emoji!!
And it's weird how I saw that cause my tagboard is so dead that when I scroll through old messages I still can see those sent in 2011 hahaha
Hahahaha I'm still here. Forgot to say something I usually say at the end of every blog post!! God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =D okay REALLY GONNA BATHE NOW! Hahaha
/Oh oh before I forget, I just wanna say that I love reading other people's blogs when I can relate to them especially when I'm not feeling good cause I feel like I'm not alone in it hahaha
Please look at what I wrote in 2011..
"oh yea and I had this thought earlier on - so many girls put all their hopes in their relationship. And end up feeling insecure and confused..even though they keep trying to tell themselves that it'll all work out, and even though they do have happy moments with their boyfriends, I seriously think that such times are just temporal..I've seen so many of such examples..and I never ever wanna be like them! I wanna put all of hope in God and God alone! =D Cause God's the only one who will never ever fail you. That's why it's so important to have a close relationship with God! =D"
Hahahahaa ironic that I ended up being the kind of girl I didn't wanna be..HAHA JOKEEEE..I'm sorry for judging you all 3 years ago!! I now know how hard it is NOT to fall into that trap even with a stable relationship with God..hahaha what a lesson learnt the hard way! See what I mean when I say "somehow whenever I say something is good/ I'm okay, things go the other way if I'm not allowed to say good things"..hahahaha joke if I'm using my phone now I think this warrants a lot of the laugh cry emoji!!
And it's weird how I saw that cause my tagboard is so dead that when I scroll through old messages I still can see those sent in 2011 hahaha
Hahahaha I'm still here. Forgot to say something I usually say at the end of every blog post!! God bless, take care & byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! =D okay REALLY GONNA BATHE NOW! Hahaha
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Bangkok Trip!
Haha I thought I better write down everything I want to before I forget!! So here goes!!
There was so much to thank God for!!
Including the good weather which was better than I expected!! Haha though there were slight drizzles, it didn't really dampen our mood! =D and also, none of us fell sick or got a stomachache from eating too much food!! Hahaha oh yea and thank God for providing the strength and energy we needed even though we were so tired from the lack of sleep!! It's really amazing how I managed to wake up so early (6/7am) when I would be waking up at 11plus before the trip hahaha so yea really thank God I survived!! 🎉🎉🎉 and last but not least, thank God we didn't get robbed or anything!! =D
Oh yea along the way because I felt like everything is so surreal and like I'm still in Singapore, I started writing the differences I observed! Haha so apart from the different language, there were:
- Tuk tuk!!
Honestly one of the best parts of the Bangkok trip hahaha wished it could have gone faster though!! Love feeling the wind in my hair hahaha 🍃
- Pink cabs
Haha you'd see them everywhere! Such a bright and cheery colour! :)
- Food court card
In every food court you HAVE to use the card!! Lol I was so stumped the first time when I handed cash to the stallholder and she gestured at somewhere else and said "card!" Haha
- Tissue box on every (eating) table! =D
Love it! So convenient! Haha and good for lazy people like me hahaha and it wasn't just in the food courts! You'd find them even on the streets as long as the stall is selling food and there are tables around! 😄👍
- Floating market!
Haha so nice buying and eating food on the boat as you go along the market!! Really cool experience!! =D
- No proper bus terminals
Haha we just stood at some random spots to wait for the bus! No bus shelter, no seats, no signs, no indication that it was a bus stop at all at some places!! Haha I'm still amazed that the locals know exactly where the bus stops are even though the system is so disorganized! Haha
- Bus conductors instead of ezlink card system!
So cool and old-school! Haha they would give you paper tickets just like how SG used to do it in the 80s!!
- BTS system! The card and token!
Haha yea like I mentioned the transport system is disorganized and not uniform!! So unlike Singapore, you don't use a single card for all your transport needs to get around the country! They use the card at some stations and a little round red token at some others! And instead of tapping your token to get out of the station, you'd have to slot it into the machine when you get off! Haha pretty interesting! :)
- No "dividers" for seats on the train from airport!
Haha I thought it's a pretty clever way to maximize space! But I was told it wouldn't work in Singapore cause people would complain of others sitting too close to them and it would increase opportunities for chee ko peks to prey on young girls 😪 haha oh well!!
Haha yea that's about it!! Haha quite tired now cause we all woke up early everyday so we could explore more places haha and I woke up early again today for the June camp! But thank God I managed to take a nap in the afternoon so it isn't too bad!
Haha yup so God bless, take care and byeeeeeeeeeeeee!! =D
Friday, January 03, 2014
Memories to treasure always
Was packing my stuff and I realised I'm so, so blessed. More than I can ever imagine.
My mum did this handmade card/booklet for me for my 6th birthday and took special effort to put captions for every single picture she printed. If I didn't remember wrongly she said her colleagues helped to do some of the drawings. Sweet daooooo..
Hahahaha super funny I was trying to name all the characters I saw in the booklet but it looks like I got them all wrong!

My mummy is so awesome..!!
I also found this card my maid made for me when I was 12..super touching really..God has really used people around me to speak to me..such words of wisdom..thank you so much Aunty!! Yes indeed..9 years on, God is still the one guiding and helping me to make my dreams come true :')
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